Peanut butter fudge with condensed milk and no chocolate

After leaving this in the refrigerator over night, I took it out and added 2 more cups of sugar mixed it with my mixer, put back int o the pan. then the next morning it was flowing across the pan, so i put it into my freezer overnight. Well it still flows like slow syrup. it works well as a cover over cupcakes but still runs off. This is not a Fudge it is a peanut butter dip or maybe frosting . i would not recommend this to anyone

grimella from Denver, Co /

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This easy peanut butter fudge recipe is a fun variation of the irresistible American standard party candy. It’s perfect for dessert, a quick pick-me-up, or to give someone special!

Peanut butter fudge with condensed milk and no chocolate

There are so many different ways to make peanut butter fudge, and I typically opt for the easy ways. That’s because I rarely have a bunch of time, but I still want to make fudge for family and friends.

Regardless of what type of fudge you like, you’ll enjoy these Fun Facts About Fudge. If you like trivia, you’ll love reading that post.

Some people call this the Jif peanut butter fudge recipe because that’s the brand I used.

However, you don’t have to use any specific brand. In fact, you can even use generic peanut butter, something I’ve done many times.

Last time I purchased peanut butter, this was the one on sale. I love BOGOs!

Another type of peanut butter fudge I really enjoy is this 2-ingredient peanut butter fudge. It has a slightly different flavor. Both are delicious, so I highly recommend trying both.

I love the fact that the prep time on both methods is low, so you won’t have to stand too long in the kitchen. Most of the magic happens as it sets, and by then, your part of the work is over … except for cutting it when it’s ready.

Both this one and the 2-ingredient method of making peanut butter fudge take about the same amount of time to set. However, this one has one more ingredient.

Regardless of which method you choose, you’re making it with love. Everyone around you will appreciate this delicious treat, and they won’t even care a bit about how easy it was. In fact, you don’t even have to say that it took you practically no time to make it.

Peanut Butter Fudge in the Microwave or on the Stovetop

Whether you like this homemade chocolate fudge, this white chocolate fudge, or this creamy orange fudge, you really need to try this one.

It’s delicious and super simple to make. In fact, it’s so easy, you might find yourself heading to the kitchen to whip up a batch at the strangest of times.

But that’s okay. If anyone questions your sanity, just offer them one of these delicious pieces of peanut butter fudge.

I’ve always enjoyed the flavor of peanut butter. In fact, one of my favorite lunches is a peanut butter sandwich.

I like it so much that I don’t want any jelly on it because that messes with the peanut butter flavor.

Trust me when I tell you that this fudge is loaded with plenty of the flavor of peanut butter.

Making peanut butter fudge with sweetened condensed milk gives you a great payoff in flavor without too much work.

If you’re concerned about the calories, don’t worry. If you have willpower and only eat a couple of pieces, you’ll be fine. At least, that’s what I tell myself.

Or you can enjoy this Mediterranean salad first so you won’t feel so guilty. It’s all about balance, right?

Peanut butter fudge with condensed milk and no chocolate


You don’t need many ingredients to make this yummy treat.

Here’s all you need:

  • White morsels (or white chocolate chips)
  • Sweetened condensed milk
  • Peanut butter

You can use peanut butter chips instead, but I prefer the way I do it.

Peanut butter fudge with condensed milk and no chocolate

For exact measurements of each ingredient and full directions, go to the recipe card at the bottom of the page. You can even print out the card by using the “print” button.

This peanut butter fudge recipe with sweetened condensed milk is not only one of the easiest but also the yummiest. It’s super creamy and delicious enough to serve family and friends.

If you like nuts in your fudge, you can crush peanuts and add them. The only nuts I have are walnuts and mixed nuts. So I didn’t add any.

For stronger flavor, you can add a teaspoon of vanilla extract to the mixture. I’ve done that, and it’s good. But I like it just as much without the vanilla.

How to Make Peanut Butter Fudge in the Microwave

Pour the entire can of sweetened condensed milk into a mixing bowl. You can either hold the can upside down for what seems like forever or use a spoon and scrape it out. That stuff is so thick.

Peanut butter fudge with condensed milk and no chocolate

Next, add the entire contents of the package of white morsels.

If you want a firmer fudge, you can add a few more morsels. But just a few more, or it’ll be difficult to cut.

Peanut butter fudge with condensed milk and no chocolate

Finally, add the peanut butter. Stir until all of the ingredients are evenly distributed.

Peanut butter fudge with condensed milk and no chocolate

Put the mixture in the microwave and heat on high for one minute.

Take it out and stir the melted morsels and peanut butter into the sweetened condensed milk.

Put it back in the microwave and heat it for another minute.

Peanut butter fudge with condensed milk and no chocolate

Take it out of the microwave and stir again. Pour all of it into your pan.

Put it in the fridge and let it set for about an hour. This gives you time to do whatever you want—clean the kitchen, read a chapter of your book, or play with the cat.

Peanut butter fudge with condensed milk and no chocolate

After you pull it out of the fridge, cut the peanut butter fudge into 1-1/2-inch squares.

I know it’ll be hard, but try not to eat it all before everyone else has a chance to have some.

Peanut butter fudge with condensed milk and no chocolate

Stovetop Directions

If you choose to melt the ingredients on the stovetop, I recommend using a double boiler over medium heat. It takes a little longer, but having water in the bottom of the double boiler helps prevent it from scorching.

