What medication can i take for headache while pregnant

Headache and migraines commonly affect pregnant women, often during the first trimester. An expert shares treatments to try and when to call your doctor.

Pregnancy is a crucial time of life — a time when the expectant mother wants to make sure that she is taking care of herself and that everything is going well.

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Unfortunately, frequent or severe headaches can waylay these plans for many mothers-to-be. Here, neurologist and headache specialist Lauren A. Aymen, D.O., shares the medications, supplements, treatments and symptomatic red flags pregnant women should watch for.

Is it common for pregnant women to have headaches or migraines during pregnancy?

Aymen: Yes. Migraines are usually worse in the first trimester but can improve during the second and third trimester. Unfortunately, in 4 to 8 percent of women, migraines can worsen. Headache frequency typically returns back to the patient’s pre-pregnancy baseline after delivery. 

What’s the reason for this?

Aymen: Pregnancy usually brings with it hormonal changes, stress, disrupted sleep, nausea and dehydration. And all of these conditions may worsen migraine in pregnancy.

What can be done for pregnant women who have migraines?

Aymen: You can’t use most of the over-the-counter (OTC) medications during pregnancy — with the exception of Tylenol (acetaminophen). Magnesium and riboflavin are OTC supplements that are safe and can be effective as well. 

Unfortunately, there are few prescription headache medications that are safe to use during pregnancy. 

However, there are certain procedures that are safe during pregnancy that can aid in preventing and stopping migraines. For instance, we commonly use nerve blocks to reduce the frequency and severity of headaches. One example is an occipital nerve block, which is very effective at reducing the burden of pain during pregnancy.

SEE ALSO: The Best OTC Meds and Supplements to Treat Headache

There is also a new procedure called a sphenopalatine ganglion nerve block, which involves placing a small rubber tube approximately 4 centimeters (about 1 1/2 inches) into each nostril and delivering medication to the sphenopalatine ganglion, a branch of the facial nerve. This is very effective for patients with frontal or retro-orbital head pain and certain facial pain syndromes. One advantage to this procedure is there are no needles involved, so it’s minimally invasive. In addition, the medication we use in both procedures acts locally and does not have systemic side effects. 

If effective, these procedures can be repeated during pregnancy without any known risk to the baby.

Can a headache be a sign of something more serious? 

Aymen: Yes. A headache with any of the following symptoms — if you’re pregnant or not — could suggest something more serious.

The red flags include:

Pregnancy headaches can be a real pain. While before pregnancy, you may have simply popped an over-the-counter (OTC) pain reliever and continued on with your busy life, during pregnancy, medication options are a little more restricted. But, the good news is there are still some things you can do to relieve pregnancy headaches. For example, rest, cool compresses, a massage, and Tylenol are generally considered safe options during pregnancy. Of course, always check with a healthcare provider to be sure.

Another way to help with pregnancy headaches is to prevent them. While you can't always prevent headaches, sometimes you may notice that certain things trigger headaches. So, when you identify triggers, you may be able to reduce exposure to them and thereby limit the frequency of pregnancy headaches.

Dealing with a headache, along with some of the other discomforts pregnancy can bring, can be a challenge, but there are some strategies that might help ease your pain.

Types of Pregnancy Headaches

There are numerous types of pregnancy headaches, including tension, sinus, and migraine headaches. Identifying what type of headache you have can help you know how to best treat it.

Tension headaches

In general, most headaches are considered tension headaches, and they're usually described as a tight band of pain around the head and sometimes at the back of the neck. Emotional factors—like stress—often cause them, but there's a wide range of physical causes too. For example, eyestrain—from poor lighting or sitting too long at a computer—can bring on a headache.

Sinus headaches

Sinus headaches, where the pain sits behind the forehead, cheeks, or the bridge of your nose, are less common, but they happen if an infection or allergy causes an inflammation that blocks mucus from draining into the nose.

Migraine headaches

Migraine headaches are characterized by debilitating pain, which is often associated with nausea or sensitivity to light or noise. A wide range of things can trigger migraines, including weather changes, menstrual cycles, and certain foods.

Why Does My Head Hurt?

Tension, hormones, and the physical strain on your body from your growing pregnancy can all cause headaches.

