How to add fractions in google docs

How to add fractions in google docs

There are several ways we use fractions unknowingly while performing our day-to-day activities. It is fair to say that the world would not be without fractions as we see it today.

Table Of Contents

  • 1 Why do you need to do Fraction in Google Docs?
  • 2 How do you write fractions in Google Docs?
  • 3 How to write a fraction in Google docs using special characters?
  • 4 How to stop converting fractions in Google Docs?
  • 5 How to insert fraction in Google docs using ‘Equation’ editor?
  • 6 How to insert fraction in Google Docs using Google Docs Add-ons
    • 6.1 How to use Auto-LaTex Equations add-on to generate a fraction
  • 7 Google Docs fraction shortcut
  • 8 Fractions in Google Forms
  • 9 How to make fractions bigger in Google Docs
  • 10 How to make fractions small in Google Docs

Why do you need to do Fraction in Google Docs?

Think about a time you go to a restaurant with friends and the waitress brings a single bill. To divide the total amongst the friends, you use fractions.

Scores of tests and exams are generally expressed as fractions. You may require to do fractions in Google Docs to display marks, send a bill, or represent a time.

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This blog will shed light on how to type and write fractions in Google Docs. Along with that, we will also discuss the below topics

  • How do you write fractions in Google Docs?
  • How to write a fraction in Google docs using special characters?
  • How to stop converting fractions in Google Docs?
  • How to insert fraction in Google docs using ‘Equation’ editor?
  • Google Docs fraction shortcut
  • Fractions in Google Forms

How do you write fractions in Google Docs?

A fraction is a part of a whole. To tell more clearly, a fraction is a number that represents a whole number. You can write Google docs fractions by typing symbols for fractions or signs for a division like ‘/’ and ‘-’. 

You may use either adiagonal line(/) or a forward slash for the fraction or aline for division(-) or a hyphen to display fractions while writing in Google docs documents. To simply write fractions in Google Doc, follow the below steps.

Step 1: Open Google Docs and sign into your account.

Step 2: Open the Google Docs document and put the cursor in the place you wish to write fractions.

Step 3: Now type the nominator(the number before the ‘/’ symbol) of your fraction and after that type ‘/’ followed by the denominator(the number before the ‘/’ symbol).

Step 4: Click enter.

That’s it. You can now see the fraction representation of the numbers you’ve entered.

How to write a fraction in Google docs using special characters?

You can make a fraction in Google docs by inserting special characters in Google Docs. Follow the below steps.

Step 1: Open Google Docs and sign in to your account.

Step 2: Open the Google Docs document in which you want to insert fractions and place the cursor in the desired place.

Step 3: Navigate to the top menu bar and click Insert > Special characters.

How to add fractions in google docs

Step 4: A pop-up window will be opened.  In that window, click on the ‘symbol’ drop-down and choose Number.

How to add fractions in google docs
how to make a fraction in google docs

Step 5: Now, select “Fractions/Related” by clicking the dropdown ‘Decimal’.

Step 6: Hover over the list of symbols to know more about them and select required fraction bar symbols from the table.

How to add fractions in google docs
fraction google docs

In this way, you can understand the meaning of each fraction and then insert them into Google Docs.

How to stop converting fractions in Google Docs?

If you don’t want to convert numbers into Google Docs fractions, you have options to disable the fraction conversion in Google Docs. To stop converting Google Docs fractions, follow the below steps.

Step 1: Open the Google Docs document and navigate to the top menu bar.

Step 2: Click Tools > Preferences.

How to add fractions in google docs

Step 3: In the window that opens, select the ‘Substitutions’ tab.

Step 4: Under automatic substitution, untick the required fraction box.

How to add fractions in google docs
Fraction Google Docs

Step 5: Click ‘OK’ to save the changes.

Now even typing the nominator and ‘/’ symbol followed by the denominator won’t convert the numbers into fractions. In this way, you can limit the conversion of numbers into fractions in Google Doc.

How to insert fraction in Google docs using ‘Equation’ editor?

You can write a simple fraction, mixed number fraction, or get an uncommon fraction in Google Docs by using equation editor. To type and insert the mixed fractions and the proper fractions in Google docs by using “Equation Editor”, follow the below steps.

The below steps will also help you to learn how to use fractions (not ‘/’) in Google Docs?.

Step 1: Open the Google Docs document and keep the cursor at the exact place you wish to insert fraction in Google docs.

Step 2: Now, navigate to the Insert menu > select, Equation

How to add fractions in google docs

Step 3: An equation toolbar will be opened below the menu bar. Hover over this equation toolbar, and now, select “Math Operations”.

