Can i use athletes foot cream for a yeast infection

Canesten® Clotrimazole Athlete's Foot Cream

Canesten® Clotrimazole Athlete's Foot Cream is an effective anti-fungal cream, for the treatment of athlete's foot.

It contains a broad-spectrum anti-fungal agent with activity against the dermatophytes and yeasts that are associated with fungal infections.

Available in a 50g pack size, purchase Canesten Clotrimazole Athlete's Foot Cream at Coles, Woolworths, online or through your local pharmacy.

What is athlete’s foot?

It’s a fungal skin infection caused by fungi that thrive in warm and moist environments like changing rooms, showers and public pools. Walking barefoot in these places puts you at greater risk. Athlete’s foot usually occurs between your toes, but it can also affect the soles and sides of your feet.

Good to know:

You don’t have to be an athlete to get infected and it’s not a matter of poor hygiene. Fungal skin infections may feel uncomfortable, but in most cases there’s nothing to worry about and they can be treated easily.

Common symptoms of skin fungus

  • Red rash or blisters

  • Itching, burning or stinging

  • Flaked, cracked or scaly skin

  • Splitting, softening or whitening skin

  • Unpleasant odour

Australia's Number 1 Antifungal Brand

How to use?

Clean and dry the affected area thoroughly. Apply the cream thinly to the affected area and smooth in gently. Repeat 2-3 times daily.

Don’t forget!
Continue treatment for 2 weeks after symptoms disappear to avoid recurrence.

When you have
athlete's foot

Athlete’s foot is a common condition. It’s not serious and not the end of the world, but the symptoms are annoying and can be even more so if the infection lingers or comes back. That’s why you shouldn’t ignore it:

Care about your
loved ones

Athlete’s foot is very contagious. It not only easily spreads to other parts of your body, but also to other people. Your loved ones are especially susceptible, but there are a few things you can do:

Take control of skin fungus

Kick off your shoes with confidence and don’t miss a thing.

Give the boot to anxiety and discomfort – let Canesten help you enjoy every day.

At Canesten we have been pioneering antifungal solutions for decades

We offer reliable treatments and the practical advice you need so you can get things fixed yourself easily.

Frequently asked questions
about Athlete’s Foot

    How do I treat athlete’s foot?

    Athlete’s foot is a very common skin infection caused by fungus, and you can treat it easily with an anti-fungal medicine applied directly onto the infected area. There are several Canesten products available to treat your athlete’s foot.

    Click here to find out about our athlete’s foot products.

    If I ignore it, will it go away on its own?

    Although the symptoms might be mild at first, if left untreated, athlete's foot can progress into a severe infection with more painful symptoms or can even spread into your nail. Fortunately, treatment is easy. Head to your pharmacy at the first appearance of symptoms.

    My Athlete's Foot has become itchy and red, what do I do?

    Try an anti-fungal AND anti-inflammatory cream like Canesten Plus first! It contains clotrimazole to treat the root cause of the fungal infection and hydrocortisone which quickly reduces the swelling, itching and redness. The maximum use is 7 days so you need to continue treatment with an antifungal cream like Canesten Clotrimazole Athlete's Foot Cream to avoid recurrence.

    Is Athlete's Foot contagious?

    Athlete's foot is highly contagious and easily spread. To help avoid cross infection to family members and other areas of your body, wash your hands after applying treatment to prevent the fungus from spreading. We also recommend using Canesten Hygiene Laundry Rinse to help ensure that the bacteria & fungi that cause conditions like Athlete's Foot, Fungal Nappy Rash & Thrush don't find their way into your laundry.

    How do I prevent athlete's foot in the future?

    Athlete's Foot got its name because the fungus that causes it likes to hang out in places that athletes frequent, such as showers, swimming pools and locker rooms. However, anyone who is exposed to the fungus can become infected, whether you classify yourself as an athlete or not! Some useful tips for avoiding athlete's foot include:

    • After washing, dry the skin thoroughly, particularly between the toes
    • Expose the feet to air as much as possible
    • Wear cotton socks instead of synthetics
    • Wear thongs around swimming pools, locker rooms and other communal areas

    Can I catch athlete's foot by sharing a towel with someone who has it?

    Yes, Tinea (Athlete's Foot) can be spread by skin to skin contact or indirectly through towels, clothes or floors.

    Can Athlete's Foot affect my toenails?

    If left untreated, athlete's foot can spread into your nail. This can cause a fungal nail infection, resulting in your nail becoming discoloured and thick and start to deteriorate and crumble.

    Is a yeast infection the same as athlete's foot?

    Yeast infections can occur in several places on the body. The most common areas are: The mouth, where the infection is called thrush (2) On the feet, as athlete's foot.

    Can antifungal cream heal yeast infection?

    Taking an antifungal medication for three to seven days will usually clear a yeast infection. Antifungal medications — which are available as creams, ointments, tablets and suppositories — include miconazole (Monistat 3) and terconazole.

    What else can you use athlete's foot cream for?

    This medication is used to treat a variety of fungal skin infections such as ringworm, athlete's foot, and jock itch. This medication is also used to treat a skin condition known as pityriasis (tinea versicolor), a fungal infection that causes a lightening or darkening of the skin of the neck, chest, arms, or legs.

    Can you use antifungal cream down there?

    Vaginal clotrimazole comes as a cream to be inserted into the vagina. It also may be applied to the skin around the outside of the vagina. The cream is inserted into the vagina once a day at bedtime for 3 or 7 days in a row, depending on the product instructions.


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