Or you can live dangerously and put the saucepan over medium heat. This more direct method requires eagle eye attention. Otherwise, the candy will seize, and you’ll have a mess.

About Peanut Butter

You can buy peanut butter in a variety of forms. Some of the major manufacturers, including Jif, Peter Pan, Skippy, and even store brands make a natural version.

Or you can get the regular version. It will probably be a little sweeter, but that’s not always a bad thing, right?

Although I make homemade peanut butter sometimes, I don’t typically use it to make this fudge. In fact, it doesn’t last long enough since I only make what I can eat in a couple of days.

When I make peanut butter fudge, I like to get the one that has the word “natural” on the label. But I don’t want the one that’s only peanuts.

That one is good for sandwiches or eating right out of the jar with a spoon. I do purchase the peanuts-only version, but I don’t even attempt to cook with it.

If you use that one, you’ll have to deal with the oil and the lack of added sweetness. I don’t think you need to make it that difficult since the other peanut butter is so easy to work with.

Is Sweetened Condensed Milk Gluten-Free?

Sweetened condensed milk is gluten-free, so if you have a sensitivity to gluten, you can eat it. However, it’s still always a good idea to read the ingredients label.

Is Peanut Butter Good for You?

Peanut butter contains quite a bit of protein and fiber. It also has healthy fats.

However, if you’re trying to lose weight, you need to control the amount of peanut butter you consume. You can still eat it, but don’t overdo it. In other words, don’t put a double glob of it on your sandwich (like I do).

Also remember that when you make fudge, you’re probably not thinking about it as health food. So don’t worry too much. Enjoy a light meal and then enjoy your fudge.

What Is the Best Brand of Peanut Butter?

This is a difficult question to answer. In my opinion, the best peanut butter is the one you like … and the one that’s on sale.

I know that’s a simplistic answer, but if you don’t like the taste of something, you won’t enjoy it. And I believe that you should enjoy whatever food you eat.

As for picking one that’s on sale, it just makes sense to me. After all, why pay more when you can pay less?

History of Peanut Butter

When I was in school, I learned that George Washington Carver invented the delicious peanut butter.

However, according to the National Peanut Board, there is evidence that the Aztecs and Incas ground peanuts and wound up with peanut butter.

Regardless, Mr. Carver still came up with more than 300 ways to use peanuts. So let’s give him some props for his ingenuity.

Peanut Butter Treats and More

As I already mentioned, I’m a huge fan of peanut butter. So I’ve come up with several treats that satisfy my cravings.

Flourless Peanut Butter Cookies – These delicious peanut butter cookies will melt in your mouth! They are so good. And they’re gluten-free, which is a huge bonus!

Peanut Butter Cocoa Krispie Treats – Mixing peanut butter and chocolate is one of my favorite things to do. The flavor is out of this world, and most kids love it!

Scotcheroos – You’ll love the crunchy goodness in this delicious dessert bar!

Peanut Butter Marshmallow Bars – These no-bake bars are absolutely wonderful! Serve it for dessert or an afternoon snack.


  • 1 12-ounce package of white morsels (white chocolate chips)
  • 1 can of sweetened condensed milk
  • 3/4 cup of peanut butter


  1. Line an 8” x 8” pan with aluminum foil or spray with nonstick cooking spray.
  2. Pour all of the sweetened condensed milk into a medium-size mixing bowl.
  3. Add the entire package of white morsels and peanut butter. Stir.
  4. Put the mixture in the microwave and heat on high for one minute. 
  5. Stir the mixture and return it to the microwave. Heat it for another minute.
  6. Remove the mixture from the microwave and pour it into the pan.
  7. Put the pan in the refrigerator so the fudge will set quickly.
  8. Cut the fudge into 1-1/2-inch squares. Enjoy this delicious treat!

Nutrition Information

Yield 10 Serving Size 2 pieces
Amount Per Serving Calories 308Total Fat 20gSaturated Fat 8gTrans Fat 0gUnsaturated Fat 9gCholesterol 9mgSodium 124mgCarbohydrates 27gFiber 2gSugar 21gProtein 7g

The nutrition information is a product of online calculators. I try to provide true and accurate information, but these numbers are estimates.

See this recipe shared at Full Plate Thursday, the Weekend Potluck, and Meal Plan Monday.

Can I use condensed milk instead of evaporated milk in fudge?

Unfortunately, there is no substitute for it in a fudge recipe. While you can use evaporated milk in place of regular milk in many circumstances, the same is not true in reverse. Also, be sure you do not confuse evaporated milk and sweetened condensed milk, as they are two entirely different products.

Why did my condensed milk fudge not set?

Not reaching the proper temperature If your fudge turned out super sticky, or it didn't set as it cools, it probably never got hot enough. This mistake is super easy to avoid if you use a candy thermometer and cook the fudge to the temperature specified in the recipe (usually between 234 and 239°F).

What is the secret to perfect fudge?

The trick to good homemade fudge is to cook the ingredients to the right temperature to form a sugar syrup, and cool the mixture properly so the texture of the fudge turns out smooth and firm, but soft enough to cut.

How do you thicken fudge with condensed milk?

Instead of adding evaporated milk, add some powdered sugar and remix your fudge batter. The powdered sugar can help the fudge set and harden if it is resistant to doing so. Add a mixture of water and cornstarch. First, combine water and cornstarch (1:1) and mix thoroughly according to package instructions.