Is drinking flavored sparkling water the same as regular water

Mineral water, sparkling water, tonic water, club soda, flavored water. There are so many water options to choose from, but how do they stack up against plain old tap water? And which is the most nutritious choice?

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Dietitian Kate Patton, MEd, RD, CSSD, LD, breaks down the many water options available today.

Sparkling water

Sparkling water (or carbonated water) is tap water infused with carbon dioxide for carbonation. It won’t hydrate you any better than tap water, but you may prefer the tingly bubbles over the taste of flat water.

But not all sparkling waters are created equal, so you’ll want to read the ingredients before buying or drinking one. If you see sugar, artificial sweeteners or artificial coloring (typically used as a flavoring or as a preservative) on the label, skip the bubbly water and opt for tap water instead.

Mineral water

Mineral water is often naturally carbonated. But store-bought varieties differ from what you get from a home soda stream. Depending on the brand, they contain various amounts of calcium, sodium and magnesium.

Calcium is important for bone health and overall muscle function. Magnesium helps your body regulate blood sugar and blood pressure. But the sodium may pose a problem if you’re on a low-salt diet. If that’s the case and you’re trying to limit your sodium intake, then tap water is the healthier choice.

Tonic water and club soda

Many of us choose sparkling waters because they’re calorie-free. But it’s important to watch for hidden sugars and artificial sweeteners.

Tonic water is bitter, but it does actually contain sugar. In fact, one can of tonic water may contain as much sugar as a typical soda! If you can’t part with your tonic water, treat yourself to it every so often and make sure you adjust your other calories throughout the day to account for the treat.

On the other hand, club soda, or seltzer water, has no added sugar, so that is likely the smarter option.

Flavored water

Be sure to read the ingredients on fruit-flavored sparkling waters to make sure the flavors aren’t masking ingredients like sugar or artificial sweeteners. Calorie-free flavored waters often contain artificial sweeteners.

The problem with artificial sweeteners

Regular consumption of artificially sweetened beverages has been linked to a significantly greater risk of metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes and even cancer. Studies also show that artificially sweetened beverages can make you feel hungry and encourage you to eat more, which can lead to obesity and a whole range of other health problems.

Look for another brand if you read words like sugar, high fructose corn syrup, aspartame or sucralose on the label — your body will appreciate it.

At the end of the day, whether you choose regular water or sparkling water, it’s best to stay hydrated with beverages that are free of both calories and artificial sweeteners.

Try adding lime, lemon or cucumber slices to give plain tap water or sparkling water a refreshing, delicious twist. Or look for water enhancements (usually sold in powder, liquid or tablet form), but make sure they are calorie free and don’t contain sugar.

We cannot downplay the importance of water in the body. In addition to quenching our thirst, water is a huge component of our bodies. It not only keeps our organs functioning properly, but it also promotes the growth of healthy-looking hair and glowing skin and aids indigestion. Nutritionists recommend drinking a minimum of eight ounces of water daily, and seven to ten ounces every twenty minutes while exercising to prevent dehydration.

If you find it difficult to consume that much water because it is too plain, you can substitute your regular water with the best water flavors. There are a lot of questions surrounding flavored water–does colored water affect your bones and teeth, or does flavored water even have the same benefits as regular water?

Does Flavored Water Count as Water?

The answer is: yes. Flavored water will hydrate your body and provide the same benefits as regular water; however, it's important to read the label to understand whether your preferred flavored water has any added sugar adding to its calorie count.

Sparkling water is made by carbonating regular water. If you like consuming sodas, sparkling water is a healthier alternative, and you'll also enjoy the fizziness. However, the bubbles may make you feel full, preventing you from attaining the recommended eight ounces daily–especially after a workout.

On the other hand, children are more likely to consume larger amounts of sparkling water than regular water, which will help keep them hydrated. When it comes down to sparkling water, it's truly a matter of preference.

Does Flavored Water Affect Teeth?

Yes–flavored water is often carbonated, which makes the water more acidic and can erode tooth enamel. Dentists recommend drinking flavored water with meals when saliva production is optimal, which helps protect your teeth. It’s also helpful to brush your teeth regularly, preferably after every meal.

Additionally, some flavored water has added sugars, which can, of course, affect teeth. It's not all bad, though–some flavored drinks contain only natural flavors along with vitamins and minerals, complementing a balanced diet.

What are Some Flavored Water Alternatives?

If the idea of drinking plain water doesn’t sound great, there are many healthier alternatives to drinking carbonated water. Here are a few options of flavored water without artificial sweeteners:

1. Fruit-Infused Water

You can infuse plain water with your favorite fruits, like strawberries, pineapples, or even mangos. You can also try a combination of more than one fruit for an even better taste. If you don’t love the fruit flavor, try adding cucumber.

2. Water With Fruit Juice

Fruit juices can have various benefits–for example, beetroot and apple juices have been shown to help cleanse the colon. Adding a dash of fruit juice to your water will help you stay hydrated while also getting natural nutrients and vitamins from fruit juices–just be sure the juice has no added sugar.

3. Lemon Water

Add half a lemon to your water to not only change the flavor but to also take advantage of the natural antioxidant properties and alkalizing abilities of lemons. Don’t love the flavor of lemon? Try adding a few tablespoons of natural honey.


Flavored water contains the same benefits as regular water. However, other factors, such as whether your preferred brand contains added sugars, are important to consider. It's therefore important to read the nutritional label before drinking any flavored water, although the best option is to create your only naturally-flavored water infused with fruits, lemon, or juices. 

Does Flavoured sparkling water count as water?

At 100 percent water, seltzer and sparkling water are just as hydrating as plain, flat water. They do come in flavored and unflavored varieties, but that doesn't have any effect on how hydrating they are. Just keep an eye out for brands with added sugars and avoid those whenever possible.

Is flavored sparkling water as healthy as regular water?

Nathalie Sessions, wellness dietitian at Houston Methodist Wellness Services says, “Yes, sparkling water is just as healthy as regular water — most of the time.”

Can I drink flavored water instead of water?

We can Verify: Our expert says flavored waters are a sufficient substitute for normal H2O. “If you're not going to drink tap water because it's boring, but you will drink a sugar-free either non-carbonated or carbonated natural flavored water alternative, then that is healthier than no water at all.”

Can I drink sparkling water as water?

Plain carbonated water is a healthy and hydrating beverage choice. Some individuals may experience mild symptoms from too much carbonated water, such as temporary bloating or gas.