How to add fractions in google docs

Step 4: Then, you need to choose the fraction format represented as  Stacked Fraction (The first option).

How to add fractions in google docs
how to create a fraction in google docs

Step 5: Enter the number at the numerator place, press enter, and type the denominator.

Step-6: It might look very small, so select that increase the font size by clicking on the + button as shown below.

How to add fractions in google docs

This is how do I put a fraction (not ‘/’) in Google docs?. you can make a horizontal line for division between numerator and denominator to represent Google docs fractions.

How to insert fraction in Google Docs using Google Docs Add-ons

It is also possible to insert a fraction in Google Docs using Google Docs Add-ons using the below steps.

  1. Navigate to Google Docs and open the Google Docs document where you wish to insert the fraction.
  2. Click on the Add-Ons menu –> Select the Get Add-Ons option.

How to add fractions in google docs

3. Search for “Auto-LaTeX Equations” and click on the search result “Auto-LaTeX Equations” add-ons.

How to add fractions in google docs

4. Click on the Install button on the next screen.

5. Click on the Continue button.

6. Select your Gmail account, enter your password and then click on the Allow button on the next screen.

7. Click on the Next button on the next screen.

8. Finally click on the Done button on the next pop-up. Now you are done with the installation of the Auto-LaTeX Equations add-on.

How to use Auto-LaTex Equations add-on to generate a fraction

9. Now to use the add-on, click on the Add-Ons Menu from the top –> Choose Auto-LaTex Equations –> Click on Start. On the right side, you will see a Pop-up for the Auto-LaTeX Equations add-on.

How to add fractions in google docs

10. Click on the Show Advanced Settings link on the right side Pop-up.

11. Select the $$…$$ delimeter.

How to add fractions in google docs

12. On the Google Docs document type like below.


13. Click on the Render Equations button from the right side Pop-up. Now you can able to see the output like below.

How to add fractions in google docs

Google Docs fraction shortcut

The easiest way to type fractions in Google Docs is using a shortcut for “Equation editor”.

You can press Alt + I + E to enter an equation in the Google Docs document. Then, you can follow the above steps to insert Google Docs fractions.

Even though there are no straight ways you can do fractions in Google forms, you can follow some workarounds to type fractions in Google forms. To write fractions in Google Forms, follow the below steps.

Step 1:  Open Google Forms and type the “Title and Description” of your quiz.

Step 2: Select the question type and type the question

Step 3: To insert a fraction in your Google Form, click Add-ons, and click g(Math) for Forms, Step 4: Once the add-on is installed, select “Create Math Expressions”.

Step 5: From the window that opens, type your question, your help text, and your “Fraction” using Latex code. You can see the Latex preview below the code.

Step 6: Once you have completed your question, click on the Insert button to get your fraction inserted into the form.

How to make fractions bigger in Google Docs

Well, once you will add a fraction to your Google Docs document, Initially, it will be very small but if you wish to make the size of the fraction bigger in Google Docs, you just need to follow the quick step.

  • Select the Fraction and then click on the + button (Increase font size) option as highlighted below.

How to add fractions in google docs

How to make fractions small in Google Docs

Same way, if you want to make Google Docs fractions small, you just need to follow the below quick step. It is just opposite how we have made the size of the fraction bigger.

  • Select the Fraction and then you just need to click on the – button (decrease font size) option as highlighted below.

How to add fractions in google docs

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And that’s it! It’s this much easy to do fractions in Google Docs. It’s your turn to get your hands dirty with fractions in Google Docs!

Here, we have also discussed the below topics

  • How to write a fraction in Google docs using special characters?
  • How to stop converting fractions in Google Doc?
  • How to insert fraction in Google docs using ‘Equation’ editor?
  • How to use Auto-LaTex Equations add-on to generate a fraction
  • Google Docs fraction shortcut
  • Fractions in Google Forms

How do you insert fractions in Google Docs?

On the menu bar, press Insert > Special characters. Scroll through the special characters manually or type fraction into the search bar. Once you've located a fraction character, press it to insert it into your document.

How do I type fractions on my keyboard?

Press Ctrl + F9 at the same time to insert a pair of field brackets. Place the cursor inside the field brackets, and type EQ \F(n, d). The "n" is the numerator and the "d" is the denominator.

How do I make fractions in Google Docs shortcut?

Using Google Docs Auto Formatting to generate Fraction Which the help of this auto-format you can just use a forward slash between numerator and denominator and then press enter or space bar and it will auto-format and you can edit both numerator and denominator variable /number.

How do you write fractions in Google forms?

Simply start typing the symbol you want, and it will populate. For example, if you want to type a fraction, start typing the word “fraction”. Once you press “Insert Math”, you will see the equation in Google Forms.