How to relieve sinus pressure with fingers

Stuffy nose? Maybe even a headache? Try these eight pressure points to help relieve your congestion!

Let's get started! Use your index fingers to press each side of the base of your nose and feel your sinuses open up.

Then, use your thumbs and index fingers to gently pinch the inner eyebrow. Feeling any better yet?

Next, use your index finger to apply pressure to the place where the eyebrow bone and eye socket meet.

Move your index fingers slightly and apply the same pressure to outer edge of eyebrow bone.

Then, move just above your cheekbone and below your eye socket to apply light pressure on this point.

Next, apply pressure to the inner corners where your eye and your nose meet. Do you feel any relief?

Here's a congestion pressure point you might not know of! Apply pressure with two fingers to the top of your sternum, just below where your collar bones meet.

To finish off this pressure point routine, use two fingers to apply pressure below the middle of your collar bone.

You know how uncomfortable sinus and nasal congestion can be, but have you ever wondered exactly what your sinuses are? And where they’re actually located? Understanding more about your sinuses can help you get some much-needed sinus and nasal congestion relief. The sinuses are a connected system of hollow cavities in your skull. Some sinus cavities may be about an inch across, while others are much smaller. Experts don’t know why we have sinuses but one theory is that they help humidify the air we breathe in. Another theory is that they help decrease the weight of the skull and enhance our voices. When you’re suffering from sinus congestion and pressure, you probably feel it most in your eyes, forehead and cheeks. That’s because these areas hold your largest sinus capillaries. Your cheekbones hold your maxillary sinuses (which are the largest), your forehead is home to your frontal sinuses, and the area between your eyes contains your ethmoid sinuses. There are also tiny sinuses called sphenoid sinuses located in the bones behind your nose. Your sinuses are lined with a soft, pink tissue called mucosa. When you’re healthy, your sinuses are empty, besides a thin layer of mucus. However, when you’re suffering from a cold or allergies, your sinuses may become inflamed and produce more mucus to fend off the intruders, whether it’s bacteria or allergens. When you’re suffering from sinus and nasal congestion, you may experience other body side effects such as a headache, ear pain, or neck and shoulder pain. So, how can you relieve sinus and nasal congestion? Try the following tips:

Nasal congestion, or a stuffy nose, is a common complaint. Some people find that stimulating pressure points in their sinuses helps relieve the issue and make breathing easier.

While many treatments for a stuffy nose, such as pills or nasal sprays, are available, they can cause side effects. This might lead a person to look for alternative or complementary ways to ease their congestion.

In this article, we look at what sinus pressure points are, where they are, and how to stimulate them.

The idea of pressure points comes from acupuncture, a form of traditional Chinese medicine. In acupuncture, practitioners stimulate specific points on the body using fine needles. The aim is to disperse Qi, or vital energy, that has become stagnant.

Acupressure involves stimulating these points through pressure instead of needles — it is noninvasive, and a person can try it at home. Some people report that stimulating sinus pressure points helps alleviate their nasal congestion.

Both acupuncture and acupressure are popular complementary therapies for nasal conditions in the United States. In a 2006 survey, researchers found that among over 300 licensed acupuncturists, 99% had treated clients for chronic sinus and nasal symptoms.

As the Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapists note, the main pressure points that may help with sinus congestion or pain are in the face.

The following table lists the names, locations, and benefits of each point. Note that the measurement “cun” refers to what acupuncturists also call a person’s “body inch” — the distance between the two joints of the middle finger.

Another point, GV23, may also help with general headaches. It is located in the center of the forehead, 1 cun behind the hairline.

In acupressure, a person stimulates specific pressure points using self-massage. The University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) recommend these steps for beginners:

  1. Relax in a comfortable position, close the eyes, and breathe deeply.
  2. Choose a pressure point and press it firmly with a finger.
  3. Move the finger in circles, or up and down, for several minutes.
  4. Use deep, firm pressure.
  5. Repeat this as often as needed.

A person can also ask another person to massage the pressure points for them. Practicing the technique consistently may lead to better results.

UCLA recommend using acupressure with the supervision of a doctor. Pressure point stimulation should not hurt. If it does, reduce the pressure or stop the massage.

Learn other massage techniques that can help drain the sinuses.

There is limited research into the effectiveness of acupressure for sinus conditions. Many of the studies in this area focus on traditional acupuncture instead.

For example, in a small 2009 study in the American Journal of Rhinology and Allergy, researchers reported that traditional acupuncture significantly improved nasal symptoms, compared with a placebo version of the treatment.

It is important to note that this study did not investigate acupressure and only included 24 participants.

A 2018 review of four studies that had investigated acupressure treatment for respiratory allergies, including those that cause nasal inflammation and stuffiness, found inconclusive results. Due to the small number of trials and the high or unclear risk of bias, the researchers could not assess whether acupressure was effective.

Overall, scientists need to carry out larger, higher-quality studies of acupressure to tell whether it can relieve nasal and sinus congestion and other symptoms.

Here are six other home remedies for sinus congestion.

While acupressure may help relieve nasal symptoms, some sinus conditions require professional care. A person should speak to a doctor if they experience:

  • persistent pain in the nose, forehead, or around the eyes
  • signs of an infection, such as swelling or a fever
  • difficulty breathing through the nose

Anyone having significant difficulty breathing through the nose or the mouth should call 911 or otherwise seek emergency care.

Acupressure involves stimulating specific points on the body with massage. It is different from acupuncture, which involves using needles.

A person can practice acupressure on themselves, and some find that it helps relieve nasal congestion and make breathing easier.

More scientific evidence is needed to confirm that acupressure is an effective treatment for sinus conditions. However, anecdotal reports suggest that it may help manage the symptoms, with little risk of side effects.

Anyone who has persistent pain or symptoms that indicate an infection, such as swelling or a fever, should contact a doctor.

How do you drain sinuses with your hands?

Place each of your index and middle fingers on either side of your nose, just between your cheekbones and upper jaw. Try using your thumbs instead of your index fingers for stronger pressure. Gently massage this area using a circular motion. Repeat for around 30 seconds to a minute.

What is the fastest way to relieve sinus pressure?

Breathe in steam. Breathing in hot, moist air can relieve sinus pain and pressure. ... .
Turn on a humidifier. Using a clean humidifier to moisten the air of your home may be helpful for sinus pain relief..
Use nasal saline rinses. ... .
Elevate your head. ... .
Use a warm compress. ... .
Get some rest. ... .
Stay hydrated..

How do I clear my sinuses from my thumb?

1. Use your thumb and tongue. Gently press the area between your eyebrows with your thumb for 3 to 4 seconds, then thrust your tongue against the roof of your mouth. Switching between these two moves targets your ethmoid and vomer bones, which subtly shift back and forth and push fluid out of your sinuses, says Dr.