Can you take fish oil and chia seeds together

Omega 3 is an essential oil for heart health. Although Omega 3 is most prevalent in fish, chia bread offers a new way to get this oil into your diet without a seafood diet or fish oil supplements. Vegans use chia for Omega 3 oils by adding it to other foods in seed form. Now, everyone has the opportunity to have great tasting chia bread as a healthy foundation to some great meals. Combining chia, millet, and quinoa, Food for Life's new chia bread has benefits that no other bread can offer.

See full recipe here

Chia Bread – Weight Loss and Weight Management Benefits
Chia seeds are full of fiber. Just two teaspoons of chia seeds have almost 10 grams of fiber. Studies have shown that diets that are high in fiber often accompany lowered food cravings for better weight management and weight loss (Annals of Internal Medicine, 2015). The fiber in chia seeds is also a special fiber that is excellent for detoxifying the colon. Undigested foods cause buildup in the colon that results in harmful toxins that cause weight gain, headaches, and fatigue. The fiber packed seeds found in chia bread can clean away these harmful toxins and help your body regulate a healthy digestive tract. Chia bread contains one of the highest sources of plant-based protein, which can also keep you fuller for longer. Additionally, Chia bread is a low glycemic index bread, meaning the sugar that’s digested will convert into energy rather than being stored in the body as fat.

Chia Bread – Heart Health Benefits
Chia bread’s low glycemic properties help lower the risk of heart attacks as high blood sugar levels have been linked to increased risk of heart attacks. Additionally, it is an established understanding that Omega 3s in chia seeds reduce Inflammation and lower the risk of high cholesterol. Both the seeds and oil are rich in Omega 3 fatty acids This means that chia bread can help your body prevent heart disease and dramatically lower the risk of heart attacks, strokes, or fatal cardiac complications. Omega 3 in Chia bread not only fights inflammation surrounding the heart, it can also help fight joint pain around your entire body. Because Omega 3 is known as being anti-inflammatory, any inflamed joints can be relieved with chia seeds, making chia bread one of the healthiest breads on the market.  

Chia Bread – Energy Benefits
Another amazing benefit of Omega 3’s found in chia seeds is its capability to greatly enhance cognitive abilities and performance. In the Journal of Strength and Conditioning they found that consuming a tablespoon of chia seeds was as energizing as consuming a sports drink. It has a small amount of complex carbs but a lot of healthy fat and proteins that can give you enhanced exercise performance that lasts up to 90 minutes.  Chia bread is also loaded with antioxidants that help protect the body from free radicals, cancer, and the negative effects of aging to ensure that your skin is just as energized as your body. The reality is chia bread has benefits that no other bread can offer. In fact, Chia means “strength” in the Mayan language…and for good reasons. It boosts not only athletic performance, but also overall health.

Chia Bread – Skillfully Made by Food For Life
Available in a variety of great options, including original 3 seed, flax, almond, and cinnamon raisin, these new chia bread varieties from Food for Life offer more than just Omega 3 benefits. These breads are perfect for a wheat free diet. They are also made with sprouted grains, which helps maximize nutrition and aid in digestion. The seeds used for the chia, millet, and quinoa breads are all low glycemic. In addition to this, they provide a great source of protein that is plant based. Sprouted chia helps to provide antioxidants rich in EFA's, potassium, calcium, and phosphorus fiber. Sprouted quinoa is a plant based protein that contains anti-inflammatory benefits, provides phytonutrients, and supplies iron. Sprouted millet is an alkaline super seed protein that provides magnesium, manganese, and copper. All varieties of Food for Life chia bread are USDA organic, providing you with the best ingredients. Food for Life ingredients don't contain any GMO's, no dairy, eggs, casein, or animal products of any kind. Food for Life chia bread is truly vegan. Chia seeds are great, but they taste even better in actual bread you can use to make a sandwich, hors d'oeuvres, or enjoy with breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

Find out more about Food for Life Chia Bread HERE.

See the complete line of Food for Life products HERE.

Learn more about Food for Life and the sprouted grain breads HERE.

There is something to be said about Omega-3 fatty acids and rapid hair and nail growth. And amazing pancakes. You’re about to learn of THEE BEST secret ingredient to pancakes that are soft, chewy, and taste like a giant cookie.

Whenever I take even a days worth of Omega-3 fatty acids, I find that when I wake up, my nails are longer, and I have new eyebrow hair growth. Weird and funny, but true.

But not all Omega-3 fatty acids are made the same, and when it comes to what you prefer – fish oil (or some variation) or chia seeds (or maybe flax) its good to do your homework. So when I started to consider which was a better option after blindly  following advice that taking fish oil was a good idea (and not doing the research on what kind, the manufacture, and other minute but important details), I realized it was kind of like throwing my money down the toilet and flushing it because ‘people told me to’.

So I fully expect that after this blog, you will do your due diligence too and figure out whats the best route for you.

First things first, lets get the fatty (see what I did there? It’s the opposite of saying ‘lets get the skinny on blah blah blah) on Omega-3 fatty acids – their function in our health, and importance. 

The human body is pretty incredible when it comes to producing what it needs to regulate and promote healing. However, the human body cannot produce Omega-3 fatty acids on its own, it (we) need to consume it ourselves, therefor making it essential fatty acids (heard that before right?).

Omega 3 fatty acids are found in fish, nuts, seeds, oils, and some leafy vegetables. Omega-3 fatty acids are key when it comes to brain function (did you know the brain is 70% fat?), memory, and behavioral function. Omega-3 fatty acids are shown to help inflammation like RA, arthritis, heart disease and cancer. 

There are 3 main sources of Omega-3 fatty acids the body benefits from; DHA, EPA, and ALA.

