Department of health and human services promotional program


What would you like to do?

What you need to know

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Most competitive bid opportunities are published by the State Purchasing Bureau, however some may be listed here.

General Documentation
Final versions of may be different for specific Grant and Contract opportunities.

General Terms - Subawards

Insurance Requirements - Subawards

Business Associates Agreement - Subawards

General Terms - Service Contracts

DHHS Grievance/Protest Procedures  

  • DHHS Grievance/Protest Procedures for Vendors
    This policy sets forth the process for a vendor to protest any Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) contract awarded through a Request for Proposal (RFP) or Invitation to Bid (ITB) issued by DHHS. This policy does not apply to DHHS contracts awarded through an RFP or ITB issued by the Department of Administrative Services, or DHHS subawards awarded through a Request for Application. Grievances/protests will only be accepted from any vendor who submitted a timely response to the RFP or ITB associated with the contract.
  • DHHS Subaward and Grant Grievance/Protest Procedures​
    This policy sets forth the process for an entity to protest any Nebraska DHHS subaward (i.e. federal grant) or state funds grant awarded through a Request for Applications (RFA) issued by DHHS.​

American Rescue Plan Act - DHHS Programs (LB1014)

This document summarizes goals and initial planning for programs assigned to DHHS and included in Neb. Rev. Stat. 84-901.03, signed by Governor Ricketts on April 13, 2022. This bill appropriated funds allocated to the State of Nebraska from the Federal Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund pursuant to the federal American Rescue Plan Act of 2021. The Guidance Document is current as of June 13, 2022.

Additional information on Rescue Plan programs - including any related notices of funding availability - will be published here as available. 

  • ​Guidance Document​

Ongoing Opportunities​

  • Child Care Grants (Providers)
    Three grants are available to child care providers including the Child Care Grant, Emergency Mini-Grant, and the Quality Improvement Grant. 
  • ​Colposcopy Training and Equipment – Funding Opportunity
    Funds are made available to public health clinics to provide clinical training for staff and/or to purchase colposcopy equipment as a means to ensure seamless access to follow-up procedures with a colposcope after an abnormal Pap test.
  • Interpreta​tion and Translation Bid Opportunities Board
    If you are not currently in the Interpreter and Translator Contractor, please complete the application process described below.
    Interpreters and translators who would like to submit an application to join the Contractor Pool can view the Request for Qualifications at
  • Nebraska Early Childhood Education Endowment Fund
    Grants range from $75,000-$150,000 with a 100% match from the local community. Matching dollars can be existing federal, state, or local dollars, private, or in-kind resources. School districts must partner with at least one other community-based entity to serve at risk children birth to three.
  • Recovery Homes for Substance Abusers
    In 1998 Federal law required states to establish revolving loan funds for Recovery Homes. Nebraska continues to have a loan fund.
  • Social Services Block Grant (SSBG)
    This grant provides services to low-income people. Services are intended to enable individuals to be as self-sufficient as possible.
  • Student Loans (Rural Health)
    The Nebraska Student Loan Program has been in existence since 1979 and awards student loans to medical, physician assistant, dental and graduate-level mental health students attending school in Nebraska.  These students must be Nebraska residents and agree to practice one year in a state-designated shortage area for each year a loan is received.  

iServe Nebraska

The State of Nebraska seeks to prequalify a pool of contractors able to provide Agile application or platform development and deployment agile application development services to implement the iServe Nebraska, and/or legacy modernization services to incrementally enhance the existing benefits eligibility and enrollment system (N-FOCUS) functionality, to deliver a modern and improved user experience. Opening date: January 5, 2021, continuous thereafter.

Medicaid & Long-Term Care

  • RFA #5352 Public Health Workforce Aging Disability Network
    DHHS, Division of Medicaid and Long-Term Care (“DHHS"), State Unit on Aging, is issuing this Request for Applications (“RFA") for the purposes of entering into grant agreement(s) (“subaward" or “subawards") and awarding federal funds to eligible and qualified entities to fulfill expanded public health workforce for aging and disability networks grant.  Application Due Date: October 28, 2022.
      • Request for Applications
      • Form 1 - Applicant Cover Sheet
      • Form 2 - Organization Overview
      • Form 3 - Applicant's Work Plan
      • Form 4 - Applicant ​Budget
      • Addendum 1 - Questions and Answers​​

