How does the reproductive system work with the circulatory system

a. Describes an effect the nervous system has on the circulatory system.

b. Describes the purpose of the circulatory system as a whole.

c. Focuses solely on the muscular and digestive systems.

d. Describes the effect the circulatory system has on the reproductive system.

D is the correct answer. The other three answers do not address the reproductive system. In most bodily systems, hormones tend to act as messenger molecules, and rely on the circulatory system for transportation from one part of the body to the rest.

The major function of the reproductive system is to ensure survival of the species. Other systems in the body, such as the endocrine and urinary systems, work continuously to maintain homeostasis for survival of the individual. An individual may live a long, healthy, and happy life without producing offspring, but if the species is to continue, at least some individuals must produce offspring.

Within the context of producing offspring, the reproductive system has four functions:

  • To produce egg and sperm cells
  • To transport and sustain these cells
  • To nurture the developing offspring
  • To produce hormones

These functions are divided between the primary and secondary, or accessory, reproductive organs. The primary reproductive organs, or gonads, consist of the ovaries and testes. These organs are responsible for producing the egg and sperm cells gametes), and hormones. These hormones function in the maturation of the reproductive system, the development of sexual characteristics, and regulation of the normal physiology of the reproductive system. All other organs, ducts, and glands in the reproductive system are considered secondary, or accessory, reproductive organs. These structures transport and sustain the gametes and nurture the developing offspring.

Bellevue Sperm Bank collects sperm donations to support individuals seeking to become parents but lacking a sperm source. Donors in the program provide a sperm source for treatment through weekly donations.

Different lifestyle choices can impact sperm production, from ingesting nicotine products to a lack of sleep. It takes overall wellness and the body working together to create a healthy reproductive system and high-quality sperm samples.

Here we break down the roles of body systems from the brain to reproductive organs and their role in a functioning reproductive system.

Reproductive Organs

Starting with the heart of the matter, the reproductive system. The organs include the penis, testicles, and supporting structures. This is where sperm are made and stored. It is clear how the reproductive organs are important for sperm production.


The brain is the command center for the body in its entirety, orchestrating needs and wants. Based on feedback from the body, the brain triggers different events to begin and end. An example is feeling hungry. The body sends signals that there is low blood sugar, and the brain then sends hunger signals. Then shuts off the system after eating.

The same goes for reproduction and coordinating events that are needed for sperm production.

Endocrine System

The endocrine system controls your hormones. Hormones are the signals your body uses for messaging. They are responsible for hunger, energy levels, growth, mood, and reproduction. Organs involved include the brain, thymus, thyroid, pancreas, adrenal glands, and testicles.

Testosterone is produced in the testes and then stimulates sperm production, also in the testes. High levels of testosterone signal the brain to reduce sperm production and testosterone production. This is how hormones can communicate with both the testes to produce sperm, and to the brain to prevent overproduction.

Circulatory System

A well-functioning circulatory system is required for reproductive function. Erections are started and maintained by the circulatory system working with the organs of the reproductive system. Additionally, the circulatory system transports hormones throughout the body so they reach the target receptors.

Everything Else

Other body systems are indirectly involved in reproductive functioning, if anything else is out of commission it may interfere with other activities. For example, try getting in the mood when you have a toothache.

What can you do to improve reproductive health?

We see how the entire body plays a role in reproductive function. Keeping a healthy mind and body will keep everything running as it should. Here are some tips to help:

  • Get plenty of rest
  • Eat fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Stay hydrated
  • Reduce alcohol consumption
  • Avoid nicotine products
  • Get regular exercise

Keeping up with annual healthcare visits will help you stay on top of your overall health. Donors at Bellevue Sperm Bank receive routine physicals, STI testing, and other health screenings. Additionally, donors are all compensated for each donation.

If you are interested in learning more about the sperm donor program or finding out if you qualify to join the program you can reach out to a Donor Coordinator at 206-588-1484 or send us a message.