Benefits of drinking warm water with salt in the morning

Benefits of drinking warm water with salt in the morning

Drinking a glass of warm lemon water with sea salt first thing in the morning is part of my everyday routine, and should probably be part of yours, too. It’s a big part of achieving optimum hydration which is about so much more than how many ounces of water you can drink, it’s about how much water your body absorbs. Wanna learn more? Go listen to Episode 029 of the Plan Podcast and then integrate this morning lemon water ritual into your routine. Here are ten reasons to treat your body to a glass of warm lemon water with sea salt:

  1. Lemon helps dissolve the uric acid in joints and can help decrease inflammation.
  2. The alkalizing effects of lemon and sea salt help balance your body’s delicate ph.
  3. It aids in the proper absorption of both food and water throughout the day and helps improve the uptake of essential nutrients.
  4. Helps boost immune function with a quick dose of vitamin c. One lemon has 139% of your daily vitamin c.
  5. Get a glow! Both lemon and sea salt have benefits for the skin.
  6. Sea salt combined with lemon can help reduce cellular toxicity by pulling waste from your cells.
  7. The sea salt helps neutralize the lemon, making the lemon water less acidic for your teeth.
  8. Hydrates you more than plain water thanks to the added nutrients.
  9. Helps freshen your breath by killing bad bacteria in your mouth and throat.
  10. Helps jumpstart digestion and gear up your metabolism.

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Benefits of drinking warm water with salt in the morning

Curious how I make my warm lemon water? It’s pretty simple and the most important thing is to make sure you’re using a natural sea salt, not a processed table salt. Natural salts contain trace amounts of vitamins and minerals, while processed salts do not. In order to get all the health benefits make sure you are using sea salt — in fact, it’s a good idea to just toss out your regular table salt and replace it with sea salt if you haven’t already. My current favorite is Maldon Salt, which you can buy at most stores or on Amazon. Here’s how I make my morning lemon water:

Benefits of drinking warm water with salt in the morning

10-12 oz warm water (I just use as warm as the tap gets)
1 tbsp fresh lemon juice
1/4 tsp sea salt

Occasionally I also add a small scoop of chia seeds. They add a bit of fiber and are also a good source of gel water.

If you still feel confused watch this short IGTV video I created showing you how to make it! And remember, hydration isn’t about how much water you drink, it’s about how much water you absorb! And achieving optimum hydration through proper absorption requires building hydrating habits. If you could use help and accountability with getting hydrated check out my 2-week course, The Hydration Checklist. It includes my best-selling eBook, 20+ of my favorite recipes, my top 3 planner designs, and 2-weeks of hydration coaching direct to your inbox.

Benefits of drinking warm water with salt in the morning

What happens if you drink salt water everyday?

Human kidneys can only make urine that is less salty than salt water. Therefore, to get rid of all the excess salt taken in by drinking seawater, you have to urinate more water than you drank. Eventually, you die of dehydration even as you become thirstier.

Can we drink warm salt water daily?

When you add salt to warm water and drink it, it might actually help you stay hydrated. We all know that we're supposed to drink plenty of water, and by adding salt at least once a day, you might be gaining even greater benefits. The salt helps your body soak up the water, and allows it to be used more efficiently.

What does warm salt water do on an empty stomach?

Drinking salt water on an empty stomach prevents fat accumulation and has very positive implications on the process of weight loss. It is packed with several minerals that can reduce cravings and stimulate bowel movement.

How much warm salt water should I drink?

In the morning, if the salt water mixture still has salt at the bottom of the jar, that means that the water has absorbed as much salt as it can take. Warm some good quality drinking water and add one teaspoon only of the sole water to your drinking water. The recommended ratio is 1 teaspoon per 16 oz of water.