  • Heritage Health Request for Proposal 112209 O3

Children & Family Services Funds

  • RFA# 5486 - Social Security Income (“SSI") and Social Security Disability Income (“SSDI") Outreach, Access, and Recovery (“SOAR")
    The DHHS, Division of Children and Family Services Nebraska Homeless Assistance Program (NHAP) is issuing this Request for Applications (“RFA") for the purposes of entering into grant agreement(s) (“grant" or “grants") and awarding state funds to an eligible and qualified entity to provide Social Security Income (“SSI") and Social Security Disability Income (“SSDI") Outreach, Access, and Recovery (“SOAR") services. Application Due Date: November 18, 2022.
    • ​Request for Applications 
    • Form 1 - Application Cover Sheet 
    • Form 2 - Organization Overview 
    • Form 3 - Applicant's Work Plan 
    • Form 4 - Applicant Budget 
    • Form 5 – Performance Outcomes ​
    • Attachment A – SOAR Service Regional Map​
  • Innovative Child and Family Well-Being Solutions RFI
    The State of Nebraska, Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), Children and Family Services Division (CFS) is issuing this Request for Information RFI for the purpose of gathering information for Innovative Child and Family Well-Being Solutions.
    • ​Request for Information
  • RFA# 5362 – 23-24 Nebraska Homeless Assistance Program (NHAP)
    The DHHS, Division of Children and Family Services Nebraska Homeless Assistance Program (NHAP) is issuing this Request for Applications (RFA) for the purposes of entering into grant agreement(s) ("subaward" or "subawards") and awarding federal and state funds to an eligible and qualified entity to provide homeless assistance services. Application Due Date: October 17, 2022.
    • Request for Applications
    • Form 1 - Application Cover Sheet
    • Form 2 - Organization Overview
    • Form 3 - Applicant's Work Plan and Narrative
    • Form 4 - Applicant Budget and Performance Outcomes
    • Form 5 – Continuum of Care
    • Form 6 - Additional Information (REQUIRED)​​
    • Addendum 1 - RFA Language Update
    • Addendum 2 - Questions and Answers​

  • RFA# 5618 Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) 
    The DHHS, Division of Children and Family Services Nebraska Homeless Assistance Program (NHAP) is issuing this Request for Applications (RFA) for the purposes of entering into grant agreement(s) ("subaward" or "subawards") and awarding federal and state funds to an eligible and qualified entity to provide homeless assistance services. The goal is to provide an overall Continuum of Care approach to address the needs of people who are homeless in Nebraska. Application Due Date: October 24, 2022.
    • Request for Applications​
    • Form 1 - Application Cover Sheet
    • Form 2 - Organization Overview
    • Form 3 - Applicant's Work Plan and Narrative​
    • Form 4 - Applicant Budget and Budget Justification
    • Form 5 - Additional Information (REQUIRED)
    • Addendum 1 - RFA Language Update
    • Addendum 2 - RFA Language Update​​
  • NHAP Legal Services Request for Quotes
    This RFQ is being issued by the Division of Children and Family Services, Department of Health and Human Services, Nebraska Homeless Assistance Program (referred to as DHHS). This RFQ seeks an eligible and qualified entity to provide legal services for individuals at-risk of or experiencing homelessness in Nebraska. Response Due Date: October 14, 2022.
    • Request for Quotes
  • RFA #5626 Food Security and Innovation
    DHHS, Division of Children and Family Services is issuing this RFA for the purposes of entering into grant agreement(s) ("subaward" or "subawards") and awarding federal funds to an eligible and qualified entities for local and regional capacity and food security innovation grants (FSIG). Application Due Date: September 26, 2022.
    • Request for Applications
    • Form 1 - Applicant Cover Sheet
    • Form 2 - Organization Overview
    • Form 3 - Applicant's Work Plan and Narrative
    • Form 4 - Applicant Budget and Budget Justification​
    • Addendum 1 - Questions and Answers​
    • Addendum 2 - Intent to Award Date Amended​

  • RFA #5622 Food Bank Capacity Building
    DHHS, Division of Children and Family Services is issuing this RFA for the purposes of entering into grant agreement(s) ("subaward" or "subawards") and awarding federal funds to an eligible and qualified entity to increase food bank capacity (FBC). Application Due Date: September 12, 2022.
    • Request for Applications
    • Form 1 - Application Cover Sheet
    • Form 2 - Organization Overview
    • Form 3 - Applicant's Work Plan
    • Form 4 - Applicant Budget
    • Addendum 1 - Questions and Answers​​​
    • Addendum 2 - Revised Schedule of Events
    • Intent to Award

