When can i brush my teeth with toothpaste after wisdom teeth removal

When can i brush my teeth with toothpaste after wisdom teeth removal

25 Feb Tips for Brushing Your Teeth After Wisdom Teeth Removal

Posted at 13:16h in Dentist 0 Comments

The majority of patients in Quincy and Norwell will undergo wisdom teeth removal surgery. This is a common procedure that many dentists recommend. Wisdom teeth do not serve a beneficial purpose, but they can disrupt your oral health in several ways. 

To ensure your mouth heals correctly after wisdom teeth extraction, you must be diligent with your dental care. Failing to keep the mouth clean may lead to complications including infection, delayed healing, and dry sockets. 

However, many patients experience significant discomfort after wisdom teeth extraction. The swelling and soreness may make you hesitant to brush your teeth. This leads to many people wondering “when can you brush your teeth after wisdom teeth removal?”

Today we’ll tell you everything you need to know about when and how to brush your teeth after wisdom teeth extraction. 

When Can I start Brushing Again?

The first question is “when can you brush your teeth after wisdom teeth removal?”

After surgery, you’ll be quite sore. It may take several hours for the swelling in your mouth to go down as well. On the same day of surgery, you should not brush near the extraction site. 

However, you should start normal brushing again the very next day, according to the American Dental Association. You will certainly want to be careful and gentle, but you should resume full brushing the day right after wisdom tooth extraction. 

Tips For Brushing After Wisdom Tooth Removal 

Follow the instructions of your dentist regarding when to start brushing after wisdom tooth removal. Most often, they will instruct you to start brushing the next day. 

In the first two or so weeks after the surgery, you may need to be extra cautious with brushing. Here’s what you need to know about how to brush your teeth after wisdom tooth extraction:

  • Be extra careful near the extraction site. Brush slowly. 
  • Choose a soft-bristled toothbrush. 
  • Do not rush, take your time to brush thoroughly and safely. 
  • After eating or drinking, mix warm water and salt and swish it in your mouth. 
  • Use gentle (not vigorous) swishing when rinsing your mouth. 
  • Consider a milder toothpaste to avoid irritation.

Wisdom Tooth Removal in Quincy and Norwell, MA

Brushing your teeth is vital for recovery after wisdom tooth extraction. Even though it may seem frightening, you can safely brush the day after the procedure. Still, brush with care to avoid disrupting the extraction site. 

Now that you know about brushing your teeth after wisdom teeth removal, you just need an experienced dentist on your side. Advanced Dental Arts offers wisdom teeth removal in Quincy and Norwell. We can help you determine if a wisdom tooth extraction is for you, and then help you with every step of the process. For wisdom tooth extraction you can trust, visit our dental practice today. 

Book your appointment now for a wisdom tooth removal consultation! 

When can i brush my teeth with toothpaste after wisdom teeth removal

A common question that patients ask their dentists after having their wisdom teeth removed is whether they can brush their teeth normally or should they wait for some time. If you have also recently undergone wisdom tooth removal and are searching for an answer to this question, this blog is for you. So, continue reading to learn everything you need to know about wisdom tooth removal aftercare. 

Can I Use Any Toothpaste After The Day Of 4 Teeth Extraction?

Dentists recommend not using toothpaste for 3-4 days after wisdom tooth removal. Instead, you can brush your teeth and the extraction site using a soft-bristled toothbrush and using gentle force, without applying toothpaste. The reason toothpaste should not be used for the first 4 days after a wisdom tooth extraction is that doing so requires the toothpaste to be spat out. Unfortunately, if the toothpaste is spat out, it puts pressure on the blood clot that forms at the surgical site and may lead to its dislodging. The blood clot that forms at the surgical site is key to optimal bone and soft tissue healing. That is why dentists recommend not using toothpaste for 3-4 days after third molar surgery. 

How Do I Brush My Teeth After A Tooth Extraction?

