How often should air conditioner filters be replaced

One of the most common questions homeowners in Florida have about their home’s air conditioning system is how often they should replace their AC’s air filter. Your air conditioner’s air filter is responsible for removing the majority of particulates from the air, which can impact indoor air quality as well as the efficiency of the entire system. It can also affect the longevity of the system and its repair needs over time.

Factors that Affect How Often You Should Replace Your AC Filter

Considering the air filter has such an important job, it’s essential to keep your air filter clean. But how often do you really need to change the air filter in your HVAC system? Learn about four factors that impact how often you should replace your air conditioner’s air filter.

1. How Frequently You Use Your HVAC System

How often you should change your air filters depends on how frequently you use your house. For a seldom used vacation home, you could get away with changing your filters once a year. However, for a typical suburban home, you probably want to change your filters at least every 90 days. But that time frame changes based upon the additional circumstances below.

As a general rule of thumb, it is a good idea to replace the air filter in your HVAC system every month. However, multiple factors can affect this timing. For example, in Florida during the warmer months of the year, you probably use your cooling system heavily. While during the mild winters, you may not use your HVAC system much at all. During times you use your system frequently, you may even benefit from replacing the filters every few weeks rather than every month.

2. How Many People and Pets Are in Your Home

The number of people and pets in your home will impact your home’s air quality. A single person without pets will need to replace their air filters far less frequently than a household with kids and multiple pets.

Pets can add excessive dander to your home’s air and can bring more particulates like dust, pollen, and dirt from outdoors into your home. If you have at least one cat or dog, you should change your filters at least every 60 days.

The more pets you have, the more frequently you’ll need to change the filter. For every pet you have in your home, you should expect to get 30 fewer days of performance from your air filter though. If you have multiple pets, then change your filters once a month.

3. What Type of Air Filter You Have

A final factor to consider relates to the efficiency of your air filter. More efficient air filters are designed to trap more particles and last for longer periods of time. It is wise to pay attention the filter manufacturer’s recommendations regarding replacement, and make adjustments based on your usage and how many occupants are in the home.

4. Do You Have Allergies?

In Florida, you may need to change your air filters more frequently because of the presence of moisture, mold, dust, and other allergens. If you have allergies and are sensitive to contaminants in the air, then it’s a good idea to change your air filters every 30-45 days. This helps you and your guests and fellow house dwellers breathe and rest easy in the days to come. Cleaner air means better health for everyone at the end of the day.

How Often Do I Need to Change the Filter?

Unoccupied vacation homes, depending on how often you use the system, could change the air filter every 6-12 months.

Single person households with no pets could replace their air filters as little as every 4-6 months.

Family households with no pets should change the filter at least every 90 days.

Single pet households should change the filter every 60 days.

Households with multiple pets may need to change their filter as often as every 20 days.

Call Energy Air for AC Service

Changing the air filter in your HVAC system is a simple, easy step to take to keep your system running great and to promote superior indoor air quality. If you have questions about air filter replacement or if you need any air conditioning or heating services, Energy Air can help. Give us a call today to learn more about our AC products and services, or schedule an appointment online with one of our experienced technicians.

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How Often Should You Change Your Air Conditioning Filter?

This is the single, most common question we get here at ServiceOne. Believe it or not, it’s also the hardest to answer. Multiple factors affect how often you should change your AC filter, and there is no one “right” response. But here’s what we do know: the more frequently you change your filter, the more efficiently your air conditioner will run.

To determine the best schedule for changing your air conditioning filter, ask yourself these questions:

How Big Is Your Home?

Think about it. The smaller the home, the less air the AC system circulates. There’s not as much air moving around in six rooms as there would be in sixteen rooms. The bigger the house, the more air is forced through the filters.

The more air forced through the filters, the more dirt gets captured. The dirtier the filter, the more often it needs to be changed. Someone in a 1400 square foot house, based solely on size, would need to change filters less often than someone in a 3000 square foot house.

