How many weeks pregnant can you fly internationally

Expectant parents need to know: Can you fly when pregnant?

While it's mostly OK to travel until the last few weeks of pregnancy, there are some precautions to take depending on when you decide to book a trip and how high risk your pregnancy is. Here's what you need to know before your next vacation.

Pregnancy and Flying: Your Trimester by Trimester Guide

As a general rule of thumb, most airlines will allow pregnant people to fly right up until week 36 of pregnancy, but you should absolutely do your research before booking your flight to check restrictions. You'll also want to consult with your OB-GYN or midwife before traveling—especially if you're at a higher risk for complications during pregnancy.

Before you travel

While you may be accustomed to planning a vacation on a whim or only packing your usual necessities, there's one extra thing you should consider doing before booking a flight during your pregnancy: Opt for travel insurance.

Should travel restrictions change, your health care provider recommends you stay home, or if you experience any concerning symptoms—like bleeding, abdominal pain, swelling, headaches, vision changes, or decreased fetal movement—you'll want to postpone or cancel your plans and see your doctor as soon as possible.

According to the ACOG, travel is not recommended for pregnant people with certain complications like preeclampsia, premature rupture of membranes (PROM), or who are at risk of preterm labor.

First trimester

Flying earlier on in pregnancy is actually considered pretty safe. And, no, metal detectors won't harm your fetus.

"Pregnant women can observe the same basic precautions for air travel as the general public," Raul Artal, M.D., former vice chairman of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) Committee on Obstetric Practice, previously told Parents.

One thing pregnant air travelers should take extra precautions to avoid at any trimester? Blood clots, which pregnant people are 7 times more likely to develop—especially during long flights. To help minimize your risk, you can book an aisle seat, walk around every so often, and wiggle your legs and toes while seated.

And since morning sickness and fatigue might be your biggest first trimester complaints, you may want to check with your health care provider about bringing anti-nausea medicine with you.

Second trimester

According to the ACOG, "The best time to travel is mid-pregnancy (14 to 28 weeks). During these weeks, your energy has returned, morning sickness is improved or gone, and you are still able to get around easily. After 28 weeks, it may be harder to move around or sit for a long time."

If you're flying during your second trimester, it's a good idea to stay hydrated, think about wearing support stockings to reduce edema and clot risk, and make sure you've done your research on hospitals located near your destination should an emergency arise.

Carrying twins or more? Your health care provider might recommend you stop traveling earlier due to the higher risk of complications.

Third trimester

How late in pregnancy can you fly? If you're relatively healthy—and not at risk of complications like preterm labor, preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, or placenta previa—then you're usually OK to travel up until 36 weeks, though some OB-GYNs may prefer you stay closer to your home near the end should you encounter any complications or in case your baby comes sooner than expected.

High-risk patients—and especially those with pregnancy-induced hypertension, diabetes, and sickle-cell disease—may be advised not to fly after 24 weeks—or not at all.

Check with your doctor before traveling at the end of your pregnancy.

If you are enjoying a healthy pregnancy, plane travel is likely to be safe.

The second trimester is probably the best time to fly. You're likely to be over morning sickness. Later, your expanding belly could make airport maneuvers more challenging.

Before booking, however, visit your doctor and describe the trip details. If your doctor clears you for flying, take some precautions before and during your flight to stay safe and healthy.

Check Policies: Air Carriers, Insurance Carriers

Airlines discourage travel after 36 weeks. Contact your carrier and ask about their policy for pregnant travelers. Ask if you will need a note from your doctor verifying your due date.

Check your health insurance plan, too. What happens if you need medical help or you deliver at your destination? Are you covered?

If you are traveling out of the country, see if you need a supplemental policy for coverage overseas. Consider buying medical evacuation insurance so you can be flown home for medical care, if necessary.

Get Cleared for Takeoff

A few weeks before your trip (or a few months, if you are traveling internationally), see your doctor. It's especially important to get cleared for takeoff if you have a chronic medical problem such as problems with breathing.

