If lord capulet was an animal what would he be

What our Family Represents

- Our intelligence is represented through the use of a raven as our family symbol.
- We are determined: struggling through obstacles is not a problem when it comes to this family.
- Despite any losses, we will prevail.
- We represent loyalty and determination.
- We advocate racial equality, freedom of speech, and kindness
- Our mascot, portrays us as strong and vicious creatures, however, this just masks our purity
- Our family colors demonstrate a sense of stability and dominance.
- The raven, the family animal, fits with the theme of boldness.
- Our symbol and motto illustrate our power and superiority as a family working together.
- Our animal expresses the characteristics we Capulet’s have similar to the observant and intelligent raven.

About Us

Lord Capulet -He is a leader who controls the attention of a room. Taking time to communicate and helps all he can. His determination and hope allow him to keep a positive outlook on everyone and everything. Most who meet him find him to be a helpful and caring person. Although he can seem strict at many times he is looking out for the people in his family. He keeps everyone focused and makes them believe in the future, the win. With him in the lead there is no way his team can fail. 
Blog Artisan - The Capulet Blog Artisan is very dedicated to his family and will put in the time and effort in order to accomplish anything his family may need of him. He strives to bring excellence to his family and help in any way humanly possible in order to make the family the best it can be. He is very interested in the subject of computer programming and considers himself very lucky to be able to obtain the position of blog artisan due to how close it relates to his desired field of work.
Blog Squire #1 - The first blog squire has extremely limited skills in computer sciences, but that will not stop her from helping her family in the challenges. She is able to do more creative-type-things, so is able to help with design and can follow instructions for the more technology-involved parts of the job. She enjoys that family animal and quote very much, as she was the one to suggest them, and the colors are fine by her. She has now earned a black belt in an adaptation of Bruce Lee’s Jeet Kune Do and studies Brazilian Jiujitsu.
Blog Squire #2 - The second blog squire would like to bring organization and unity to her family. In order to do her assigned job, she will assist the Blog Artisan whenever needed and be diligent about keeping up with updates and requests.  Her family's leadership skills are established by their symbol, the scepter. She hopes to write and publish her own novels.
Blog Page #1 - I will bring energy, joy, and companionship to my family. As a Blog Page, I will assist the Blog Squire with managing the blog whenever asked, alongside my other Blog Page companion. I show Capulet pride by donning our family colors, red and white. I enjoy several types of club dances such as popping, locking, break-dance, free-step, and the Melbourne Shuffle.

Blog Page #2 - I am a person that will show someone that I can get things done. I am the type of person who will bring everyone's voice together. I am the type of person who will show you that I can do this.
Attendance Scribe - I am an attendance scribe in my family, the Capulets. In my family, I promise, to the best of my ability, help in any way I possibly can. I hope to insure my family's win by never losing any house points. My family, while very diverse, still works together amazingly, I hope to keep help all of my family members in any of their own assignments in order to promote the teamwork of which I hope will be there to stay. 
Challenge Knight #1 - I  am a challenge knight I will make sure on certain challenges I will gather input and present it to the blog artisan to post on the blog. I will also be working close to the blog artisan and the spirit bard on many challenges. I will help make sure we complete each challenge. I will make sure the family is represented how the Lord and Lady feel is best.  I am determined to win this competition. I know that we will work together to complete challenges and win. I will do my part as a challenge knight. I love our family symbol which is the scepter. Our colors are red and white, they go well together. I do love our quote. Our animal is the raven and it is very intelligent. One thing about me is I will always be there for my family and friends.
Challenge Knight #2 -
I, the Challenge Knight, will bring security to our family. I will make sure all of our family members are in peace with one another. My main support will be towards the Spirit Bards where I will ensure everything is working well, and if there are any problems, I will report the problems to Lord and Lady Capulet. Me personally, I enjoy spending my time outdoors with  my friends and family.
Spirit Bard #1 - I bring creativity, enthusiasm, structure, and communication.  I will complete my assigned jobs by using email, text messages, and flyers.  I think our colors and symbol represent desire and hidden power.  Although violence is not our first choice, we will fight for our rights.  The raven portrays us as dark due to its superstitions.  However, wisdom and innocence lie within.  One thing about myself that makes me unique is my willingness to help people within other roles.
Spirit Bard #2 -
I'll accomplish my job by keeping a positive spirit and bringing the whole family together. I think the colors and symbols do well to represent us. I think my creativity and positive nature will help the Capulets win.
Spirit Bard #3 - As a spirit bard, many of my responsibilities pertain to reminding the group of spirit days, in addition to encouraging enthusiasm among members. Our colors, red and white, symbolize our bold and determined attitude of the Capulets. Furthermore, our motto indicates our perseverance to the end, while working towards a common goal as a family. The raven symbol further exemplifies our wisdom as a family.

What animal would Tybalt be?

“Tybalt” was another word for a cat.

How would Lord Capulet be described?

Lord Capulet By personality, he is fiery, pugnacious, interfering, forgetful, and domineering; but at the same time, he can be courteous, hospitable, and generous, as he appears at his party. He delights in entertaining lavishly and personally welcomes and jests with his guests.

What animal is Juliet?

However, Lender changes everything about R&J that bothers me turning it into a cute little romp of a tragedy. Romeo is a rooster and Juliet is a bear and instead of being in love they become BFF's! They don't commit suicide but go into hibernation and the theme is prejudice: petting zoo animals vs forest animals.

What animal best describes Romeo?

Romeo the Puppy Animal's Qualities: Violent, selfish, and mean spirited.


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