How to make glucose syrup from glucose powder

glucose powder

Last Updated : Dec 23,2020

Viewed 50176 times

How to make glucose syrup from glucose powder

Glucose powder is corn syrup solids in a convenient powder form. It is water soluble and is widely used in the preparation of foods, beverages, baking, canning and the pharmaceutical industry. It can be used as a direct substitute for granulated sugar. Glucose powder is easier to dissolve, ferments faster and leaves less sediment. Apart from the plain form, glucose powder is also available in different flavours like orange and lime. Glucose powders are used in protein powders and can be had with water, whey or milk.

How to select glucose powder

• Check the use-by date before buying.
• Choose a good brand to avoid adulteration.
• The powder should be without any lumps and discoloration.
• Select the flavour as per your preference or recipe requirement.

Culinary Uses of glucose powder

• Glucose powder is used in many baking products like cake mixes and frostings, snack foods like cookies, crackers and pretzels, and desserts like custards and ice creams.
• It is used in sorbets or ice creams to avoid water crystallisation.
• In confectionaries, it helps keep the product smooth.

How to store glucose powder

• Keep in a cool, dry environment for up to 12 months.

Health benefits of glucose powder


• Glucose powder is a good source of energy.
• Glucose powder helps to replenish the energy stores.

How to make glucose syrup from glucose powder


How to make glucose syrup from glucose powder

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How to make glucose syrup from glucose powder

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How to make glucose syrup from glucose powder

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Converting powdered glucose into liquid glucose

So I had the adventure of figuring out how to make a nice thick goey glucose syrup out of powdered glucose. You would think this would be easy but I still have a spoon stuck in a container of rock hard glucose from my first attempt.

Looking online is not terribly helpful as most of the people dont seem to be using glucose for baking and recommend an almost 1 to 1 ratio with water. This will give you a lovely syrup but not the desired effect. As well cooking this syrup to make it thicker leads to the spoon situation I mentioned earlier. Thus I am making a tutorial for other lost souls whose chef ordered the wrong thing.

After several failed attempts this is my method for a successful high viscosity glucose syrup. Pour your glucose powder into a pot and (most important part *) add water little by little until it is just saturated. It will be lumpy and hard to stir with maybe some dry glucose stuck in pockets but thats not a huge deal as long as the majority is wet looking.

Place on burner and heat until it just comes to a boil or all of the chunkies have a chance to kind of melt away. Remove immediately and transfer to a container with an airtight lid. Do not cook longer than that or it gets to hard , it wont be perfectly clear for a couple of weeks since it take a long time for the air to escape out of the glucose syrup.

Once cooled to room temperature this should be a nice thick goey mess you can pick up easily (wet hands recommended)  and add to recipes. 

How to make glucose syrup from glucose powder
How to make glucose syrup from glucose powder

How to make glucose syrup from glucose powder
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How to make glucose syrup from glucose powder

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How to make glucose syrup from glucose powder

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Can you make glucose syrup out of glucose powder?

Glucose syrups contain 70-91% w/v solids, with at least 20% dextrose. If you're mixing glucose powder and water only, use 70g-91g glucose for every 30g (30mL) water, and heat the mixture in a double boiler (or carefully in a saucepan) until all sugar is completely dissolved. It will be thick!

How do you make glucose syrup from glucose?

In a saucepan add all the ingredients and let them simmer as u stir till all the sugar is dissolved..
Turn low the heat and cover the saucepan then let the mixture simmer for five minutes till it thickens..
Pour in a jar and let it cool then cover and store or use..

Can you use glucose powder instead of syrup?

It will mix easily with various food ingredients and can be diluted by mixing in water. If you are replacing Glucose Syrup with Glucose Powder, use 75g of Glucose Powder instead of 100g of glucose syrup.

What can I do with powdered glucose?

Glucose powder is used in many baking products like cake mixes and frostings, snack foods like cookies, crackers and pretzels, and desserts like custards and ice creams. It is used in sorbets or ice creams to avoid water crystallisation. In confectionaries, it helps keep the product smooth.