Pregnancy hormones

The most common cause of a pregnancy headache is tension, which is often experienced in the first trimester. "It's most likely because of fluctuations in hormones," says Sheena Aurora, M.D., director of the Swedish Headache Center, in Seattle. "By the second trimester," she says, the pain subsides because "the hormones are steadily high."

Headache triggers

Of course, there are many other possible reasons for your throbbing head. ″Ask yourself, 'Are my headaches being stimulated by something in my diet?'″ says Lillian Schapiro, M.D., an OB-GYN in Atlanta. ″'What medications am I taking? What time of day are they happening? Is there anything [I'm doing that] I can change?'″

Muscle tension

In the third trimester, when you're carrying the additional weight of your growing baby, consider whether positional changes might be a factor in your headaches. For instance, strain on your neck and shoulders could lead to muscle spasms, which can irritate nerves in the back of your head. Or you might develop muscle tightening and spasms from sleeping with your head in an unnatural position.

Track Your Triggers

If you're suddenly experiencing new headaches during your pregnancy, it might help to do some reflection on if there are any common triggers that lead to them. Tracking your headaches throughout the day can help you note if there are any patterns associated with when you tend to get headaches.

For instance, realizing what brought on her headaches made all the difference for Pittsburgh native Margaret Delle. "My midwife suspected that [they] might be caused by dehydration," she says. "She recommended that I guzzle huge amounts of water. It worked wonders!" Other signs of dehydration include dark yellow urine or a woozy feeling. "The uterus is using a lot of blood," Dr. Schapiro explains. And uterine blood flow nourishes your developing baby. "So if you get behind on your fluid intake, there's more strain on other parts of the body." For some people, that can lead to headaches.

Your own headache solution may not be as easy as drinking water; it might be a matter of eating smaller meals more frequently to prevent low blood sugar, squeezing in a daily nap to stave off exhaustion, or practicing good posture to avoid muscle strain. If you're feeling the headachy effects of cutting back on caffeine, the cure might be simply waiting it out for a while. According to Dr. Aurora, "Caffeine withdrawal headaches should last only two or three days."

Some headaches are tougher to elude. If the problem is a sinus infection, hold a warm compress around your eyes and nose for relief. ″You're trying to soften the mucus in there and make it come out,″ says Dr. Schapiro. Call your doctor if pain is accompanied by a fever, since you might need a course of antibiotics. If you want to try a natural method for treating a tension headache, hold a cold compress or ice pack at the base of your neck. ″You're trying to constrict the bulging blood vessels,″ says Dr. Schapiro.

Pregnancy Headache Relief

If a headache breaks through despite your defenses, there are ways to get relief, including cold and warm compresses, baths, and massage. The primary pain reliever you should use during pregnancy is Tylenol. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) considers Tylenol (acetaminophen) one of the only safe pain relievers in pregnancy. In addition, if your headache pain is severe, there may be some prescription options that may be prudent on a case-by-case basis.

Safe and unsafe OTC meds

Most health care providers are comfortable prescribing acetaminophen—Tylenol—within dosing guidelines. Dr. Aurora suggests taking no more than two or three 500-milligram tablets a week.

However, doctors advise against NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). These pain relievers include ibuprofen (Advil), naproxen (Aleve), and aspirin. They also discourage taking other common headache and migraine medications containing triptans, such as Imitrex, Amerge, and Relpax, due to a lack of data.

Kim Battista, of Bridgeport, Connecticut has battled headaches throughout two pregnancies. ″I've had three sinus infections in the last four months,″ she says. ″It hasn't been fun!″ Battista used to treat a headache by popping an Advil and resting for 20 minutes. ″But when you have a 16-month-old at home, there's no resting,″ she says. ″And when you're pregnant, there's no Advil!″

Prescription pain relief

If your doctor determines that you need something stronger than Tylenol, they might also suggest a prescription medication that contains both acetaminophen and a mild narcotic or sedative, like Darvocet or Fioricet, though little is known about the risk to fetuses. "In the beginning, I really tried not to take medicine," says Battista. "But once I gave in and took Fioricet, I realized I was much better off." According to Mayo Clinic, drugs containing butalbital—like Fioricet—may increase the chance of birth defects, so it's best to discuss with your doctor before starting anything.

If you opt for a pill, take it as soon as you feel the pain coming on. Says Dr. Aurora, "Once a headache is prolonged, the nerves [that are causing the pain] become more active." But first check with your doctor, who knows your medical history and what other drugs you may be taking.