  • Tiered Foster Care Request for Quotes
    This RFQ is being issued by the Division of Children and Family Services, Protection and Safety. This RFQ seeks qualified providers who are Child Placing Agencies licensed in Nebraska to provide support to foster homes who are able to meet the requirements outlined in this RFQ. Initial Application Due Date: August 29, 2022.
    • ​Request for Quotes
    • List of Respondents
    • Intent to Award​

  • Services for Survivors of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault
    DHHS, Division of Children and Family Services is issuing this RFA to identify eligible entities who meet the qualifications to provide Domestic Violence Services for identified areas in the State of Nebraska. DHHS anticipates approximately nineteen (19) total awards and at least one (1) award per RFA Area (Areas described within the RFA). Applicants must indicate which RFA Area(s) they are proposing to serve. Application Due Date: June 1, 2022
    • Request for Applications
    • Attachment 1 Funding Availability per Region
    • Attachment 2 Program Standards for Nebraska's Domestic and Sexual Violence Programs
    • Form 1 Cover Sheet
    • Form 2 Organizational Information
    • Form 3 Work Plan
    • Form 4 Budget Template​​
    • Form 5 Certifications
    • RFA 4461 Amendment 1 Final
    • RFA 4461 Addendum 2 Q&A Final
    • Budget Template
    • Budget Narrative Example
    • Intent to Award​

  • FY 2023 Lifespan Respite Network (NLRN) Funding Announcement
    This funding is for the purpose of further implementing the requirements of the Nebraska Lifespan Respite Services Program (Neb. Rev. Stat. 68-1520 through 68-1528) to develop, and expand access to, the existing infrastructure of available respite resources of the statewide Lifespan Respite Network and enhance partnerships to ensure local Respite Network sustainability that is integrated into the state's long-term services and supports system.
    • FY 2023 Lifespan Respite Network (NLRN) Funding Announcement 
    • FORM 1 - FY 2023 NLRN Funding Announcement Coversheet and Narrative Template
    • FORM 2 – FY 2023 NLRN Funding Announcement Budget Template 
    • FORM 3 – FY 2023 NLRN Funding Announcement Work Plan Template
    • Addendum 1 - Questions and Answers - FY 2023 NLRN Funding Announcement
    • Addendum 2 - Schedule Change - FY 2023 NLRN Funding Announcement
    • Notification of Intent to Fund
  • FY 2023 Secondary Lifespan Respite Network (NLRN) Funding Announcement​​
    ​This funding is for the purpose of further implement the requirements of the Nebraska Lifespan Respite Services Program (Neb.Rev.Stat. 68-1520 through 68-1528) to develop, and expand access to, the existing infrastructure of available respite resources of the statewide Lifespan Respite Network and enhance partnerships to ensure local Respite network sustainability that is integrated into the state's long-term services and supports system.
    • FY 2023 Secondary Lifespan Respite Network Funding Announcement 
    • FORM 1 - FY 2023 NLRN Secondary Funding Announcement Coversheet and Narrative Template
    • FORM 2 - FY 2023 NLRN Secondary Funding Announcement Budget Template
    • FORM 3 - FY 2023 NLRN Secondary Funding Announcement Work Plan Template
    • Addendum 1 - Funding Announcement Revisions
    • Addendum 2 - Questions and Answers
    • Notification of Intent to Fund​​​
  • FY 2023 Third Lifespan Respite Network (NLRN) Funding Announcement
    This funding is for the purpose of further implement the requirements of the Nebraska Lifespan Respite Services Program (Neb.Rev.Stat. 68-1520 through 68-1528) to develop, and expand access to, the existing infrastructure of available respite resources of the statewide Lifespan Respite Network and enhance partnerships to ensure local Respite network sustainability that is integrated into the state's long-term services and supports system. 
    • FY2023 Lifespan Respite Network Competitive Funding Announcement Reposting SESA 
    • FORM 1 - FY 2023 NLRN Funding Announcement Coversheet and Narrative Template 
    • FORM 2 – FY 2023 NLRN Funding Announcement Budget Template 
    • FORM 3 – FY 2023 NLRN Funding Announcement Work Plan Template
    • Addendum 1 - Questions and Answers​​​​​
  • ​SNAP Employment and Training
    The State of Nebraska, Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Children and Family Services (“DHHS") SNAP Next Step Employment and Training Program, is issuing this Request for Applications (“RFA") for the purposes of entering into grant agreement(s) (“Subaward" or “Subawards") and awarding federal funds to an eligible and qualified entity to provide important job training and educational options for low income adults including those on or eligible for SNAP. Application Due Date: Continuous
    • Re​quest for Applications
    • Addendum 1 - Questions and Answers
    • Addendum 2 - Revised Schedule of Events
    • Addendum 3 - Revised Schedule of Events and Point of Contact​​​

