Can you work for doordash while on unemployment

Do you drive for an App-Based company?

If you are a driver for Doordash, Lyft, Uber, Grubhub, and others, you should now be eligible for regular unemployment compensation benefits.

Have Questions or Need Help Applying for Unemployment Compensation?

Philadelphia Legal Assistance will help you fill out your unemployment compensation application and answer questions about the process. Sign Up Here.

Didn’t think you were eligible for regular UC, you now are!

A recent Supreme Court case decided that app-based drivers were not self-employed, meaning that you should now qualify for regular unemployment compensation.

Should I file for unemployment compensation benefits?

Apply for regular unemployment compensation benefits if you have:

  • Been fired (deactivated from the app)
  • Lost work (have less work due to COVID-19)
  • Had to voluntarily stop driving because:
  • You have a health condition that prevents you from driving
  • You are high risk for COVID-19 or share a household with someone who is high risk
  • You have lost childcare or must supervise young children during virtual learning
  • You no longer have access to a vehicle

You should get more money on regular unemployment compensation because your weekly benefit rate is based on your gross income rather than your net income.  

What do I need to do to get UC Benefits?

Apply online on the Department of Unemployment Compensation's website. After you apply, check your mail regularly for letters or notices from the Department of Labor and Industry. You will receive a Notice of Financial Determination that finds you ineligible for benefits. This is because the government does not have a record of your earnings from app-based work.

You will need to appeal and provide proof of your earnings within 15 days. 

You appeal a Notice of Financial Determination by sending an email to

Include in your email:

  • Your full name and mailing address
  • The mailing date of the determination that you are appealing
  • Last four digits of your social security number (XXX-XX-1234)
  • Evidence of your earnings from each driving company you work for

You have to report your earnings to the government because the app companies you work for refuse to give your wages to the government.

After you send this email, look out for an email confirmation and letters in the mail about your benefits. If you need help with this process, sign up for help from Philadelphia Legal Assistance.

If you’re looking for a side hustle to make some extra money while collecting unemployment, you may have considered Doordash as a great option.

Like most similar services however, income can be sporadic, with some weeks being fantastic and others hardly making you any money at all.

That being said, the last thing you want Doordash to do is come between your unemployment benefits.

Therefore, you may be wondering – does Doordash report to unemployment? If so, how frequently, and can you still do Doordash while collecting unemployment from the state?

In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know.

  • Does Doordash Report To Unemployment?
  • Will Doing Doordash Affect My Unemployment?
  • Do I Have To Report Doordash Earnings?
  • How Many Hours Can I Do Doordash And Still Collect Unemployment?
  • Does Doordash Take Out Taxes From Your Payments?
  • Conclusion
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Does Doordash Report To Unemployment?

Here’s the short answer – not all payments are reported to your state’s unemployment office. However, Doordash issues a 1099 form at the end of each tax year if you make more than $600, and reports your income as an independent contractor expense.

This means that inevitably, the IRS and other agencies will certainly become aware of your earnings by January 31st of the following year, which is the deadline for 1099s to be submitted in the United States.

Will Doing Doordash Affect My Unemployment?

Can you work for doordash while on unemployment

This is where things get complicated.

Laws regarding unemployment benefits vary by state, and each state has its own rules regarding what you’re allowed to make before it affects your unemployment benefits.

One thing that is common however is that you’re supposed to report any income you make, so benefits can be adjusted as necessary.

In many states, any amount you earn will be deducted from the benefits that are paid out. This effectively completely negates the work that you’ve done – you’d have made just as much doing nothing at all.

Therefore, Doordash (and other gig jobs) may only make sense if you believe you will earn more than what you’re receiving in unemployment benefits.

Another situation that complicates things is calculating how much money you actually make from Doordash.

Typically, independent contractors are taxed on their income after all expenses. For example, if you took a job for $100 (and were paid $100 by the person hiring you) but had $50 of expenses to actually do the job, your taxable income from that job would only be $50.

If your unemployment office calculates based off of your revenue (gross income) and not your profit (net income), you could actually come out a loss – as expenses such as fuel and vehicle maintenance won’t be deducted.

Do I Have To Report Doordash Earnings?

Yes, you are required to report earnings from Doordash to unemployment.

Failure to do so may constitute unemployment fraud, which can cause you to have to pay back all of the benefits you’ve received + an additional penalty. In some cases, you could even be banned from receiving unemployment benefits for life.

Remember that the government will inevitably find out about your income anyway. Don’t take unnecessary risks by failing to disclose the money you earn from Doordash.

How Many Hours Can I Do Doordash And Still Collect Unemployment?

Typically, unemployment is based on how much you earn, not how many hours you work.

Therefore, it doesn’t really matter how many (or how few) hours you end up doing Doordash – what matters most is the total amount of money you earn when your work is done.

Does Doordash Take Out Taxes From Your Payments?

Like most gig jobs, Doordash does not take any out or withhold any money for your taxes. This is typical for businesses paying people as independent contractors.

You will be responsible for paying taxes on any income earned through Doordash, including self-employment tax.

Typically, withholding around 30% of your income is a safe number.


Will doing Doordash affect your unemployment? It’s likely, as the money you earn from Doordash may be deducted from your unemployment benefits – effectively rendering it a waste of time. Laws and rules in regards to this vary by state and by your own unique situation, however – including how much you used to earn at your prior job.

If you believe you can make more than you receive from your unemployment benefits however, it may still be worth doing.

Regardless of whether Doordash shares your income directly, it will certainly be reported to the IRS eventually – and your unemployment office will find out. Therefore, the safe thing to do is always to follow the rules and report any income that you receive, to avoid accusations of fraud, repayments, and penalties.