What type of std can be cured

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are very common, but they are usually easy to treat. Could you be infected with an STD and what can be done about it?

What is an STD?

An STD is a condition that can be spread from one person to another during sex. You might also hear the term STI or Sexually Transmitted Infection. The two terms are often used interchangeably, but some people consider an STI to be the initial infection and an STD to be the disease that develops from this.

Anyone who has had any kind of sexual contact with another person could have an STD or STI. Infections are most likely to spread through semen or vaginal fluids, but some can also be transmitted in other ways. You can catch an STD from oral, anal or vaginal sex. It is also possible for STDs to spread even if there is no penetration as fluids can be exchanged via your hands or other items.

Some STDs can also be spread in other ways, but this is much less common. For example, HIV and Hepatitis B can be transmitted by needles, surgical instruments or blood donations if the right safety procedures aren’t being followed.

STD Testing

If you have had unprotected sex or you’ve noticed symptoms that could be caused by an STD then you should get yourself tested as soon as possible. However, it can also be a good idea to get checked even if you always use a condom and are symptom-free. Condoms aren’t always 100% effective and can’t protect you against every infection and STDs can cause serious complications such as infertility even if you don’t have any obvious symptoms. If you are or have been sexually active then you should get yourself tested, just in case.

You can easily arrange STI testing at a sexual health clinic. Most STDs can be detected from a simple genital swab, which is very quick and usually painless. You might also need a blood test to check for HIV. When the test results get back, your doctor will be able to advise you on any treatments that are needed. If you do have an STD then your partner or previous partners should get tested too.

Antibiotics for STIs

Many common STIs are caused by bacteria, which means that they can be cured by antibiotics. You might need an injection or a course of antibiotic tablets. It’s important to take all of the pills your doctor has prescribed, even if you start feeling better part of the way through the treatment.

Antibiotics can usually treat:

  • Syphilis
  • Chlamydia
  • Gonorrhoea

However, bacteria can become resistant to antibiotics. If you are infected with a strain that is resistant to the most commonly used antibiotics, you might need to be prescribed a different type of antibiotic. In some cases, the bacteria may be resistant to more than one antibiotic, which can make it more difficult to find a treatment that works. We can all help to reduce the spread of antibiotic resistance by only taking this medication when necessary and following our doctor’s instructions carefully when we’re taking them.

Are There Any Incurable STDs?

Although most STDs can be treated relatively easily, there are still some conditions that we cannot cure. These infections are caused by viruses rather than bacteria, so antibiotics can’t help. Some of these conditions can be very serious so it is important to protect yourself by using condoms.

  • HIV/AIDS: HIV is a chronic infection that can prevent your immune system from working properly if it develops into AIDS. Treatments are available that can prevent HIV infection from developing into AIDS, help manage the effects, and reduce the chances of it being passed on to other people. However, there is no cure or vaccination for HIV.
  • HPV: The effects of HPV infection are so mild that you probably won’t notice them. About 90% of sexually active people will have been infected with HPV at some point. The infection doesn’t usually cause any serious problems and should go away without treatment, but some strains can cause abnormalities in your cells that could develop into cancer. It can cause cervical, penile, anal, throat or mouth cancer. A vaccine is available that can prevent some of the most common strains of HPV and cervical smears can screen for pre-cancerous abnormalities.
  • Hepatitis B: Hepatitis B is the most common cause of liver cancer. Treatment can reduce the damage caused to the liver and a vaccine is available for those who are at risk of infection (for example, if your partner is infected).
  • Herpes: It affects more than 500 million people worldwide and can cause painful sores although it doesn’t always produce symptoms. Medication can help with the symptoms and reduce the chances of spreading herpes to your partner, but the infection cannot be eliminated completely and the symptoms can return in the future.

Preventing STDs

The only way to prevent STDs from spreading during sex is to use a condom or dental dam. Both male and female condoms can protect against diseases. These barriers work by preventing fluids such as semen moving from one person to another. However, there are some STDs that can spread by skin-to-skin contact, so you are still at risk of these even if you prevent any fluids from being exchanged.

Condoms cannot protect you against:

  • Herpes
  • HPV (which can cause genital warts)
  • Syphilis
  • Scabies
  • Pubic Lice

The best way to protect yourself against these conditions is to watch out for any sores, growths or discharge that might be caused by an STD. Although there won’t always be visible symptoms, they can provide a useful warning in some cases. If you notice these symptoms on yourself or your partner then you should avoid any sexual contact and see a doctor.

Should You Be Worried About STDs?

It is important to be aware about STDs so that you can protect yourself and get help if you need it. However, you should remember that most STDs can be treated and won’t cause any serious complications as long as they are detected early.

Which STD is most curable?

Trich is the most common curable STD. A healthcare provider can treat the infection with medication (pills) taken by mouth. This treatment is also safe for pregnant people. If you receive and complete treatment for trich, you can still get it again.

Can STD be cured completely?

If you have been diagnosed with a sexually transmitted infection (STI or STD), you are not alone. STIs are very common, and all STIs are treatable. Many are completely curable. Even STIs that are not curable can be treated and the symptoms managed with medicines.

Which STDs can be cured viral or bacterial?

STDs/STIs are either viral or bacterial. A viral infection is caused by a virus and cannot be cured. However, although a virus will remain in the body for life, symptoms of the virus might not be present at all times. A bacterial infection is caused by a bacterial organism, and the active infection can be cured.

What are 4 STD that Cannot be cured?

Incurable STDs. Currently, there are 4 sexually transmitted infections (STIs or STDs) that are not curable: herpes (HSV), hepatitis B (HBV), human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and human papillomavirus (HPV).