Forgotten parental control password amazon fire tablet

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Forgotten parental control password amazon fire tablet

Forgot Parental Control Password On Fire Tablet

Forgot Parental Control Password On Fire Tablet

Forgot Parental Control Password On Fire Tablet

Forgotten parental control password amazon fire tablet
Parental control is definitely required these days for the children. There is so much content available on the internet these days that can impact your children in a bad way. But, as one is not used to logging in every day after setting up parental control. Therefore, there are chances that you forgot parental control password on fire tablet. So, what to do in that case. The simple solution available for this is to reset Kindle Fire parental control password. But, the problem is with the steps. You may find it confusing. So, here is a simple guide to making you aware of the steps to reset Kindle fire parental control password. Let’s have a look!

How To Reset Kindle Fire Parental Control Password?

There are very few steps to reset the password, but you need to make sure that you don’t get confused with the credentials. So, follow the below-given steps very carefully:

  • Step 1: Pull out the notifications bar from the top of the screen of Kindle Fire.
  • Step 2: Tap on the option of Parental Control.
  • Step 3: Then, enter any incorrect pin or password 5 times continuously.
  • Step 4: Now, the pop-up will open up.
  • Step 5: Select the option to reset the parental password.
  • Step 6: Now, the prompt will be displayed asking you to sign in to the Amazon account.
  • Step 7: So, enter your Amazon account password, and select Continue.
  • Step 8: Now, resetting the password screen will open.
  • Step 9: Enter the desired password and then, click on the Finish button.
  • Step 10: Make sure to note down the new password somewhere so that you can log in with it in the future.

So, these steps will help you in resetting the password for the Kindle. Now, you can change the settings as desired for the Parental Control. But, during the reset operation, you may face the issue if you don’t remember Amazon’s account password. So, what to do in that case? Well, follow the next section in order to reset the Amazon account password.

How To Reset Amazon Account Password?

As there may be a case that you don’t even remember the Amazon Account password, then it may stall the process of resetting the password for parental control. So, at that instant, you may also need to reset the password for your Amazon account. So, the following are the steps to do so:

  • Step 1: First, visit the password assistance website for Amazon.
  • Step 2: The screen will open up to help you in the process of resetting the password.
  • Step 3: Now, enter the registered email id or phone number in the required field on the screen.
  • Step 4: Then, tap on the Continue button.
  • Step 5: Based on your selected method, either the email or SMS will be sent.
  • Step 6: The next screen will open asking you for the OTP.
  • Step 7: Enter the required OTP you received in email or SMS.
  • Step 8: Enter the desired password in the password field and reconfirm it.
  • Step 9: Save the password, and now it is activated for all your Amazon-related accounts.

Therefore, now the password for your Amazon account is renewed, and you can use it to reset Kindle fire parental control password. 

Apply Parental Control Settings!

In this way, you can reset the password if you have forgot parental control password on fire tablet. Once you have reset Kindle Fire parental control password, you can apply your new settings for the parental control. It may include adding new websites to restrict content access or deleting some websites to provide access. Now, everything is in your hands to apply the parental control settings for your Amazon Kindle device.

Forgotten parental control password amazon fire tablet

Forgotten parental control password amazon fire tablet