Can ectopic pregnancy cause high blood pressure

Some women don't have any symptoms at first. They may not find out they have an ectopic pregnancy until an early scan shows the problem or they develop more serious symptoms later on.

Main symptoms

You may have an ectopic pregnancy if you miss a period, have a positive pregnancy test, and have other signs of pregnancy.

Contact your GP or call NHS 111 if you have a combination of any of these symptoms and you think you might be pregnant – even if you haven't had a positive pregnancy test.

Vaginal bleeding

Vaginal bleeding tends to be a bit different to your regular period. It often starts and stops, and may be watery and dark brown in colour.

Some women mistake this bleeding for a regular period and don't realise they're pregnant.

Vaginal bleeding during pregnancy is relatively common and isn't necessarily a sign of a serious problem, but you should seek medical advice if you experience it.

Tummy pain

You may experience tummy pain, typically low down on one side. It can develop suddenly or gradually, and may be persistent or come and go.

Tummy pain can have lots of causes, including stomach bugs and trapped wind, so it doesn't necessarily mean you have an ectopic pregnancy.

But you should get medical advice if you have it and think you might be pregnant.

Shoulder tip pain

Shoulder tip pain is an unusual pain felt where your shoulder ends and your arm begins.

It's not known exactly why it occurs, but it can be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy causing some internal bleeding, so you should get medical advice right away if you experience it.

Discomfort when going to the toilet

You may experience pain when going for a pee or poo. You may also have diarrhoea.

Some changes to your normal bladder and bowel patterns are normal during pregnancy, and these symptoms can be caused by urinary tract infections and stomach bugs.

But it's still a good idea to seek medical advice if you experience these symptoms and think you might be pregnant.

Symptoms of a rupture

In a few cases, an ectopic pregnancy can grow large enough to split open the fallopian tube. This is known as a rupture.

Ruptures are very serious, and surgery to repair the fallopian tube needs to be carried out as soon as possible.

Signs of a rupture include a combination of:

  • a sharp, sudden and intense pain in your tummy
  • feeling very dizzy or fainting
  • feeling sick

Call 999 for an ambulance or go to your nearest accident and emergency (A&E) department immediately if you experience these symptoms.

Normal pregnancy is supposed to develop inside the uterus.  Some women get pregnant but the pregnancy grows outside the uterus. A pregnancy which grows outside the uterus is called Ectopic Pregnancy. The most common place for such pregnancies to grow is in the fallopian tube. Over time, ectopic pregnancy can become really dangerous. A woman can experience more and more pain, she may have internal bleeding, and she may need emergency surgery. While an ectopic pregnancy can not be prevented, it can be treated with medicine if the diagnosis is made early. The goal is early diagnosis and treatment, and avoiding surgery if possible…[read more]

High Blood Pressure

Elevated blood pressure affects approximately 8% of all pregnancies. At each visit throughout your pregnancy your nurse will check and document your blood pressure. High blood pressure is defined as greater than 140/90 and usually happens nearer to the due date. The diagnosis used to be based on how much the blood pressure went up during pregnancy. However, now it is simple: hypertension is blood pressure greater than 140/90. High blood pressure is associated with a long list of pregnancy complications. Testing monitors for changes in kidney and liver function as well as other blood abnormalities which can be harmful to the mother or baby, or both. ‘What to do’ in the event that your blood pressure is elevated is based on your test results. Your baby’s gestational age is a Very Important factor in that treatment plan…[read more]


Miscarriage is common. Fifteen percent (one of every seven) recognized pregnancies end in miscarriage. This common miscarriage will happen within the first three months of pregnancy. Three months is approximately 13 weeks gestation, which is 13 weeks since the first day of the last period.

A recognized pregnancy is everything from a positive urine pregnancy, to seeing a heartbeat by ultrasound. Once a heartbeat is seen on an ultrasound, the chance of common or early miscarriage goes down to about Five percent (one in twenty), rather than fifteen percent…[read more]


Preeclampsia is a complication of pregnancy, diagnosed when high blood pressure is combined with kidney or liver or blood clotting problems.  It can happen any time after 22 weeks, but generally occurs around the due date and onset of labor. Toxemia and PIH are old names for preeclampsia.  Preeclampsia affects pregnant mothers directly, and babies indirectly…[read more]

Do you have high blood pressure with ectopic pregnancy?

These symptoms also might happen with an ectopic pregnancy: vaginal spotting. dizziness or fainting (caused by blood loss) low blood pressure (also caused by blood loss)

What are the warning signs of ectopic pregnancy?

Often, the first warning signs of an ectopic pregnancy are light vaginal bleeding and pelvic pain. If blood leaks from the fallopian tube, you may feel shoulder pain or an urge to have a bowel movement. Your specific symptoms depend on where the blood collects and which nerves are irritated.

What are the three classic symptoms of ectopic pregnancy?

The classic symptoms of ectopic pregnancy are secondary amenorrhoea, abdominal pain and vaginal haemorrhage, with a clinical picture of varying acuteness. In the majority of cases (95%) the pregnancy is tubal, but other sites are possible (cervical, corneal, ovarian, peritoneal).

How soon would you know if you have ectopic pregnancy?

Symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy usually develop between the 4th and 12th weeks of pregnancy. Some women don't have any symptoms at first. They may not find out they have an ectopic pregnancy until an early scan shows the problem or they develop more serious symptoms later on.


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