As discussed earlier, a blood clot forms at the surgical site following a tooth extraction. This blood plays a vital role in the optimal healing of the bone and surrounding tissues. Therefore, to prevent the blood clot from dislodging, several things must be kept in mind after tooth extraction. First, one should avoid brushing or rinsing the mouth for the first 24 hours after the surgery. Afterwards, a toothbrush can be used without toothpaste to prevent it from getting too close to the surgical site. Also, you should avoid swishing in the oral cavity or using mouthwash for a few days as it can also disrupt the blood clot. 

What Is The Yellow Stuff Coming Out Of My Wisdom Tooth Hole?

The exudation of yellow-coloured fluid from a wisdom tooth extraction site could be various reasons. First, the yellow fluid might be pus or inflammatory fluid, which indicates underlying infection. In other cases, oozing a yellow- or white-coloured substance from a wisdom tooth extraction site could be because of the normal healing process. To help subside the inflammation, you may rinse your mouth with salt water. In case the appearance of the yellow substance is accompanied by pain, bad breath, discomfort and fever, you shoud consult your dentist as it may be due to another condition called a “dry socket”, which indicates poor healing of the surgical site due to the dislodging of the blood clot. 

What Is The Best Way To Clean Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth are often difficult to clean as they lie at the back of the mouth. As a result, the bristles of a toothbrush cannot clean the back surfaces of the wisdom teeth, making them vulnerable to tooth decay, periodontal disease, and pericoronitis (if wholly or partially unerupted). To ensure that your wisdom teeth remain healthy and cavity-free, you should ensure optimal oral hygiene through regular brushing and flossing. You can also use Waterpik, a device that squirts a pressurised stream of water and prevents plaque and tartar formation. Furthermore, regular dental checkups also go a long way in keeping your third molars healthy and cavity-free. 

How Does A Dislodged Blood Clot Look From A Teeth Extraction?

The development of a high-quality blood clot after a tooth extraction is essential for optimal healing. In case the blood fails to develop or get dislodged afterwards, it can significantly affect the healing process, and this condition is known as a dry socket. An extraction site with a dislodged clot often appears full of food debris. Besides, dry socket results in severe pain and also bad breath due to the decomposition of the food particles in the tooth socket. 

How To Treat A Swollen Face After Removing Wisdom Teeth?

If someone has a swollen face after wisdom tooth extraction, it indicates an underlying infection. The swelling one or both sides of the face indicates the presence of pus due to inflammation. In these situations, dentists place surgical drains that help with the removal of the pus. At the same time, they prescribe antibiotics to subside the severity of the infection. Painkillers are also given to reduce the pain and discomfort. 

What Is The After Care Of Wisdom Teeth Removal?

There are several things you should take care of after getting a wisdom tooth removed. These include:

  1. Avoid using toothpaste for the first 2-3 days 
  2. Avoid touching the extraction site with your fingers or tongue 
  3. Eat a soft diet such as cereals, boiled vegetables and mashed fruits or potatoes
  4. Avoid smoking for a few weeks after surgery
  5. Gently rinse your mouth with lukewarm salt water. It helps in reducing the pain and swelling 

How To Recover Quickly From Getting My Wisdom Teeth Removed?

It is common to have some pain, swelling, and discomfort after oral surgery. However, there are certain measures you can undertake to accelerate the healing process. These include:

  • Maintaining optimal oral hygiene 
  • Salt water rinses 
  • Taking a soft diet 
  • Painkillers to reduce the pain and swelling 

If you frequently experience swelling and discomfort in one of your wisdom teeth, it might be because of a condition called pericoronitis. Such wisdom teeth often need to be removed. So, if you’re fed up of wisdom tooth infections, book an appontment with us today and let our experienced and qualified dentists fix this issue permanently and painlessly. 

When can I brush my teeth with toothpaste after an extraction?

Regardless of the type of extraction you get, it can take up to two weeks to recover from tooth extraction. Dentists typically recommend waiting to brush your teeth with toothpaste for at least three days after having a tooth pulled.

When can I start brushing my teeth normally after wisdom teeth?

On the same day of surgery, you should not brush near the extraction site. However, you should start normal brushing again the very next day, according to the American Dental Association. You will certainly want to be careful and gentle, but you should resume full brushing the day right after wisdom tooth extraction.