How to make money online without selling anything

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There are so many ways to monetize a blog.  If you are not into selling products or if you’re a beginner blogger, this will show you exactly how to make money with a website without selling anything!  

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Making Money with a Website

There are so many different ways to make money with a website.  Many people start websites or blogs with the purpose of selling a product or service, but this is definitely not the only way to make money with your website.

There are ways to make money with a website without selling anything.

Generally when you want to make money online, it’s best not to put all your eggs in one basket.

Don’t do this

If you want to build an income stream from blogging, the safest way is to try a lot of different ways of making money with your website.  When you are starting out or if you’re just starting to monetize, you don’t know what’s going to work best with your particular site.  What might work well for me might not for you and vice versa.  Try different things and see what sticks.

Blogging to make money is the opposite of a get rich quick scheme.  It takes a lot of hard work and a lot of patience to start making good money with your blog.  But it is possible to make a lot more money than with most traditional jobs.  It’s also creative and fun and challenging and I just love it!

If you are curious about how to make money with a website without selling anything, I will share the top three ways, including #3 below that you might not have heard of!

—> Psst…if you don’t have a blog yet, head to my super easy tutorial on how to start a blog here

3 ways to make money with a website without selling anything

1. Sponsored Posts

One way to make money with a blog is through sponsored posts.  You can reach out to brands directly or you can go through brand networks.  You will usually need either a certain number of pageviews/month or a certain amount of followers on social media.  The rate you can charge will increase as those numbers increase.

I have been approached by many companies offering me sponsored post opportunities with them.  I am extremely choosy on what I would write a sponsored post about.  It has to be something I’m personally interested in/like and most importantly something that I think would be useful or interesting to my readers.  This is why I hardly ever do sponsored posts.  They can be a great way to make money with a website without selling anything but I am very selective.

2.  Ads

Ads can be a good way to make money from your website without selling anything.  If you have lots of pageviews, you can make good money with ads.

For beginner bloggers, many people get started with Google AdSense, because it’s the most well-known (it’s Google) and it accepts almost everyone (there are exceptions).  I started with Google AdSense.  The huge drawback to AdSense is that it will not make you very much money, while at the same time you’re giving up valuable space on your blog.  If you are going to use ads to make money blogging it should be worth it for you.

If I had to do it all over again, I might not use ads at all at the beginning.  I would work on getting to over 10,000 pageviews/month, and then you can sign up for one of the top ad networks.  The top ones pay much better but you do need to get your pageviews up before you can apply.

3. Micropayments

You can use a free app like Buy Me a Coffee to accept micropayments on your blog.  It is a little widget you put on your blog to let readers buy you a coffee or donate a few dollars to your site. 

This is part of the pay-per-use economy and lets users make payments and tips for content they read or watch.

You can put it on a single page of your website, on all the posts, in your side bar, and more!  It’s small (but noticeable!) and is a a no-pressure way for your readers to contribute = a way to make money from your blog!

Related posts on making money online:

  • How to use Pinterest for business – what works now
  • Is selling on Amazon worth it?  My honest review
  • The best home office gifts for the work-from-home mom
  • Get paid to test websites
  • Become a search engine evaluator
  • Get paid for searching the web (4 legit ways!)
  • 10 reasons to NOT join an MLM

There you have it! Three ways to start making money from your website without selling anything, right from the beginning.

How can I make $100 a day on the Internet?

Genuine and Creative Ways to Make $100 Dollars a Day Online.
Paid Surveys. ... .
Freelance Writing. ... .
Write Sponsored Posts. ... .
Coaching and Consultation. ... .
Write an Ebook or Sell Another Type of Digital Product. ... .
Google AdSense (You'll need a website – but you can make $100 dollars a day) ... .
Create Online Courses..

How can I make money online by myself?

25 more ways to make money online.
Sell on Etsy. Every online marketplace, from Etsy to Amazon, offers a shared set of advantages and disadvantages. ... .
Sell on Amazon. ... .
Sell digital products. ... .
Sell media. ... .
Start Blogging. ... .
Affiliate marketing. ... .
Create online courses and workshops. ... .
Start a YouTube channel..

How can I make money online without?

Here Are Some of the Best Ways to Earn Online Money Without Investment.
Become an Insurance POSP. ... .
Through Freelancing. ... .
Selling Homemade Items. ... .
Opt for Data Entry Jobs. ... .
Test Apps and Websites Before They Go Live..

How can I make $100 a day?

How to make $100 a day: 36 creative ways to make money.
Take part in research (up to $150/hour) ... .
Get paid to take surveys. ... .
Get paid to watch videos online. ... .
Answer questions for money. ... .
Download this app and make money by going online. ... .
Get paid to play games online. ... .
7. Make an extra $100 pet sitting. ... .
Become a shopper..


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