How to get pregnant with endometriosis naturally forum

Hey ladies, was very active on this forum but took a break for a few months. Too much researching and posting is definitely not good for us!!! TTC two years in Sept and am waiting for a lap and dye appointment as gyno suspects I might have endometriosis. Anyone had this diagnosis then successfully managed to concieve once it was lasered off? I still don't have a diagnosis but symptom wise seem to be ticking a lot of boxes.


Topic starter Posted : 12/06/2015 2:33 pm

Hi lcb, I had a laparoscopy in March for suspected endo, none was found, however pcos was discovered, I had a lap and dye and a complete spring clean. I'm not pregnant yet, but have been given a clear bill of health and my cycles have regulated, to the point of ovulating on cd14, which was never happening before.

my sister had endo, stage1, had the laparoscopy, and was pregnant a few months later. A friend had the surgery too, had stage 3 endo (this is very serious), and she was pregnant one month later, and has since gone on to have two more babies! Good luck!


Posted : 12/06/2015 7:53 pm

I hear after the lap and dye fertility is pretty good so hopefully if there is no endometriosis I still might get a result after a good clear out! I really think there will be endo though as my periods are becoming unbearable and no babies after almost 2 years of trying. Even if it regulated my cycles I'd be happy as I'm a late ovulator too with normal 28 day cycles so my luteal phase isn't great. Called them today to see where I was on the list so hopefully I might know when I'll be getting it done on Monday.


Topic starter Posted : 13/06/2015 12:44 am

I had a lap and dye done in April and 2 cysts removed. I had to take an injection to stop ovulating temporarily as well. They found endo everywhere! My periods are still regulating due to the injection but I'm really hopeful that we will be successful. I've only had one af since and there wasn't even a hint of pain. So that's one improvement anyway. Now all I need is a bfp! Good luck


Posted : 13/06/2015 7:15 am

I've been doing everything to get pregnant,OPKs, preceed, bloods, pelvic scans, B6, losing weight, laying off booze, agnus castus,sex everyday and nothing! Only the past little while am I think endometriosis. Don't know whether I'd be happy to know what is wrong or for them to go in and find nothing! How long were u waiting for your appointment for the lap & dye to come through love4life and Thekat? I'm 34 next birthday with my wedding coming up which has thrown a spanner in the TTC works time wise.


Topic starter Posted : 13/06/2015 10:36 am

I was referred by my GP to the coombe last summer and I still haven't received an appointment. In January I became a patient with Napro, got an appointment 3 weeks later for the beacon and had lap in early March, all covered through my insurance.


Posted : 13/06/2015 11:28 pm

Hi there, I had a lap in October. Like you I had been trying a while and was convinced I had endo. Turns out I was right. I had endo removed from uterus, ovaries and a chocolate cysts drained and removed, I had one ovary drilled too. I was in pretty bad shape. Following that I did what you are now doing and taking all the vits, agnus castus, etc. I was prescribed 50mg clomid again ( I had been on it the previous year to no avail)and I am now 24 weeks pregnant with my first baby. It took me 3/4 cycles and clomid after the lap but I got there! I wish I had gotten the lap sooner! I agree with TheKat, I pushed for my lap to be done sooner when I got my original date and they pushed it forward so dont be afraid to put the pressure on. I recommend looking into Napro. The care they gave me in early pregnancy was unbelievable. My progesterone and HCG was checked weekly, they put me on cyclogest when my progesterone dropped at 6 weeks and I was scanned at 9 weeks. They then handed me over to the hospital at 13 weeks. The very best of luck to you!


Posted : 14/06/2015 12:46 am

Hi, 8 years ago I was in same situation, had been trying for 18months, had lap and dye. Mild to moderate endometriosis found, was pregnant the next month but had very early miscarriage. 2 months later was pregnant again. Now have 3 children. Best wishes and hope it all goes well for you.


