How to add 3 mixed fractions with different denominators calculator

With our fraction calculator, you can easily add, subtract, multiply or divide fractions and mixed numbers. You can also convert them into decimals or percentages with our fraction converter.

Online Fraction Calculator (plus mixed Fractions)

This calculator has it all: it’s an adding fractions calculator, divide fractions calculator, multiplying fractions calculator and subtracting fractions calculator. Also, it is a mixed fractions’ calculator also referred as mixed number calculator. Just choose the preferred operation and correct operator, and you can easily toggle your way through adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing fractions and mixed numbers.

Calculator: Convert Fractions to Decimals and Percentages

With the below application, you’ll be able to convert fractions into decimals or percentages with the click of a button.

However, by far, the best thing you can do is learn how fractions themselves work. To gain a better understanding of the calculations going on behind the scenes, we’ve put together some tips which you can find here

  • Adding Fractions
  • Subtracting Fractions
  • Dividing Fractions
  • Multiplying Fractions

How to convert fractions into decimals?

Did you know that converting fractions into their decimal number equivalent is quite simple? Understanding said conversions can be found in the breakdown of fractions themselves. The line in a fraction separates these two values and can be rewritten as an operation. Fractions in their simplest forms are dividing the numerator (or top term) by the denominator (bottom term), which is why using a calculator can be the best and easiest way to convert fractions to decimals. However, once you’ve rewired your brain into viewing the line as a division symbol, converting fractions to decimals, and in turn, percentages will be a breeze.

Let’s take the fraction 3/4 for example. If we rethink this fraction and see it as us dividing the numerator by the denominator, we can read it as 3 divided by 4. From here, we can say 3 divided by 4 is equal to 0.75, which is the same as 75%.

Table of Fractions and Their Decimal and Percentage Equivalents

Below is a table of commonly referred to fractions and their colloquial, decimal, and percentage equivalents.

Written outFractionPercent (Rounded)Decimal Value
A Half ½ 50 % 0.50
One third 1/3 33.3 % 0.333
A quarter ¼ 25 % 0.25
A fifth 1/5 20 % 0.20
One sixth 1/6 16.67 % 0.166
One seventh 1/7 14.29 % 0.1429
An eighth 1/8 12.5 % 0.125
One ninth 1/9 11.11 % 0.11
A tenth 1/10 10 % 0.10
One twentieth 1/20 5 % 0.05
One twenty-fifth 1/25 4 % 0.025
One fiftieth 1/50 2 % 0.02
One hundredth 1/100 1 % 0.01
One thousandth 1/1000 0.1 % 0.001

What are fractions?

Fractions are another way to represent rational numbers, they are numerical values that can be part of a whole quantity. It is always depicted as follows:


For instance, in the case of the fraction ½ 1 is the numerator and 2 is the denominator, and when trying to convert this value into a decimal or percent, one can think of it as 1 divided by 2. Not only can fractions represent parts of a whole, but in real-world scenarios, they can be used to describe different contexts of life. In terms of time, one can say it is half (1/2) past 3, meaning it is 3:30 AM/PM or a quarter (¼) past 4 or 4:15 AM/PM.

Honestly, using fractions in everyday life is inevitable, and you’ve probably been doing so indirectly. Let’s take food for example. If you’re at a party and you want to divide a round cake into 4 equal pieces, each of these pieces will be ¼ (or a quarter part) of the cake (the whole). After slicing the cake you’ll have ¼ + ¼ + ¼ + ¼ pieces and putting them back together (uneaten) would give you 4/4 or the whole cake.

With this same logic, one can carry out more complicated fraction calculations. Say there were 16 people at the party this time, and we wanted to cut the cake into 16 equal pieces. Each piece would be 1/16 (one-sixteenth) in size and is someone were to eat 3 pieces, they’d be consuming 1/16 + 1/16 + 1/16 or 3/16 of the cake.

Things can get a bit more difficult once you start to bring fractions with different denominators into the mix and want to add or subtract their values. However, we’ve compiled some useful tips and tricks you can follow to make said tasks easier.

Calculation Method: How to Add Fractions

If the denominators are the same, one can just add the numerators straight across and keep the denominator consistent with the two fractions being added together. For instance,


If the denominators are different, we need to adjust the fractions being added together so that there can be a common denominator and we can follow the horizontal addition of numerators as discussed above.