Most DHA and EPA omega-3 fatty acids come from fish like salmon, krill, tuna and halibut. ALA comes from nuts, seeds, and oils like flax, walnuts and chia seeds.

I’m NOT a big fan of flax seed that I have to grind myself and then use in 24 hours for it to be active, I’ve wasted too much money and time that way. Flax seeds can become rancid quite easily if not stored properly, or used quickly. 

So WHY Chia? Well for starters, chia seeds are a ‘ “whole grain” food, are usually grown organically, are non-GMO and naturally free of gluten. Bottom Line: Despite their tiny size, chia seeds are among the most nutritious foods on the planet. They are loaded with fiber, protein, Omega-3 fatty acids and various micronutrients.”

But also how cool is this next piece of factorial history; the Aztecs and other Native Americans consumed chia seeds before going on 20-30 mile runs and thought of them as a mystical superfood. Unfortunately Spanish conquistadors band and burned chia seed fields because of this ‘religious conflict’ — cue major eye roll. Until recently, maybe the last 5-10 years did chia seeds make their comeback in the new trendy food to consume (kinda like how kale and bacon got their claim to fame). 

Chia seeds are considered a whole food, therefor an excellent source of omega-3s, fiber, and is one of the few plant sources that is a complete protein. However, I do NOT recommend grinding them up or soaking them whole as the best method to absorb the nutritional benefit they offer. The chia I recommend towards the end of this post is the best of the best you can get. Whether you toss it in with your oatmeal, make chia pudding, or add it to your baking (like protein pancakes), its a more integrated and dynamic option to get your omega-3 fatty acids. 

Chia seeds are the richest source of fiber therefor slowing down the absorption process in your digestive tract. Hello satiation, less starvation, and fuller tummies for longer! Let my friend, fellow nutrition junkie, and mentor explain chia seeds. 

And while the Huffington Post is no science journal, I do have to agree with their final verdict… “Flax is a seed worth eating, but chia has the upper hand here thanks to its higher numbers for fibre, calcium, and phosphorus, as well as because it’s a complete protein. But all seeds have antioxidants — and different ones — so it’s great to get a mix of them in your diet.”

But for all you scientific, nutrition freaks out there (like me) you’ll be happy to see that Dr. Axe put chia ahead of flax in his top 15 list! //

So what about fish oil and chia seeds? Is one better than the other? Yes and no. Yes because fish oil is very tricky nowadays with oxidation and expired fish oil on the market, and no because they are both different forms of omega-3 fatty acids. DHA and EPA is found in fish oil, whereas chia seeds are an ALA form of omega-3 fatty acids. While I think its important to alternate between the two, what brand of fish oil and chia seeds you get will be very important.

Here are some of my favorite go to fish oil brands, and my chia seed go to.

Amazing chia seed/Lupus testimony:

Lupus Testimony from kristinleedy on Vimeo.


Mila is a blend of chia seeds grown 27 degrees of the equator in high elevations. Our chia seeds are opened using a special machine that my product partner uses to ‘micro slice’ the seed and make the seed immediately bio-available, aka INSTANT absorption into the body. This is different than buying whole seeds which your body cannot absorb, and different than buying ground up chia seeds which will ball up from the oils naturally released. BUT if you buy a bag of chia that has been ground up and its not balled up (you’ve seen how chia creates a gelatin right?) then the oil has been sifted out, buh bye nutritional density. Our chia seeds are cleaned in multiples stages, with independent laboratories so that they are the best of the best without mold, salmonella, under-germinated seeds or over germinated seeds.

Fish Oil: So why THIS fish oil? Here’s a few reasons I selected this one over the others. Cod Liver Oil has the highest content of omega-3 fatty acids in DHA and EPA, along with vitamin A&D. The waters around Norway are virtually free of pollution and standards for cod liver oil extraction and production are also exceedingly high in Norway. This ensures that Norwegian cod liver oil product is of the highest quality. Or you can try THIS one if you prefer liquid form.  TIP: Choose a dark bottle to slow the breakdown of the oil from light.

Do you include chia seeds in your diet? If so, how? Are you getting the quality chia seeds like Mila or are yours dried up? Do you take fish oil pills? If so, which ones?

If  you enjoyed this post, comment below! Say hi so I can say back 😉 OR you can visit this link on my blog about how to become a product partner (like me) with a supplement company that focuses on whole health using pure, potent and practical ingredients that are highly sought after, thoroughly inspected and researched, and finally, the key to unlocking healing.

I LOVE sharing this kind of info, and I hope its helped! <3 Ready to get your hands on some Mila? If so, contact me



What can you not mix with fish oil?

Possible interactions include:.
Anticoagulant and antiplatelet drugs, herbs and supplements. These types of drugs, herbs and supplements reduce blood clotting. ... .
Blood pressure drugs, herbs and supplements. ... .
Contraceptive drugs. ... .
Orlistat (Xenical, Alli). ... .
Vitamin E..

Is chia seeds as good as fish oil?

Both chia seeds and fish oil are rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids, a teaspoon of chia seeds contains about 720mg of omega-3 fatty acids, while a teaspoon of cod liver oil contains 800mg omega-3 fatty acids, and 470mg in a teaspoon of herring oil.

Can I get enough omega

Just 1 ounce (28 grams) of chia seeds far exceeds your daily recommended intake of omega-3 fatty acids, delivering a whopping 5,000 mg ( 10 ).

Do chia seeds interfere with vitamin absorption?

The absorption of some minerals, such as iron and zinc, may be reduced because of the phytic acid content of chia seeds. Chia seeds are an excellent source of many essential minerals but a poor source of vitamins.


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