Ask about:

  • Decompression stockings. Ask if you should wear them. No, they're not fashionable. But they may help blood flow.
  • Nausea remedies. If you're prone to motion sickness, ask about a nausea remedy or acupressure bands. Little scientific evidence supports these bands. But some people find them helpful.
  • Gas and diarrhea remedies. The increase in altitude on flights can cause intestinal gas to expand and cause discomfort. Avoid gassy foods before your flight. International travel may expose you to bacteria that can lead to diarrhea. Ask about a diarrhea remedy.
  • Prenatal care. Depending upon the length of the trip, decide if you need to get some prenatal care at your destination. If so, figure out who will supply it.
  • Destination medical care. Ask for suggestions about names of doctors and hospitals at your destination, just in case. Your doctor may know a colleague there or be able to make recommendations.
  • Flu vaccine. Ask if you need a flu shot before you leave.

In Flight

Here are some things to consider before and during your flight:

  • Pre-flight diet. Avoid gassy foods (beans, cabbage, broccoli) and carbonated drinks. They can make you more uncomfortable in flight.
  • Buckle up. On the plane, keep your seatbelt fastened. Buckle it under your belly, low on the hipbones.
  • Keep drinking. Get plenty of fluids during the flight. If you become dehydrated, it can reduce blood flow to the uterus.
  • Exercise aloft. Your doctor may suggest you walk every half hour or so during a smooth flight. It will help keep blood flowing. In the seat, flex and extend your ankles to boost circulation.
  • Best airplane seat. An aisle seat will make it easier to get in and out for walks and trips to the bathroom. A bulkhead seat is the most spacious, but a seat over the wing will probably give you the smoothest ride.

Get Ready for International Travel

If your destination is international, take some extra precautions.

To avoid the risks of premature labor or health problems, take your trip before the third trimester.

Don't fly internationally if:

  • This is your first pregnancy and you're 35 or older or 15 and younger.
  • You are carrying more than one baby.
  • You have placental abnormalities, now or in the past.
  • You have any vaginal bleeding or risk of miscarriage.

Also do not fly internationally if you have a history of:

  • Miscarriage
  • Ectopic pregnancy
  • Premature labor or premature membrane rupture
  • High blood pressure, diabetes, or preeclampsia in pregnancy

Your doctor will also likely discourage travel:

  • To high altitudes (more than 12,000 feet)
  • To areas with serious disease outbreaks
  • If your destination requires live virus vaccines for protection

Keep Risks in Perspective

Though slightly increased, these risks should not be major concerns.

Blood clots. When you are pregnant, sitting in one spot for a long time can cause blood to pool in your legs. That can raise the risk of blood clots. The recirculated cabin air and low humidity add to the risk. However, the risk is still not huge. You can lower this risk by moving around as often as your doctor recommends.

Blood pressure and heart rate. When you're pregnant and fly, your blood pressure and heart rate can go up. But experts say it's typically not enough to put you in any danger.

Body scans. The body scan technology used for security at airports is safe during pregnancy, according to the Transportation Security Administration. But you can request a hand or wand search instead.

Radiation. The occasional flight doesn't pose a problem for most pregnant women. But if you're a frequent flyer, such as business traveler, pilot, or flight attendant, you might exceed the radiation limit considered safe during pregnancy. Ask your doctor about this.

Can I fly at 7 months pregnant internationally?

Generally, commercial air travel before week 36 of pregnancy is considered safe if you have a healthy pregnancy. Still, if you're pregnant, check with your health care provider before you fly.

Can you fly internationally at 32 weeks pregnant?

During a healthy pregnancy, it's generally safe to fly until 36 weeks. Most airlines in the United States allow pregnant women to fly domestically in their third trimester before the 36th week. Some international flights restrict travel after 28 weeks.

Can you travel overseas at 5 months pregnant?

In most cases, pregnant women can travel safely until close to their due dates. But travel may not be recommended for women who have pregnancy complications. If you are planning a trip, talk with your obstetrician–gynecologist (ob-gyn) or other health care professional.

Can you travel internationally at 23 weeks pregnant?

Yes, it's generally safe to travel during pregnancy as long as you're not too close to your due date and you're not experiencing any serious pregnancy complications.


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