How would you handle an upset customer interview question

Some hiring managers ask behavioral job interview questions to test and analyze your reasoning abilities, problem-solving skills and decision-making strategies. When asked how you might handle an unhappy customer or a dissatisfied client, you must provide a well-constructed, thoughtful answer. The interviewer will also take your interpersonal skills into consideration, so avoid a harsh, cynical or apathetic response. The more you showcase your strong leadership skills, communication strengths and attentiveness to customer complaints, the better off you'll be.

Answer the Question Directly

Even if you're not 100 percent sure how you'd handle every situation with unhappy customers, offer specific pin-pointed answers to satisfy the interviewer. Take five to 15 seconds to think through your response and answer using words similar to those the interviewer used to ask the question. Don't launch out on your own tangents, even if you feel that you have important details to add to the interview. Stay focused and answer the question directly.


Customers deserve respect, so I would handle an unhappy customer by listening attentively to her concerns and addressing them within the parameters specified by corporate policy.

Stay Positive

Even if a customer is in the wrong, a hiring manager doesn't want to listen to a tirade about unrealistic customer expectations or unruly demands. The goal is to take a positive approach when answering the question. The interviewer wants assurance that you'll keep a level head even if a customer is rude, arrogant and demanding. You might not handle an unhappy customer the way the interviewer would, but a positive outlook will help you come across as a polite and amicable job applicant.


I always monitor customer feedback to ensure I'm not missing opportunities to make valuable adjustments and improve customer satisfaction.

The reply shows your willingness to reach out to customers. Incorporate positive buzz words such as compassionate, understanding, troubleshooting, accommodating, problem-solving and reconciliation into your answer.

Explore Solutions

Choose a specific example or scenario and explore one or two possible solutions. If you had to deal with an unhappy customer at your previous employment, use that experience to explain strategies that worked to appease him. Cite specific examples and look for creative ways to answer this type of behavioral interview question. Having a repository of work experience stories written down before an interview makes it easier to recall specific examples when you need them.


When a dissatisfied customer complained about the quality of one of our products at my prior retail job, I offered to provide a replacement free of cost.

An unhappy customer wanted me to conduct more tax research, so I offered to research new IRS publications.

Stand Your Ground

Don't give the hiring manager the impression that you're a weak push-over. Dealing with customer complaints doesn't mean you belittle the company, degrade your products or services or bend over backwards to accommodate unrealistic customer expectations. Assure the interviewer that you'd carefully examine all the details and provide excellent customer service, without compromising the integrity of the company. The old saying, "The customer is always right," has its limitations. Explain that you'd cautiously document the customer's concerns and get their contact information but wouldn't make rash decisions just to satisfy unruly demands. It's completely acceptable to admit to the hiring manager that some unhappy customers are never satisfied. Say you would try your best, but wouldn't fall apart if the outcome wasn't ideal. A hiring manager will appreciate you emotional stability and consistency as you handle a difficult customer situation that might otherwise escalate.


I believe in satisfying all reasonable customer complaints, but acknowledge the unreasonable will occur. When it does, I believe the customer should be treated respectfully but informed when a situation cannot be resolved to their satisfaction. For example, I would tell a customer who attempts to return a product after six months when a 90-day return policy exists that I am sorry I cannot accept their return due to the 90 day return policy. I would then suggest they contact the manufacturer if the product is defective in an attempt to resolve the problem.

How do you deal with upset clients interview question?

How to answer "How would you deal with a difficult customer?".
Listen carefully to the customer. ... .
Repeat what you've just heard. ... .
Actively sympathize / apologize. ... .
Take responsibility to resolve the issue. ... .
Remain calm and compassionate..

How do you handle an upset customer?

How to Deal with Angry Customers.
Remain calm..
Practice active listening..
Repeat back what your customers say..
Thank them for bringing the issue to your attention..
Explain the steps you'll take to solve the problem..
Set a time to follow up with them, if needed..
Be sincere..
Highlight the case's priority..

How do you answer Tell me about a time a customer was upset?

Use respectful language when describing a difficult customer. Choose words that demonstrate you understood why the customer felt upset or frustrated and that reflect your positive attitude. Provide a direct answer. Ensure you actually answer the question the interviewer asks you.