Best hemorrhoid cream for under eye bags

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Apologies in advance for the whole get-off-my-lawn-you-darn-kids-ness of the following rant. But what is it about TikTok that gives so many of its younger content creators who've just personally discovered something that has been around forever the audacity to share their discovery as if it's a novelty, a breakthrough, a game-changer that hasn't already been in the public consciousness for decades? Sure, there are some interesting and genuinely creative hacks on TikTok, but for the most part, I don't particularly like using the app because it never fails to make me continually feel like that one guy who can't believe that one girl thinks skorts are new.

Picture it: Someone runs up to you with an ice cream cone in their hand, enthusiastically raving about it. "Did you know about this stuff? It's called ice cream," they say. "It's so good. I just need to tell everyone because this is one of the best-kept secrets in the world." You would think they're from another planet, right? That's how beauty-hack TikTok feels to me. It reminds me of those "all 2000s kids remember…" memes with a collage of stuff that's supposed to be unique to a 2000s childhood, but it includes things like Polly Pocket and crayons. None of this is new.

Most recently, I've been giving a big, xennial eye roll to a TikTok video that would have you believe the youth think putting Preparation H on puffy undereye bags is a new idea. "I'm sharing my knowledge," the caption reads, as if a new pharmaceutical study is being published, followed by a few hashtags and, "It works great if you cried a lot and have puffy eyes from it." 

For the record, people have been putting hemorrhoid cream under their eyes for as long as I can remember (I'd say my memory reliably goes back about 40 years), and probably much longer than that. I found an Orlando Sentinel article from 1986 that mentions Miss America contestants using it, if that's any indication of its vintage hack status. 

"Ladies, I am about to show you a trick that they don't want you to know about," says @myspacequeenx at the start of the video, which has gone viral since it was posted earlier in March. (It is unclear who "they" are.) The 25-year-old then dabs on the Preparation H, allows it to dry, and declares, "No more bags." Which is true! There's definitely a difference, which is why many people have done this for a long time. 

There's just one problem (aside from the whole pretense that this is somehow new or a secret): Even though it works, you really shouldn't be applying Preparation H — or any hemorrhoid cream — anywhere but on hemorrhoids (which I sincerely hope you never have to do). 

"Don’t do it! There are way better and safer options available for temporarily reducing inflammation under your eyes," says Connecticut-based board-certified dermatologist Deanne Mraz Robinson, MD.

OK, but let's back up for a sec. Why does it work? "This hack works because Preparation H contains phenylephrine, which constricts the blood vessels in your under eye area to reduce inflammation, swelling, and puffiness," says New York-based board-certified dermatologist Ellen Marmur, MD. She warns that in addition phenylephrine, some versions of Preparation H may contain hydrocortisone — and that's a big no-no near your eyes. 

"Hydrocortisone can be absorbed through the skin into the bloodstream to
cause systemic side effects in other parts of your body," explains Florida-based board-certified dermatologist De Anne Harris Collier, MD. "Because hydrocortisone is a steroid, usage over time can affect your adrenal glands, which are responsible for your body’s response to stress." Dr. Collier adds that, while rare, long-term usage of hydrocortisone in the eyelid area may also lead to glaucoma and cataracts.

Not scared because it's such an unlikely side effect? Dr. Robinson has another good reason: "Prolonged use of topical steroids can cause the skin to thin out, making it more fragile and prone to wrinkling and leading to more visible vascular structures underneath," she says. In other words, "permanent dark circles."

All three dermatologists recommend using an actual eye cream instead. "There are many good options that contain caffeine, antioxidants, and retinol to combat the puffiness and offer rejuvenation," Dr. Collier says. (Might we suggest Best of Beauty 2021 winners BeautyStat Universal C Eye Perfector or RoC Retinol Correction Line Smoothing Eye Cream?)

BeautyStat Universal Universal C Eye Perfector

RoC Retinol Correxion Eye Cream

If you're still concerned about puffiness even with the help of a great eye cream, you can try to address some of the lifestyle factors that can contribute to it. "I would recommend you aim for a least seven hours of sleep a night and drink half your body weight in ounces of water daily," Dr. Robinson says. "An ice roller is also a great idea to reduce swelling."

But please, for the love of TikTok, don't go creating a video claiming that ice rollers are some new, secret thing, OK?

More buzzy TikTok hacks:

  • Why the White Concealer Trend Might Be TikTok's Best Makeup Hack
  • TikTok Says You Can "Give" Yourself Dimples, But Please Don't
  • I've Never Felt as Dumb as I Did Trying TikTok's Viral Lifted Contour Tape Hack

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