Hand foot and mouth disease in adults how long contagious

Parents often ask 'Is hand foot and mouth disease contagious?' Unfortunately, it is.


We just figured out the boys both have Hand/Foot/Mouth disease which is no big deal.  The issue is that Chantal’s mom just came home from the hospital after having total knee replacement surgery on Monday.  Should we ALL stay away from seeing her?  If yes, for how long? Or it doesn’t matter because it is not like she was sick?
Shane Valentine

Dr. Greene’s Answer:

Most adults — but not all — have already had Hand Foot and Mouth and are not at risk. There are a few different strains of viruses that cause Hand Foot and Mouth though, so having had the illness once isn’t a guarantee. This leads many parents to ask, ‘Is hand foot and mouth disease contagious?’

Kids may be contagious just by being in the same room while they have a fever and for up to 24 hours after. The saliva can contain the virus for up to 2-3 weeks. The stool can contain the virus for 3-8 weeks or even more. Studies in daycare show that the great majority of spread, though, happens in the first 7 days of symptoms.

I don’t recommend keeping kids out of school beyond 24 hours after fever – because there are likely several kids in class with it anyway without the fever, who don’t even know they have it. Keeping kids out doesn’t appreciably change the spread.

But I do recommend keeping kids with Hand Foot and Mouth away from vulnerable adults, if possible:

  • Affected kids should not be in the same room as vulnerable adults if they have a fever, plus 24 hours after the fever is gone.
  • Affected kids should not share the same food or utensils with vulnerable adults while any sores are still present in the mouth or on the body.
  • Vulnerable adults should not change diapers or aid with toileting assistance in affected kids for two months.
  • Everyone should implement good hand-washing all the way around, after using the toilet and before eating or drinking or putting hands in the mouth.

If others in the family do get sick, the first symptoms usually occur 3-5 days after getting the virus – and they become contagious about the same time (unlike chickenpox, where you are contagious 24-48 hours before symptoms).

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Hand, foot, and mouth disease is a contagious viral illness most common in infants and young children. However, adults can also develop the illness if they have exposure to the virus.

Hand, foot, and mouth disease (HFMD) can produce the same symptoms in adults as in children, but adults are more likely than children to be asymptomatic.

This article discusses the symptoms and treatment of HFMD in adults.

Share on PinterestThis image shows how hand, foot, and mouth disease presents on the hands. Karl_BlaoStock/Shutterstock

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), HFMD is generally not serious in adults or children.

The CDC notes that most people recover from HFMD in 7–10 days without medical treatment. However, children under the age of 2 years may stay sick longer.

The American Academy of Dermatology Association (AADA) states that most adults do not experience symptoms if they contract HFMD. Those who do will generally have benign symptoms.

Complications that require medical intervention occur very rarely.

Enteroviruses cause HFMD. According to the CDC, the viruses that most commonly cause the illness include:

  • Coxsackievirus A16: This virus is the most common cause of HFMD in the United States.
  • Coxsackievirus A6: People who contract this virus may experience more severe symptoms.
  • Enterovirus 71 (EV-A71): This virus is the most common cause of HFMD in East and Southeast Asia.

A doctor will diagnose HFMD by performing a physical examination. This exam might involve the doctor:

  • examining the rashes around a person’s mouth, feet, and hands
  • asking the person about their symptoms
  • taking a throat swab or stool sample to check for the presence of the virus

The doctor may also consider the person’s age. Children ages 5 years and younger are the most likely to have the disease. A person should tell a doctor if they have been in contact with a child with the virus.

According to the CDC, almost all cases of HFMD clear up within 7–10 days with no medical intervention.

However, a person can treat the symptoms of HFMD at home by:

  • taking over-the-counter pain medicines (acetaminophen or ibuprofen) to help reduce pain and fever
  • drinking plenty of water and other fluids to help prevent dehydration
  • using a numbing mouthwash to alleviate the pain of mouth sores
  • avoiding hot, spicy, or acidic foods

An adult may not need any treatment if they do not have any symptoms of the infection.

If a person has symptoms, these should go away with or without treatment within 7–10 days. Adults may wish to take a few days off of work if they have severe symptoms.

It is important to note that the virus can pass to others for several days or weeks after symptoms go away.

Preventive steps, including washing the hands frequently and avoiding close contact with others, can help stop the spread of HFMD.

People with no symptoms can also transmit the virus. However, asymptomatic adults will usually not realize that they have the infection, so they are likely to continue their lives as normal.

In most cases, the risk of complications from HFMD is low.

The largest risk is dehydration. The CDC also identifies the following rare complications:

  • loss of fingernails or toenails
  • encephalitis or a polio-like paralysis
  • viral, or aseptic, meningitis

People who are pregnant should let a healthcare professional know if they have developed symptoms of HFMD or come in contact with someone with the virus.

A person can take steps to avoid becoming ill. Many of the prevention methods for HFMD are also good for preventing other illnesses, such as the common cold. Measures to reduce the risk of an infection include:

  • washing the hands frequently and thoroughly
  • avoiding close contact with people who have HFMD
  • washing and disinfecting surfaces and high-touch items regularly

Although most adults with HFMD don’t experience symptoms, they may still be contagious and can spread the virus to others.

People can stay contagious for days or weeks after their symptoms go away.

Therefore, people with HFMD should not go to work and should isolate themselves at home to avoid spreading the disease.

An adult with HFMD may not need to speak with a doctor. However, if they experience fever, mouth sores, or sores on their hands or feet, they may wish to seek medical advice.

Parents or caregivers of young children who start to show symptoms of HFMD will likely not need to see a doctor if they can control the symptoms at home.

However, children or adults should see a doctor if their symptoms do not improve within 10 days or are severe.

People with a weakened immune system should talk with a doctor about HFMD, particularly if their symptoms are severe. People who get HFMD during pregnancy should also make a healthcare professional aware.

A parent or caregiver should talk with a pediatrician if their child shows signs of the infection, particularly if other children at their school or daycare center have the illness.

They should also seek medical advice if the child has severe symptoms, is very young, or is unable to eat or drink enough fluids.

Although adults can get HFMD, they often experience no symptoms, so they may not realize they have contracted the virus.

Those with symptoms of the disease can expect to make a full recovery within 7–10 days.

Hand, foot, and mouth disease is a common viral infection. Infants and young children are most susceptible, but it can sometimes affect adults and older children.

People can reduce their risk of contracting the virus by avoiding sick people, washing their hands regularly, and refraining from sharing drinks or food with others.

Treatment typically involves managing the symptoms, if any appear. A person can expect to recover in about 7–10 days.

How do you know when hand Foot and mouth is no longer contagious?

Because hand-foot-and-mouth disease is highly contagious, people with the illness should limit their exposure to others while they have symptoms. Keep children with hand-foot-and-mouth disease out of their child care setting or school until fever is gone and mouth sores have healed.

How long do you have to stay home with hand foot and mouth?

Can return to child care or school after the fever is gone. Most often, this takes 2 to 3 days. Children with widespread blisters may need to stay home until the blisters dry up. That takes about 7 days.

How Long Can adults be carriers of hand, foot, and mouth disease?

How long does HFMD last in adults? According to the AADA, most of the signs and symptoms of HFMD clear within 7–10 days. However, the CDC notes that people can spread the virus for days or weeks after symptoms disappear and if they have had no symptoms at all.

Is hand Foot mouth highly contagious to adults?

While children often show some level of symptoms, many adults do not have noticeable symptoms — or their symptoms may not be correctly linked to HFMD. But HFMD is contagious in people of all ages. Because adults will often not show any signs of the disease, good hygiene is the key to staying healthy.


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