Public Health Funds​

  • RFA 5669 PHHS Block Grant
    The State of Nebraska, Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Public Health (“DHHS") Office of Health Disparities and Health Equity, is issuing this Request for Applications (“RFA") for the purposes of entering into grant agreement(s) (“subaward" or “subawards") and awarding federal funds to an eligible and qualified entity to address special needs, and promote the health and well-being of minorities in their communities, and focus on the needs identified in the Office of Health Disparities and Health Equity data reports and data. Application Due Date: October 31, 2022.

    • Request for Applications 

    • Attachment A – Example Data Collection Format

    • Attachment B – Example Work Plan

    • Attachment C – Example Budget 

    • Form 1 - Application Cover Sheet 

    • Form 2 - Organization Overview 

    • Form 3 - Applicant's Work Plan

    • Form 4 - Applicant Budget

  • RFA 5699 Nebraska Council on Developmental Disabilities Professional Development Clearinghouse Award
    The State of Nebraska, Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Public Health (“DHHS") Nebraska Council on Developmental Disabilities (NCDD, or Council), is issuing this Request for Applications (“RFA") for the purposes of entering into a grant agreement (“subaward") and awarding federal funds to eligible and qualified entities to design and maintain a professional development clearinghouse for regular and special education teachers. Application Due Date: October 3, 2022.
    • Request for Applications
    • Attachment 1 - Subaward User Manual
    • Attachment 2 - Key Performance Indicators
    • Attachment 3 - Subaward Evaluation Criteria Score Sheet
    • Form 1 - Application Cover Sheet
    • Form 2 - Organization Overview
    • Form 3 - Applicant's Work Plan and Narrative
    • Form 4 - Applicant Budget and Budget Justification
    • Form 5 - Letters of Support or Commitment
    • Budget Template
    • Workplan Template
    • Nebraska Council on Developmental Disabilities Grant Awards Pre-Application Information Session - June 9, 2022
    • Nebraska Council on Developmental Disabilities Grant Awards Pre-Application Information Session Transcript - June 9, 2022
    • ADDENDUM 1 Questions and Answers​​
  • Stem Cell Research
    The State of Nebraska, Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Public Health, Office of Community Health (“DHHS"), is issuing this Request for Applications (“RFA") for the purposes of entering into grant agreement(s) (“grant" or “grants") and awarding state funds to an eligible and qualified entity to provide stem cell research. Application Due Date: March 10, 2022, 4:00 PM CST.
    • Request for Applications
    • Biographical Sketch
    • Abstract​
    • Budget Justification
    • Face Page
    • Form 1 - Application Cover Sheet
    • Key Personnel
    • Line Item Budget
    • Previous-Current Related Projects
    • References
    • Research Plan
    • Addendum 2 Q&A
    • Addendum 3 - Intent to Award Date - AMENDED​
    • Intent to Award​

Are DHHS grants legit?

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) does offer grants to social service programs, but not to individuals. It is illegal to ask someone to pay to apply for a federal grant or to increase their odds of being awarded a grant.

Is the government really giving out grants?

NOTE: The federal government does not offer grants or “free money” to individuals to start a business or cover personal expenses. For personal financial assistance, the government offers federal benefit programs.

What is the U.S. DHHS grant?

DHHS Grant Program – Overview The majority of HHS grants are distributed directly to the various states, educational and community organizations and federally recognized tribes. These grants are also provided directly to individual applicants who fulfill the eligibility criteria for the funding.

How do I know if a grant is legitimate?

Here are five ways to spot a grant scam:.
Did you apply for a grant? ... .
Is a fee involved? ... .
Is the grant for business or personal use? ... .
What agency does the issuer represent? ... .
Were you asked for either your personal or your company's ID, or your bank account information? ... .
Who Offers Legitimate Grants?.