Note: 1/4 * 4/4 = 4/16 which means that 1/4 = 4/16 because multiplication by 1 was done and according to the multiplicative identity property, when you multiply a number by 1, the product is itself/ the original number.

Are you still confused? Here is a link to a video on how to add fractions with unlike denominators:

Calculation Method: How to Subtract Fractions

If the denominators are the same, one can just subtract the numerators straight across and keep the denominator consistent with the two fractions being subtracted from each other. For instance,


If the denominators are different, we need to adjust the fractions being subtracted so that there can be a common denominator and we can follow the horizontal subtraction of numerators as discussed above.


Note: 1/4 * 4/4 = 4/16 which means that 1/4 = 4/16 because multiplication by 1 (or 4/4) was done and according to the multiplicative identity property, when you multiply a number by 1, the product is itself/ the original number.

Are you still confused? Here is a link to a video on how to subtract fractions with unlike denominators:

Calculation Method: Multiplying Fractions

Luckily, multiplying fractions is much simpler than adding or subtracting them! It doesn’t matter whether the denominators are the same or not, you just have to multiply the numerators straight across and the denominators straight across. To better understand this, let’s visualize this as follows:


Above, we can see that multiplying the numerators straight across gives us 2 x 1 = 2, resulting in the 2 on the top of the 2/8, and multiplying the denominators straight across gives us 4 x 2 = 8- which is why there is an 8 on the bottom half of the resultant fraction 2/8.

If you’re still unsure on how to multiply fractions, check out this video:

Calculation Method: Dividing Fractions

Dividing fractions can be just as simple as multiplying them if you know the right trick.

When dividing fractions, you must take the reciprocal of the second of the two fractions, and instead of dividing them, we will change the operation to multiplication. In other words, you just have to “flip” the numerator and denominator of the SECOND of the two fractions and write a multiplication symbol instead of a division symbol between the two fractions. Once you’re done applying this trick, you can simply multiply the numerators and denominators straight across.

Let’s depict this to better visualize what is being said above.


Note: We are “flipping” the SECOND of the two fractions, which is why ¼ became 4/1 and turning the division symbol into multiplication.

If this is still unclear, watch this video for more practice:


How do you calculate fractions?

Converting a fraction into its decimal equivalent can be as easy as dividing the numerator by the denominator. Follow this calculator for a better understanding.

How do I divide fractions?

If you want divide fractions, you can simply multiply the first fraction by the reciprocal of the second. The reciprocal value is formed by flipping the numerator and denominator of the fraction. Follow this link to perform the calculation.

How do I convert decimals into fractions?

Only a few steps are required to convert a finite decimal number (point number), such as 1.572, into a fraction. First, take the respective decimal number, and remove the decimal (or point symbol), which in our example would correspond to turning 1.572 into 1572. Next, write a 1 in the denominator of the fraction and then write as many zeros after the 1 in the denominator as there are places after the decimal point of the respective number. In our case, 1.572 has three decimal place values after the “.”, which means our denominator would contain the value: 1000 (three zeros for the three decimal place values). Hence, 1.572’s fraction equivalent is 1572/1000.
Or, 1 . 5 7 2

How do decimals and the concept of time relate to each other?

The conversion of decimal numbers into hours and minutes (and vice versa) is primarily used in industry and real-life scenarios, and is used for the purpose of accounting for and recording times. Our decimal time converter helps with converting numerical decimal values into industrial time.

How do I convert fractions into decimals?

There are basically two ways of converting a fraction into a decimal number.
One can either, create a power of ten by reducing or expanding fractions. Meaning that powers of ten can be attained by dividing or multiplying the numerator and denominator by the same number.
Or if there is already a 10, 100, 1000, etc. (power of ten) in the denominator of the fraction, one can create a 10, 100, 1000 etc. in the denominator by shortening or expanding the fraction so that the literal division of the numerator and denominator of the fraction better suits the conversion.

How do you add three mixed fractions with different denominators?

To add mixed numbers with different denominators, follow these steps:.
Rename the fractions using a common denominator..
Add whole numbers to whole numbers..
Add fractions to fractions. ..
Regroup and simplify, if needed..

How do you subtract 3 mixed fractions with different denominators?

Follow the given steps to subtract mixed numbers with different denominators: Step 1– Convert the mixed numbers into improper fractions. Step 2– Find the common multiple of both the denominators. Step 3– Convert the fractions as common denominators.