Preschool teacher assistant interview questions and answers

When interviewing for a teaching assistant (TA) position, you really want to do everything you can to show the interviewer your passion for teaching and working with children. While you should always be prepared for common job interview questions, there are a few TA-specific questions that you’ll want to make sure you have practiced before hand.

Why do you want to be a teaching assistant?

This question allows the interviewer to make sure you aren't just looking for any job and are genuinely interested in the position.

"My previous position was at an after school facility. As I worked there, I developed a passion for working with children. I feel that as a teacher's assistant I'll be able to play a more hands-on role in child development, which I believe starts in the classroom."

Why is the role of teaching assistant important?

Explain what role you think this position would serve and why it would be beneficial to the teacher.

"The role as a teaching assistant is vital because it allows the teacher to dedicate all their efforts to giving as much attention and guidance as possible to the children. A TA takes care of the smaller details, such as grading papers, sorting paperwork, etc. so that they can focus on the bigger picture of imparting knowledge onto the students."

If two kids are disrupting the class by talking and giggling, what would you do?

As a TA, there may be times where you have to discipline a child or handle behavioral issues. Elaborate on how you would resolve this situation.

"If two students were disrupting the class and didn't seem to be paying attention, I would separate them on opposite sides of the classroom. This way they are still a part of the learning environment without having the ability to converse and disturb the rest of the class."

Does learning have to be fun?

Feel free to voice your honest opinion, however you want to make sure the interviewer doesn't think you will be boring or too focused on fun.

"It is not mandatory for learning to be fun, however I would advise against a cookie-cutter approach. Students are more prone to participating and retaining the information if they are engaged. Fun and education don't have to be mutually exclusive and I prefer the two to work together cohesively."

If you and the teacher disagree on something, how would you resolve it?

The employer is looking to see that you know how to work with others and respect the hierarchy, while still holding your ground.

"If the teacher and I were ever to have a disagreement, I would keep in mind that it is their class so they have the authority and the final say. However, if I feel as though I have an idea that could be beneficial in the classroom I will stand behind it and do my best to persuade them to implement it."

Tell me about a time you successfully worked with a group of children.

In order to be a successful teaching assistant, you need to be skilled at working with children. Pick an example that will reflect that.

"In my last position, at the after school facility I mentioned earlier, I worked with children day in and day out. As soon as everyone arrived each day, we would start off by playing a game. I would set up the activity and make sure every child was participating and enjoying themselves. It allowed the kids to have some social time to get to know each other and have some fun before starting their homework. Because of all the preparation before hand, every game went off without a hitch."

Alex is a Growth Marketing Manager at Snagajob, where she works with sales to help connect businesses with the right workers. Her first hourly job was as a barista at Caribou Coffee.

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Assistant Preschool Teacher interview questions shared by candidates

Top Interview Questions

Preschool teacher assistant interview questions and answers

Where do you see yourself in five years?

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I see me in five years to now working here, as a great teacher growing up with this wonderful school as a professional and human begin. Less

Working as a preschool teacher, making a difference in children’s and families’ lives, and continuing to build my professional development Less

Preschool teacher assistant interview questions and answers

How I would handle a situation where we were understaffed and I had too many kids in my care.

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Agreed! My answer would be that state laws dictate student to teacher ratios. Now I understand that sometimes there’s an exception and when in that situation you have to take all the children and engage them in something like reading a book playing a game or setting up an art activity depending on the age of the children Less

I didn't say this, bu I thought it a little concerning that they were expecting to have taken in more kids than they were able to accommodate. Less

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Who do you think are the customers at the learning center, the parents or the children?

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Because they're the ones you're providing premier customer service to

The children and explained why

Preschool teacher assistant interview questions and answers

What are you going to school in, what is your schedule and how many hours are you looking for?

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I told them my classes were all online, that I was looking for full time work for at least 2 years before I enter more rigorous medical schooling. I added my flexibility with age ranges and that I can really see myself fitting in around here, especially because my daughter already likes it. Less

Preschool teacher assistant interview questions and answers

Preschool teacher assistant interview questions and answers

Basically just if I had experience

1 Answers

I shared my past experience for 10+ years ago. It was enough for them!

Preschool teacher assistant interview questions and answers

They asked my working experiences with kids

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I told them my working experiences (babysitting etc.)

Preschool teacher assistant interview questions and answers

What can you bring to the table as an assistant pre-k teacher?

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My x amount of years of experience have led me to be able to help x age with reading small words and writing their names. Being able to properly hold a pencil, etc. Less

Preschool teacher assistant interview questions and answers

They asked if I would take a class to continue my education for Early Education.

1 Answers

Yes, How soon after starting to I have to begin or finish the course? Answer: 9 months- fair to me Less

Preschool teacher assistant interview questions and answers

What is your best behavior management tool?

1 Answers

See Interview Questions for Similar Jobs

How do I prepare for a preschool teacher assistant interview?

General preschool teacher assistant interview questions.
What is your availability for work?.
What is your strongest soft skill?.
What is your strongest technical skill?.
What abilities would you like to improve?.
Where do you see yourself in the next five years?.
Why do you want to be a teacher's assistant?.

What questions will I be asked at a teaching assistant interview?

General questions.
Walk me through your resume..
Why do you want to be a teacher assistant?.
What is the greatest strength that you think you bring to this role?.
What do you think is your greatest weakness?.
Why are you interested in working at this school?.
Describe for me how you view the role of a teaching assistant?.

What should I say in a teaching assistant interview?

Model Answer: “As well as being hardworking, approachable and good with children, I have a number of qualities which I could bring to the Teaching Assistant role. I am an extremely patient person and I am willing to spend as much time working on one subject, word or calculation as a child needs.

How do I prepare for a teaching assistant interview?

Before the interview, identify your attributes and strengths, and align these with what the school is looking for. Think about the qualities that a teaching assistant should possess; patience, empathy, approachability and a caring nature are all attributes that you should be looking to showcase within your answer.