Morning prayer for protection and peace for the family and blessing

How can I pray for my family in the morning?

Short Prayers for My Family. Dear Lord, this morning we come to your asking for word of your unfailing love. We have put our trust in your and we pray for your direction and guidance in our lives today. Level the mountains that may present themselves and break down any barriers that might keep us from doing your will.

What is the most powerful morning prayer?

I come before you, oh Lord, and drink in this moment of peace, that I may carry something of your hope, love, and joy today in my heart. Lord, grant me tenacious winsome courage as I go through this day. When I am tempted to give up, help me to keep going. Grant me a cheerful spirit when things don't go my way.

How do you pray for family protection?

Prayer for Family Protection Father God, we come before You today to ask for your protection over our families. Let no trouble fall on them today. Keep them away from accidents. Allow no evil to influence their hearts.

What should I pray for my family?

Family prayer for protection O Lord, allow no evil to influence their hearts. Cover them with the precious blood of Christ. Protect those we love, Lord God. Take charge of them so that they don't strike their foot against a stone.