Procurement specialist interview questions and answers pdf

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Procurement Specialist interview questions shared by candidates

Top Interview Questions

Procurement specialist interview questions and answers pdf

Give us an example where you previously used procurement knowledge and also high analytical thinking.

1 Answers

Extensive RFP evaluation and strategy for go forward approach.

Procurement specialist interview questions and answers pdf

The question ranged from development of procurement, acquisition strategy, administration methods and closeout familiarity. Additionally, personality was discussed and ascertained.

1 Answers

Response was thorough. I verbally developed a sample Request for Proposal and took the Director through each of the stages through audit and closeout. Less

Procurement specialist interview questions and answers pdf

Your supplier ran out of resin and you have a delivery to a customer today. What do you do? How would you improve this package? Name three cost savings that could be made to this package?

1 Answers

Call supplier ask why they ran out of resin and get name of vendor the supplier purchases resin from . Place a resin order with suppliers vendor @ their cost or @ an even lower cost and ask what action they are to take to prevent this on future resin orders. Due to inventory discrepancy @ supplier negotiate the below cost supplier should agree with. 1) purchase from suppliers vendor @ supplier cost 2) supplier responsible for freight bill 3)Supplier pay cost for same day delivery fee to expedite Less

Procurement specialist interview questions and answers pdf

If you were a brick in a wall which brick would you be and why?

11 Answers

Having been a brick layer during college, I learned that each brick is at least slightly different, and the placement of a brick is essential to the overall performance of the wall. Here are some brick laying tips to consider when formulating a response to this question: - The first brick layed at the corner of a wall determines the position of every other brick in that wall. - One brick laid with too large of a head joint, or not being level or plumb can effect rows of brick beside and above it. - A soldier course of brick provides visual interest to an otherwise monotonous wall. -Bricks are made of natural clay fired in a kiln; close up each brick has a slightly different design , texture, shape, and color patterns, though all have almost exactly the same basic dimensions, though these can also vary. The keystone, or last brick placed in an arch helps support all the weight above the arch (which equally distributes that weight to the ground). Every brick in the arch shares the load equally. - I invite other masons to post further food for thought. Less

These are what I call questions from the Barbara Walters' School of Human Resources. Questions like this one are asked when the interviewer is in over his/her head and knows nothing about the job he/she is interviewing the candidate for. Recall the widely ridiculed Katharine Hepburn interview (1981) where Walters asked the now infamous "If you were a tree" question. I have been asked a dozen variations of this question (fish, tattoo, wall, etc). I even laughed in an interviewer's face the first time thinking that because I had a media background she was making a Barbara Walters joke. She, sadly, was serious. This question is a warning that you're not dealing with an engaged interviewer and in my experience, it's a red flag about the company when they send ill-prepared interviewers to make all important first impressions. In other words, do more research before accepting an offer from such a company. Lest you find yourself a doer in a company of B.S.ers. Less

This could be a very insightful or very stupid question - depending on who asked it. Viewing the wall as the organization, are you going to fit in? (strength in numbers angle), Or it could be a "are you a dull minded follower" as in Pink Floyd's "The Wall", All in all, just another odd question LOL Less

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Procurement specialist interview questions and answers pdf

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

5 Answers

Managing a team of juniors to deliver an independent work steam

The day I registered my idea and got succes

In same company where I can not find any reason to leave.

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Procurement specialist interview questions and answers pdf

Introduction and work experience. Why you want to join the company Why you left the previous job Strength and weakness

4 Answers

Elaborated my self and work experience. Answered all question and good interactive session about my goals and objectives Less

My Process has ramp down so looking for new opportunity. My Profile matches with your requirements. Less

Hardworking, detail oriented, Punctual, Positive attitude, Supportive & Patience. Less

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Procurement specialist interview questions and answers pdf

How will you ensure that a project you implement will also meet Unilever's goals and values?

4 Answers

Tough question with a lot of layers to it. Do a lot of research into Unilever's values - that's what made me fall in love with the company. Less

Hi! Did you automatically received a level 2 email after you submitted your online application form? or you waited for several weeks before receiving the level 2 (online games) email? :) Less

Hi! Would like to ask how did you answer the question above? I'm trying to apply for their procurement management programme. TIA! :) Less

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Procurement specialist interview questions and answers pdf

Explain what is procurement, P2P cycle

4 Answers

Procurement is the process of getting material to the shop floor for production order which was requested , keeping all the criteria like quality price, on time delivery etc Less

Procure to pay. Means procurement person has to know that from initial state to ending stage. Less

Procure to pay. Means we need know from initial stage to ending stage.

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Procurement specialist interview questions and answers pdf

Please describe a time in your career when you had a disagreement with a co-worker and how you resolved it.

3 Answers

They are not asking because vthey need an answer. do you not know this? They are asking to gauge how you handle the question. Less

I had same question. It seems they ask alot of HR questions vs experience questions. Less

I felt confused about the question, as a supervisor/manager, this type of question made me wonder if the company has a lot of internal conflict. Why would this question even come up unless the firm has a history of problems? When I questioned the recruiter, she became defensive and assured they did not have behavioral problems among workers/management in the organization. Less

Procurement specialist interview questions and answers pdf

Questions are situational so come prepared to tell them about real life work situations that you rescued

3 Answers

Boeing does use selected recruiting agencies for contract (temp) work. You will interview with Boeing though. Less

Overall experience was average. I worked at the company for 9 years

I received an email from a recruiting company for Boeing procurement agent in WA. Is this the norm? Or Boeing HR would contact you? Less

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