When can you use toothpaste after wisdom teeth removal

When can you use toothpaste after wisdom teeth removal

Are you or your loved one about to have wisdom teeth extracted?

You’ve come to the right place!

You likely have questions about the procedure and post-op care, such as:

“Can I brush my teeth after wisdom teeth removal?”

In this blog, you’ll find the answer to that and more.

Can you brush your teeth after wisdom teeth removal?

The short answer:

The American Dental Association… This text opens a new tab to the ADA website… recommends only brushing and flossing the other teeth that aren’t near the teeth sockets 24 hours after your procedure.


During this time, you shouldn’t brush the teeth surrounding the healing teeth sockets.

Brushing the surrounding teeth can aggravate the extraction sites and cause the stitches to break.

This can cause discomfort and ultimately prolong your healing time because it can prevent blood clots from forming or cause dry sockets.

What’s a dry socket?

A dry socket is a painful condition when the blood clots dissolve or dislodge from the extraction site before your mouth heals, exposing your gums and nerve tissues.

It’s vital that clots form, as they serve as a protective layer over the teeth sockets.

They essentially shield the underlying bones, gums, and nerve tissue from any harmful bacteria or plaque.

Note: If you believe you may be suffering from a dry socket or have concerns, contact your dentist immediately. They’ll provide you with treatment to alleviate your pain and encourage proper healing.

Learn More About Wisdom Tooth Extraction

How do you brush your teeth after wisdom teeth removal?

On the first post-operative day, begin brushing your teeth and the healing sockets. You should also brush your tongue to eliminate any bad bacteria.

It’s normal to have an unpleasant taste in your mouth for a few days after the surgery.

But remember to be very gentle while cleaning your mouth.

Don’t use an electric toothbrush for at least two weeks after the procedure because the speed and strength of the brush are more difficult to control.

Our periodontist in Issaquah recommends that you use a soft-bristled toothbrush and nonabrasive toothpaste.

You should brush your teeth using slow circular motions.

Keep in mind:

You shouldn’t spit the toothpaste out for the first five days following your wisdom teeth removal because this could cause the blood clots to loosen.

Instead, you should allow the toothpaste to drool out of your mouth.

And don’t rinse your mouth vigorously after you brush. Just let that drool out of your mouth as well.

Have any more questions about wisdom teeth removal?

Our periodontal specialists at Implant & Periodontic Specialists would be happy to help you.

Dr. Neal Raval, Dr. Stephan Kohnen, and Dr. Eddie Lee are highly skilled periodontists in Bellevue who have had advanced training to give you the best results.

Using a combination of compassion and the latest techniques, they’ll provide you with a positive, comfortable experience and the best periodontal services in Issaquah or Bellevue.

Schedule a consultation for wisdom teeth removal today.

Get in contact with our office here:

  • Give us a call at 425-453-1010
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Implant and Periodontic Specialists offers wisdom teeth removal in our Bellevue… This text opens a new tab to our Bellevue Google listing…and Issaquah… This text opens a new tab to our Issaquah Google listing… offices and is currently welcoming patients in the Greater Seattle Area.

You probably have a few questions if you are about to have your wisdom teeth removed. These might include: when can I brush my teeth after a wisdom teeth removal, and can I use mouthwash?

Clinique MFML’s maxillofacial surgeons answer these questions for you.

The day of the wisdom teeth removal

Do not brush your teeth on the day of your wisdom teeth removal. The first 24 hours after extraction are very important for the healing process and it is important not to interfere with this process since it could cause an infection. In fact, infections are one of the possible wisdom teeth removal complications.

If you brush your teeth directly or shortly after the procedure, you risk displacing the stitches.

The day after the wisdom teeth removal

Unless otherwise indicated, you can start brushing your teeth again the day after the wisdom teeth removal. Keeping the area clean also helps prevent infection.

However, avoid brushing too close to the area where the teeth were removed since the healing process is still ongoing.

Choose a soft-bristled toothbrush and brush your teeth using slow circular motions.

Most importantly, do not spit the toothpaste. This can dislodge the blood clot that has formed.

72 hours after the wisdom teeth removal

You can start brushing your teeth normally 72 hours after the wisdom teeth are removed. You should still avoid brushing too close to the removal area since it is still healing.

What to do if there is bleeding when brushing your teeth

If there is bleeding when brushing your teeth, take a 2 x 2 compress and gently bite down on it for a few minutes. Read our postoperative instructions for more information on what to do after a wisdom teeth removal.

Can you use mouthwash after a wisdom teeth removal?

The day of the wisdom teeth removal

You should not spit or gargle excessively on the day of the wisdom teeth removal since this could dislodge the blood clot. Mouthwash should not be used on the day of wisdom tooth extraction.

The day after the wisdom teeth removal

The day after the removal, you can start gently rinsing your mouth with a little warm salted water. We recommend that you mix 1/3 teaspoon of salt in 250ml of warm water, or use the mouthwash that has been prescribed to you.

Do not spit the solution. Tilt your head to one side then to the other to rinse the affected area with the solution for at least 30 seconds. Then open your mouth and let the water run off gently without spitting it out.

Rinse your mouth using this technique until completely healed or as directed by your maxillofacial surgeon.

Rinsing your mouth and brushing your teeth after a wisdom teeth removal

This concludes our overview. Now you know when to brush your teeth after a wisdom tooth removal. You also know when and how to rinse your mouth after a wisdom teeth removal.

To deepen your knowledge, we invite you to read our article What are the various surgical techniques for wisdom tooth removal? You will learn more about the wisdom teeth removal procedure.

When can I use toothpaste after wisdom teeth?

Regardless of the type of extraction you get, it can take up to two weeks to recover from tooth extraction. Dentists typically recommend waiting to brush your teeth with toothpaste for at least three days after having a tooth pulled.

When can I use whitening toothpaste after tooth extraction?

Anything containing HYDROGEN PEROXIDE WILL CAUSE A DRY SOCKET, including whitening toothpastes. Avoid whitening toothpastes for 5 days after the extractions are done. Just use a standard toothpaste without whitening. Drink lots of fluid and eat nutritious soft food on the day of the extraction.