Schedule Your Air Filter Service Today

Do You Have Health Issues?

Great air quality is especially important to people with pre-existing respiratory ailments. Do you have allergies? Is there an asthma sufferer in your home? How about someone with Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease, (COPD)?

If anyone in your home has a condition that affects their lungs and their breathing, change your filters more often. The more dirt, debris, and germs that can be filtered out of the air, the easier people can breathe.

Where Do You Live?

Where you live can affect how often you need to change your air conditioning filters. City dwellers who face smog and air pollution should change filters more often than those who live in rural areas without air quality issues.

However, just because you live in a smaller town or rural area doesn’t mean you don’t have to pay attention to your surroundings. Harvesting crops can increase the amount of dust, pollen, or agricultural residue in the air and may necessitate changing filters more often during certain seasons. Windstorms that blow dust and dirt can also affect air quality.

Do You Own Pets?

We love our animals. Ginger and I have Tybee Jones, a Bedlington Terrier that we got partly because the breed doesn’t shed. But we’ve had other dogs in the past that DO shed, and believe me, one dog can put a huge amount of hair and dander into the air.

If you have one furred pet, you need to change your filter more than if you had no pets. If you have multiple hairy pets, you need to change your filter more than if you had just one. Tropical fish and amphibians generally don’t increase the need to change the filters!

You know how when you vacuum, the vacuum bag fills up with hair? Well, your vacuum doesn’t catch it all. Lots of that hair goes airborne and gets pushed through your air conditioning filters, clogging it up quickly.

How Often Do You Run Your System?

If you like having open windows, you might opt to turn off the air on a cool night, or in winter, you might not use your system much at all. Someone who lives in a breezy cool coastal community in the Pacific Northwest or Atlantic Eastern Shore doesn’t have the same heat and humidity that we do here in the South.

Most of us in Florida run our systems pretty much full-time nine months of the year, so we have to replace our filters more than people in more temperate climates who don’t run their systems all the time.

What Type of Filters Do You Buy?

Filters can be made of fiberglass. These are usually flat, thin, single-layer filters that must be changed every 30 days. Pleated air filters are made of heavier, higher-quality materials.

They are thicker and denser with pleated screens. The pleats create an additional surface area that can attract and trap more dirt, making them last longer than the flat fiberglass filters. Your system will work best if you utilize the filters made specifically by the manufacturer for your unit.

The Honest Answer to How Often You Should Change Your AC Filter

Lots of different factors affect how often you need to change your filter, but you can’t go wrong by scheduling systematic, routine filter changes. For the best performance and optimal efficiency of your air conditioning system, change your filters every 30-45 days.

A schedule that accounts for all factors of:

  • Size
  • Location
  • Health
  • Pets
  • And the use of your system

Mark your calendar. We recommend that when you change your filter, you write the date on the frame so you know exactly when you did it.

Another great technique is to change your filter the day your utility bill arrives every month so your routine is consistent. Connecting your filter change to your power bill makes sense because clean filters improve the efficiency of your AC system and lower your electric bill.

For questions about maintenance, quotes on new equipment, or scheduling of a service call, contact us at ServiceOne Air Conditioning and Plumbing. We care about your comfort.

How do you know if your AC filter needs to be changed?

Your Source For All of Your Filter Needs.
7 Obvious Signs You Need to Change Your Air Filter at Home. 04.15.2020. ... .
You Can See Dirt on the Filter. ... .
Your Home is Dusty. ... .
You're Having Allergy Symptoms. ... .
You Notice a Strange Smell. ... .
Your AC Unit is Hot. ... .
You Fail the “White Sheet Test” ... .
You Can't Remember the Last Time You Did It..

What happens if you dont change AC filter?

If you don't change your AC filter, it will begin to fail. It will no longer be able to filter the air properly, letting dust and contaminants get into the HVAC system. Dust jams the moving parts of an AC such as fan motors and valves. Airflow is restricted which creates a strain on the system.


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