Red and white flag with red and white circle

The flag of a country is one of the things that helps it stand out. The colors, symbols, and other details are all important parts of what makes up a national symbol. 

While some countries have very simple flags with only one color or symbol on them, others have complex designs that include many different elements. 

Certain colors can have different meanings in different cultures around the world depending on how they're used by their citizens. 

In this post we'll be exploring some red and white flags including why they chose those colors as well as examples of where they are used today!


  • Austria's flag is a red and white horizontal bicolor with the national flag in the canton. It has been officially used since 1 May 1918. The civil ensign of Austria is also red and white, but it has no coat of arms.

According to Austrian law, when flying horizontally for use as a naval ensign on government vessels or by government officials (both civilian and military) it must be stripped from any other flags or from other vessels that may be depicted on it. 

In addition to being displayed on land, the national flag may also be flown by ships pressing onward into battle or into rescue situations which may not involve actual conflict with another nation's military forces—this includes war zones where non-combatants are being rescued.


The red and white flag of Japan is a national symbol that has been in use since 1870. 

The flag, which features a large red circle on the right side of it and two smaller white circles on the left side, is commonly flown by schools, businesses and other organizations in Japan. 

The design of this flag was inspired by one that was used during the Edo period (1603–1868). 

In addition to its use as a national symbol for Japan, it's also used as an international sporting icon due to its association with sumo wrestling competitions in Japan.

Although it may seem like there's no real reason why they have such a unique design for their flag—especially when you consider how simple it seems compared to other flags around the world—there are actually some very specific reasons behind this decision. First off all: Why would anyone choose red or white?


Lebanon is a country in the Middle East. It's a parliamentary republic, which means that it has an elected government with three branches: executive, legislative and judicial (but no monarch). 

Lebanon is also a member of the Arab League, an alliance of 22 countries across North Africa and West Asia.


Greenland is the world's largest island and an autonomous country within the Kingdom of Denmark. It is located between the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans, east of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. Its capital city is Nuuk.

The Inuit are a group of culturally similar indigenous peoples inhabiting the Arctic regions of Greenland, Canada, Alaska and Chukotka Autonomous Okrug (Russia). 

Their homelands are known collectively as Inuit Nunangat. Inuit speak Inupiatun or Inuktitut which is a polysynthetic language with many dialects ranging from Kalaallisut at one end to Greenlandic at another end; it has two official languages: Danish and English.


Peru is a country in South America. It's located in the western part of the continent, bordering Ecuador and Colombia to the north and Brazil to the east. Peru's flag features red and white stripes, with a blue triangle on top.

The country was one of the first Spanish colonies in South America and was led by Francisco Pizarro from 1532 until his death in 1541. The current president is Pedro Pablo Kuczynski (PPK), who took office after winning elections in 2016.


The country's flag has three equal horizontal bands of red (top), white, and red; the Swiss flag provides a unique way to tell who they are when they're far away!

Switzerland's flag is also known as the "Old Swiss Flag." The Swiss flag was first used in 1386. It is one of the oldest flags still in use today.


The flag of Singapore is made up of two equal horizontal bands: red on top, white beneath. The colors derive from those of the United Kingdom's flag, as Singapore was a British colony before gaining independence in 1965. 

They also represent the ethnic diversity of Singapore's population; red for Malays and other indigenous people; white for Chinese; green for Indians; and blue for Eurasians.

The design was chosen by a panel headed by Toh Chin Chye, a member of parliament at the time (and later Speaker).


You can find the red and white flag in Poland. It is a country in Europe that was once part of the Soviet Bloc, but has since become one of the most westernized countries in the region.

The Polish flag is a simple design, with two horizontal bars; one white and one red. In some cases, there are also three smaller stripes added to these colors on top of the second bar: 

1) yellow; 2) black; 3) red (but this isn't common).


Leaving the United Kingdom and sailing into the great unknown, Canada was left with the task of creating its own national flag. In 1964, a committee of artists and historians was assembled to create this new symbol.

Canada's red and white flag was designed by George Stanley, who was inspired by the Red Ensign flown by British merchant ships. 

The red and white are symbols of Canada's history, values and unity—and for over 50 years now it has been our official national flag.


Denmark is a country that has a red and white flag. It's also one of the countries with a red and white flag.

If you're writing about Denmark, or any other country with a red and white flag, this article will help you know what words to use for your sentences about flags.


Bahrain is located on the eastern coast of the Persian Gulf and has a population of 1.3 million people, making it one of the smaller countries in this region. Bahrain is also an island nation, with its closest landmass being Qatar across its southern border.

Bahrain's flag is red and white, like others that you've seen above. This flag was adopted as part of their independence from Great Britain in 1971 (which means they were under British rule for more than a century).