When to see a health care provider

If the pain is severe or accompanied by nausea or vision loss, a doctor will want to see you immediately. You may have a more serious issue, like preeclampsia, a pregnancy disorder involving high blood pressure. Or, in very rare cases, pregnancy can bring a previously unknown health condition to light. For example, someone with a vascular lesion on the brain might never show symptoms of this condition until they get pregnant—when the increased blood pressure of pregnancy affects their condition. In such an unlikely instance, you would be admitted to the hospital for further monitoring.

What About Migraines?

So what can you do for pregnancy migraines? "Focus on trying to prevent them," says Dr. Aurora. She suggests non-pharmacological options like biofeedback, physical therapy, massage, or acupuncture. And, obviously, avoid your personal migraine triggers. But, if "medicine-free" just isn't for you, ask your doctor for viable drug options.

Unfortunately, the most popular migraine painkillers are considered category C, which means we don't know if they're safe or not, says Merle Diamond, M.D., associate director of the Diamond Headache Center in Chicago. She adds, however, that in certain cases, a doctor might determine that an NSAID is in her patient's best interest. Another class of migraine drugs, ergotamine derivatives (like Cafergot), is category X. "Never use them, ever," Dr. Diamond says.

This is frustrating news for people with migraines because a migraine is more than just a headache; it's a neurological condition that involves much more severe pain. There are an estimated 37 million people who experience migraines in the U.S., and women experience migraine disorder three times more than men.

But there's good news: many people actually find that their migraine symptoms (such as aura) actually get better during pregnancy. For others, they intensify in the first few weeks of pregnancy, then disappear after the first trimester. That's because, for many people who menstruate, migraines are triggered by hormonal fluctuations around their periods. But once they get pregnant and pass the first trimester, their hormones remain at a steady level.

That's what happened to Brandy Surber, of Stanaford, West Virginia. ″Since becoming pregnant, I've had fewer migraines,″ she says. ″During my first trimester, though, I experienced three or four.″ When she contacted her doctor, she learned that her regular medication was off-limits during pregnancy. This lack of options frustrated Surber, who says that prior to becoming pregnant, "I'd gotten used to treating my migraines instead of riding them out."

The problem is even more difficult for those people—an unlucky minority—whose migraines become more intense and frequent during pregnancy.

"We use Tylenol with codeine pretty comfortably," says Dr. Diamond. Beta-blockers, which are used to lower blood pressure, can also prevent migraines and are considered relatively safe during pregnancy. If the pain is accompanied by vomiting, your doctor might prescribe an anti-nausea medication like Zofran. Don't just assume that being pregnant means you have to suffer from headaches and migraines—your doctor wants you to find a solution that can ease your discomfort, as that's the healthiest thing for both you and your baby.

Gradually, Surber has found natural ways to manage her pain. "It's lessened by elevating my legs, drinking more water, and taking a 30-minute nap," she says. "I'm going to do my best to try to stay medicine-free while breastfeeding!"

They may be painful, but keep in mind that most headaches won't pose a risk to your baby. (Although, of course, if you are having a sudden, new-for-you headache along with any other symptoms, especially vision changes or sudden swelling, be sure to call a doctor right away.) And here's an encouraging reminder: "Once you break a headache," says Dr. Schapiro, "it usually stops [for good]."

At-a-Glance Pregnancy Headache Relief

While your best bet is to fight pain with natural means, sometimes that just doesn't cut it. Before taking any medications—even OTC pain relievers like Tylenol that are typically considered safe—talk to a doctor. Call a doctor if your treatments aren't working, or if your headaches get worse or more persistent. Here's what's safe—and what's not.

  • Safest: Natural methods (such as a massage from your partner, cold or warm compresses, a bath); acetaminophen (Tylenol)
  • Next Steps: Prescription drugs containing both acetaminophen and a mild sedative or narcotic (such as Darvocet or Fioricet)
  • Not Advised: Pain relievers such as ibuprofen (Advil), naproxen (Aleve), and aspirin; common headache and migraine medications called triptans (Imitrex, Amerge, Relpax). Doctors may prescribe these drugs during pregnancy, however, if the benefits outweigh potential risks to the fetus.
  • Off-Limits: Category X drugs, such as ergotamine derivatives (Cafergot), which might pose a risk to the fetus.


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