How much money for 1000 subscribers on youtube

Understanding how to get paid on YouTube can be pretty simple if you have tens of thousands of subscribers. But what if you only have 1,000 subscribers? Can you still make money on YouTube?


YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world, top social media platform for videos, and a place internet users turn to for all sorts of information. And there are plenty of viewers to connect with.

Learning how to make money on YouTube and how to get paid for YouTube views is definitely possible with 1,000 subscribers. How is this possible? It’s all about the value of the subscribers.

For instance, if you have 1,050 subscribers and each video nets you 900 video views and plenty of video post comments, your engagement rate is insane. This is attractive to brands, because you have 900 loyal, eager, and ready to buy fans via your YouTube channel.

This equates to 900 possible sales for brands paying you to promote products and/or services. Here’s an example from a YouTuber with 700 subscribers netting over 3,800 views:

Paid brand sponsorships are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to how to make money on YouTube with 1,000 subscribers. You can maximize your influence by leveraging product reviews, affiliate links, selling services, promoting ebooks, and cross-marketing over other social media channels.

The possibilities are endless for YouTubers wanting to get paid cash money with only 1,000 or more subscribers. Ready to learn how to make money with a YouTube channel that is new?

You’re in the right place. Here’s our how to get paid on YouTube with 1,000 subscribers tips and tricks.

With just over 1,000 subscribers, you need to be on the ball when it comes to communication. These 1,000 fans will be your lifeblood until you move that subscriber count into the tens of thousands.

This means having a strong bio that tells your story. You want to be personal in order for fans to feel connected to you. This will allow you to sway them when making a product and/or service recommendation for a brand, or entice them to click on an affiliate link.

How do you create a powerful YouTube profile with a high level of engagement? Take notes from your favorite youtubers. Yoga With Adriene is the leading yoga YouTuber on the planet. And for good reason. She truly connects with her audience. Here’s what her YouTube about section looks like:

You can see that her about is an open letter to viewers, subscribers, and anyone else interested in her channel content. This works. Make the connection meaningful and you will have an engaged audience. This will be a great asset when it comes to making money on YouTube.

Yoga With Adriene has 8.7 million subscribers, but some of her videos net tens of millions of views, like this video:

Get personal and communicate with your subscribers. They are your true 1,000 fans, so be good to them.

Join The YouTube Partner Program And Leverage Benefits

The YouTube Partner Program is a must-do for influencers looking to take their YouTube channel to the next level. With 1,000 or more subscribers, you are now eligible if you meet other qualifying guidelines, such as:

  • Over 4,000 public watch hours in 12 months
  • Be located in an eligible area for the program
  • Be 18 years of age or older
  • Meet the advertiser-friendly requirements
  • Have a linked Google AdSense account

Once approved, you can begin leveraging the benefits of the YouTube Partner Program.

This includes making a video with advertisements, channel memberships, merchandise, and Super Chat. If you get a ton of daily video views, even if you only have 1,000 subscribers, you can make some decent advertising revenue.

For example, if you can net 20,000 views per video, you can bring in up to $80 in ad revenue. YouTube will take their cut of 50 percent, so each video you will earn $40. This is not bad if you are racking up the views per post. As you gain more subscribers and more views, you could be making thousands of dollars as YouTube with your main source of revenue!

The next benefit of the partner program that you can leverage for extra money is Super Chat. You can use Super Chat during live streams, and make some serious cash money. Here’s a great tutorial on Super Chat from YouTube Creators:

When you live stream and have Super Chat enabled, engaged people can send you donations via a chat message during the live stream. Potential earnings could be $5, $20, or maybe even $100. It all really depends on how much the viewer wants to donate.

These super chat donations can add up pretty fast, and make you a great monthly profit as a YouTube influencer. Join the partner program and learn how to get paid on YouTube.

Useful Resource: How to Unlock All Youtube Features

Affiliate Marketing Is How To Make Money With A YouTube Channel

Affiliate marketing is the next how to make money on YouTube tip if you have 1,000 subscribers. It’s also an easy money making strategy you can get started on today.

What is affiliate marketing? Affiliate marketing is kind of like paid brand sponsorships, but without the actual connection with the brand. When you promote a product and/or service, and a viewer buys the product or service you promote, you get a cut of the sale.

Here’s what affiliate marketing looks like via YouTuber LuxMommy:

This video is an unboxing of a luxury brand. However, this lifestyle and fashion YouTube influencer promotes a number of products via affiliate links in the video description:

You can see that viewers can shop the channel owner’s style, as well as the gear she uses when she films videos. Most of her affiliate products and links are from Amazon and the Amazon Associates Central.

Let’s say a viewer clicks on the “Main Camera” link. The viewer will be directed to the Amazon product page for the camera:

If the viewer purchases the camera, the YouTuber will get paid up to 10 percent of affiliate sales via a unique affiliate link for that influencer:

If 10 viewers purchase the camera via the affiliate link, the influencer will net around $899 in affiliate marketing income. That’s for a single post. That’s pretty decent money when it comes to making money on YouTube.

Maximize Your YouTube Influence By Partnering With An Influencer Marketing Platform

Knowing how to get paid on YouTube with 1,000 subscribers can be simplified if you have the dedication and skills to make it happen. It may not be easy at first, but you will get into a groove that will generate serious revenue for content creators.

Want to make it easier? You can partner with an influencer marketing platform like Scalefluence and maximize your YouTube influence. Scalefluence is a premiere influencer marketing platform that is all about getting influencers paid. And paid well.

Want access to top brands for paid brand sponsorships? Want fast and easy payments for your influencer creativity? Want to keep control of your personal brand and video content while collaborating with brands and marketing agencies? Our team can help you take your influence on YouTube to the next level.

Sign up for Scale fluence today and become one of our values influencers. We represent influencers across multiple social channels and within nearly every niche. Unlock your true earning potential and make money on YouTube the smart way.


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