How high should 65 tv be mounted

For a television intended primarily for viewers seated on a sofa that is 3.65 metres away from the television, either a 55- or 60-inch television can work in the space (365 centimetres ÷ 2.5 = 146 centimetres or 57 inches), but you can certainly find examples where 65- to 70-inch televisions are used in the same circumstance.

Let’s say you select a 60-inch television. A 60-inch television is about 81 centimetres high, meaning the centre of the screen will be at 40.5 centimetres from the bottom of the television. Most sofa seating heights are close to 45 centimetres above the floor, and eye level for an adult seated in a relaxed manner is about 63 centimetres above the seat.

That puts the optimum, centre-of-television height for a typical seated viewer at 108 centimetres (45 + 63 centimetres). So that 60-inch television should be installed with the bottom of the screen at 67.5 centimetres above the floor.

If you need to know how high to mount a TV on the wall 📺 - here is our TV mounting height calculator that helps you find the ideal TV height. Have you ever asked yourself: how high should I mount a TV? If so, this is the perfect place to get the answer.

It doesn't matter if you've just scheduled a binge-watching session or simply want to see a single movie or sporting event. Our tool will tell you the best height for the TV, considering the screen size and the tilt angle (also known as the reclining angle). Let's start!

🔎 Check your screen size in seconds with our screen size calculator!

How high to mount a TV with the ideal TV height formula?

There is an easy way to estimate how high a TV should be mounted. Let's take a look at the optimal TV height formula:

TVH = WH + HWD × tan(Φ),


  • TVH is the ideal TV height;

  • WH is the watching height - the level of the viewers' eyes 👀;

  • HWD is the horizontal watching distance 📏; and

  • Φ is the tilt angle.

You can derive this equation by applying an appropriate trigonometric function for the yellow triangle (tan stands for the tangent function). Yup, here is the practical use of trigonometry in real life!

🔎 Try our aspect ratio calculator to get the proper dimensions of your TV.

How to find the best height for TV?

As we know how high to hang a TV, it's reasonable to ask why the tv mounting height equation remains as it is.

One of the crucial factors is watching height. We assume it's best to watch a screen when it's at the same height. At least when you are sitting straight.

If your head tilts when sitting on the sofa or the armchair 🛋️, the ideal TV height naturally increases.

"How high should I mount my TV then?" - you may ask. Our TV mounting height calculator is here to help!

  1. When the tilt angle is zero, the TV mount on the wall equals the watching height.

  2. If the tilt angle is greater than zero (usually between 10° and 20°), then you can imagine three lines that form a right triangle 📐:

    • The horizontal distance between the viewer and the TV;

    • Vertical one from the eye-level to the center of the TV; and

    • The one between your eyes and the TV's center.

The ratio between vertical and horizontal lines equals the tangent of the tilt angle, so the additional height above the eye-level is h = HWD × tan(Φ). Finally, the total height of the TV on the wall is the sum of these values, precisely the same as the ideal TV height formula from the previous section.

How to use our TV mounting height calculator?

Let's see how high to mount a TV on a wall using our tool. Let's assume you have a 65" screen, and your eyes are around 40" above the ground while sitting. The aspect ratio of your TV is a standard 16:9. The most comfortable position for you to watch is when the tilt angle equals 10°. So how high should a 65-inch tv be mounted?

  1. Estimate the viewing distance. The ideal one for the viewing angle of TVH1 and a 65" screen is TVH2. You can always choose a different viewing angle in Advanced mode or simply type your viewing distance;

🔎 Omni's TV size calculator helps you evaluate the ideal watching distance.

  1. Work out the tangent of the tilt angle, TVH3. We round the value to four significant figures;

  2. Apply the TV mounting height formula to find the best height for your TV: TVH4;

  3. We can also convert the length to other units to TVH5 or TVH6.

💡 Whenever we mention the optimal TV height, we mean its center. To evaluate the height of the TV's bottom edge, we can continue our computations:

  1. Using proportions and the screen diagonal's length, we can estimate the length of its vertical edge, TVH7, so TVH8. The number within the square root is the following sum: TVH9.

  2. The TV's bottom edge is simply a half-length of the vertical one below the TV's center, so WH0 is the height above the ground level.

As you can see, you can now work out all the useful dimensions by yourself. However, if you don't want to waste time, use our TV mounting height calculator, input a few measures, mount your TV at the ideal height, and enjoy the show 🍿📺🍹!


How to determine the height of a wall mounted TV?

To find the correct height of a wall-mounted TV:

  1. In your chosen chair, measure the distance your eyes are above the floor, the distance between your eyes and the TV, and the angle above the horizontal your eyes look at when at rest.
  2. Apply the tan trigonometric function to the angle.
  3. Multiply the result of the previous step by the distance between you and the TV.
  4. Add the height of your eyes to the result of Step 3 to get the ideal wall-mounted TV height.

What height should a TV stand be?

A TV stand should be tall enough so that your eyes look at the center of the television when at rest. This means you should measure the length from the center of the TV down to its base and subtract it from the height of your eyes above the ground.

What height should a 55 inch TV be mounted?

Assuming your eyes are 1 meter above ground level and your eyes look straight ahead of you at rest, a 55-inch TV should be mounted so that the center of the screen is 1 meter high. This number will change as the eye height and eye tilt change, but your eyes should always rest at the center of the screen.

Is a 65 inch TV too big to mount?

Is it safe to mount your 65 inch, 75 inch or larger TV on the wall? The answer to this is yes, you can mount your XL TV on the wall. Safety is paramount, of course. That's why it is always important to check whether the TV mount used is TÜV certified.

How high is too high for TV mount?

Learning how high to mount your TV or other type of screen is the first step toward comfortable, immersive viewing. Experts recommend that the middle of your TV should be at eye-level while seated. This equates to about 42 inches from the floor to the center of your TV.

How do you position a 65 inch TV?

As a rule of thumb , a 42 in television should be mounted about 55 inches from the floor to the TV center, a 55 in TV should be 60 inches, a 65 in should be 65 in and a 70 in television should be mounted about 67 in from the floor to the center of the screen.

How far away should you sit from a 65 inch TV?

A 65'' TV– You should sit between 8 and 13.5 feet away from the screen. A 70'' TV– You should sit between 9 and 14.5 feet away from the screen. A 75'' TV– You should sit between 9.5 and 15.5 feet away from the screen.


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