As you may know from history class or watching documentaries about ancient civilizations like Egypt or Greece, monarchies have been around forever—but they're not all created equal! 

In Bahrain there are no elections at all because their royal family rules over everyone: The king appoints ministers who make all laws according to him/herself alone (no voting).


The red and white flag was adopted as the national flag in 1844, replacing an earlier version that had a five-pointed star on it. In the center of this new design is a crescent moon with an eight-pointed star above it.

The Turkish Flag is a very important symbol to all Turks, though it has both secular and religious implications. It evokes feelings not only of patriotism but also unity among its people because they share one culture, language and religion based on Islam (Sunni).


Qatar is an Arab country in the Middle East. The capital of Qatar is Doha. Arabic and English are the official languages of Qatar, and its flag consists of three equal horizontal bands of red, white and black with a broad, vertical green stripe on the hoist side.

The national anthem of Qatar is Al-Diyar Al-Bayda'. It was written in 1897 by Mohammed bin Thani (1852–1914).


Monaco is a tiny principality on the French Riviera, known for its casinos and glamor. Its flag features a white cross on a red background. 

The colors are derived from the Monegasque coat of arms: a red shield with three golden lions. According to legend, when two brothers named Grimaldi came to Monaco in 1297, one of them had one red and one white flag - representing their two families - with him. 

They were about to fight over who would be prince of this new land when they saw that their flags had merged into one! After that day it became known as both houses' symbols (the Grimaldi family still rules today).


Tonga's flag is red and white. The flag of Tonga has a red cross on a white field, with four blue fimbriations. It was adopted in 1875 when it was first used by King Taufa'ahau Tupou I.

In the year 2000, King George Tupou V announced that he would not accept any royal titles or other royal trappings from Britain, though he did accept them from New Zealand and Australia after they became independent countries. He also changed his style of address to "His Majesty" rather than "Your Highness".


The red and white flag of Tunisia has a red crescent in the middle and two red stripes on the outside. The crescent is a symbol of Islam, which is one of the main religions in Tunisia.

The blood red represents martyrs for freedom, while peace is represented by the white color. This flag was first used in 1831 during their struggle against France.


Its flag is red and white with a central image of Saint George slaying a dragon. The flag was adopted in 2004.

The flag was designed by the Georgian poet Ioseb Grishashvili, who won an international contest held by then-President Eduard Shevardnadze.


In this section, you'll find a list of countries with red and white flags. The list is ordered alphabetically by country name, so you can easily find the flag of your country or any other country on earth.

Indonesia's flag is red and white with a red rectangle in the upper hoist-side quadrant. The red stands for bravery and courage, while the white is for purity, honesty and justice.


The red and white flag of England is a symbol that has been used since the time of Henry III (1216–1272). The flag was first created by Edward I (1239–1307), who also declared Saint George to be patron saint of England.

England’s national flag is called St George's Cross, but it is sometimes also known as the cross of Saint George. 

This name comes from the Latin form Sancti Georgii or Sanctus Georgius in original manuscripts from the 12th century onwards. This title refers only to the patron saint of England; however, its use spread over time to encompass all aspects related to its country: territory, people and language.


Latvia's flag is a red and white striped field with a Latvian coat of arms in the upper left corner.

The red and white stripes were chosen because they are believed to have been used by Latvia’s Livonian Order from 1237, which was founded during the Northern Crusades. The colors represent blood spilled for Latvia by its people, soil of Latvia’s land, and purity of its ideals.

The cross on the shield represents Christianity; it is made up of three silver crosses (one vertical, one horizontal and one diagonal) charged on a red background, alluding to the name “Latvia” which means “coastal region" + "frontier."


There are many countries that have red and white flags. This list includes countries from all over the world, from Asia to North America. 

The red and white flag is a symbol of freedom and hope for many people throughout the world, especially those who still remember the days when these colors were used by Communists during World War II

Which flag has red circle and white?

national flag consisting of a white field bearing a central red disk (a stylized sun).

What flag has a red circle on it?

The national flag of Japan is a rectangular white banner bearing a crimson-red circle at its center. This flag is officially called the Nisshōki (日章旗, 'flag of the sun'), but is more commonly known in Japan as the Hinomaru (日の丸, 'Ball of the sun'). It embodies the country's sobriquet: the Land of the Rising Sun.

What flag has a white circle in the middle?

The flag of Laos (Lao: ທຸງຊາດລາວ; thungsad Lāo) consists of three horizontal stripes, with the middle stripe in blue being twice the height of the top and bottom red stripes. In the middle is a white disc, the diameter of the disc is 4⁄5 the height of the blue stripe.

What flag is half red and half white?

The national flag of the Republic of Indonesia is half red, on top, and half white, on the bottom. It is flown prominantly at schools and government buildings.


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