Posted : 14/06/2015 12:55 am

Hi there,

We were TTC #2 for 6.5 years - had endo lasered off in December last year (for second time). I started doing castor oil packs from then on (for the first time). They increase blood flow to the area and apparently help a lot. I fell pregnant in January - 22 weeks now and still cannot believe it.

I would defo try the castor oil packs, for pain relief, for relaxation and to promote healthy uterus. Good luck to you 🙂


Posted : 15/06/2015 5:03 pm

I went private so I was at consultants in early feb and had the lap in early April- so about 6-8 weeks I was waiting. You don't get anywhere by not speaking up and shouting for what you think you need. My cons is brill tho. I wouldn't go to anyone else at this point.


Posted : 15/06/2015 11:34 pm

Hey I was diagnosed with endometriosis at 20, had lap with endo removed, then started on decopeptil inj to induce false menopause for6 months, started ocp with a break every three months then. Was told I was unlikely to conceive naturally but got bfp my first cycle trying at 27. Lb is 20months now been ttc for 3 cycles now and starting to get stressed even though I know it's not been long. I know I can get pg naturally so not in a rush to go to my consultant but at the same time I know things could be different this time round! Hopefully we all get out bfp soon! Baby dust to all x


Posted : 16/06/2015 12:53 pm

Thanks for the feedback ladies and I'll try them castor oil packs for sure. Rang rotunda yesterday to find out about my appointment and I was informed that I had been categorized as 'routine' so won't get an appointment for 1 year. I was beyond devastated as I can't afford to go private and have no health insurance. I 've already seen my GP and 3 gynecologists so to think I'll have to wait another year is sole destroying. Ill be almost 35 by that time. I told them I'm going to write a letter to the consultant pleading my case and they said that it would be worth a shot. At my initial appointment with Hari (who referred me to Dr Mocadu in the Rotunda) I didn't go in all guns blazing around symptoms etc as I thought this was it, we were being seen. To learn now that I've been transferred and will have to wait another year to speak to another consultant is just shitty. I told the Secretary that I couldn't go another year with my period like this. The last few months they have been unbearable, back pain, huge clots, pain killers hardly taking the edge off. So we will see if a letter might bump me up a bit. Fingers crossed!


Topic starter Posted : 16/06/2015 1:04 pm

You poor thing I feel your pain with the very bad periods.. Its horrible. Would it be worth your while taking out a fairly basic health plan.. one that will cover you as day patient in hospital, no frills. And saving up the consultant one off fee (I was charged 150) for visit and then had lap covered on health insurance (basic plan).


Posted : 16/06/2015 1:30 pm

I don't think I could claim for any pre existing appointments or conditions etc but I have thought about that. I could pay the consultant fee but forking out 3000 Euro+ for a laparoscopy would be out of the question as we are getting married in 8 months.


Topic starter Posted : 16/06/2015 5:13 pm

How can I increase my chances of getting pregnant with endometriosis?

How to get pregnant when you have endometriosis.
Superovulation and intrauterine insemination are two techniques that are often combined. ... .
In-vitro fertilization (IVF) involves collecting your eggs and sperm, fertilizing the egg outside of your body, and then implanting the fertilized egg in the uterus..

How long does it take to get pregnant naturally with endometriosis?

If you do not want to undergo invasive surgeries or fertility treatments, it is still possible to get pregnant with endometriosis. Up to 70 percent of women with mild to moderate endometriosis can conceive naturally within three years.

How many people with endometriosis conceive naturally?

Although endometriosis can have an effect on your chances of getting pregnant most women who have mild endometriosis are not infertile. An estimated 70% of women with mild to moderate endometriosis will get pregnant without treatment.

What helps endometriosis fertility?

Moderate exercise, like walking, lifting weights, aerobics and swimming, have been proven to help reduce inflammation associated with endometriosis, a key cause of infertility in affected women (Montenegro et. al, 2019).


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