Xbox series s vs ps4 pro reddit

Hey guys.

The time has come. Finally after so many years after skipping gaming consoles I'll be getting a new one. Spend my childhood with ps/ps1/ps2, had xbox360 (but didn't) really liked it, most games been played on pc. And now decided between Ps4 Pro and Xbox Series s. So far Ps4Pro is winning my heart. I weighted everything and even thought XSS looks very attractive with those superb loading speeds, quick resume, fps, small size, loudness, upcoming games for years and same price ~ as ps4pro... it still is an xbox.. XSS has no disc drive( no cheap used discs), shop deals are more expensive and game library is super weird for my taste. No idea why game pass is so praised for. Found only a few games there that took my attention, all others are indie games which i could probably play on my 2011 pc. Ps Now has soooo much more to offer for me:

PS exclusives like: Last of Us, Horizon Zero Dawn, The Last of Us, Uncharted, God of War, Ghost of Tsushima, Spiderman

Those are my type of games. Loading times and legendary jet noise scares me but just these games would be the reason I would buy ps4! The thing is, I've skipped the whole generation and have never played them yet( lucky me). On the worst scennario I could finish these games and sell my ps for round the same price and buy xb.......i don't really want to say up for ps5?

What do you think guys, do you agree with me that ps4pro as an entry console is better for an adventurous player as me?:) cheers!

A little history: Used to play on xbox 360. Jumped to Ps4 fat and then ps4 pro for the last 5 years. Now I am waiting for my ps5 which is set to arrive in May hopefully. Not a fanboy, just a gamer who wants to enjoy games regardless of platform.

I had been thinking about what to do with my ps4 pro when the ps5 arrives. And i am feeling that urge for a series s as it falls right into my budget and is a next gen console and all. I have a 4K tv that can give 120 fps at 1440p, which is supposedly a feature of series s.

So after all that, should I jump to series s? Especially while i wait for ps5 it can give me a lot to play till then.

Also, are there any known issues that I might encounter? Coming from ps4 pro, will I observe a definite downgrade of graphics? Are there any other issues i should be aware of?

Thanks so much for any help you guys can give.

Xbox series s vs ps4 pro reddit

I currently have a ps4 which is my main console and a Nintendo switch which I gave to my younger brother and we play over watch 2 and apex together. He’s been using the Nintendo for about 2 years now and he’s never played in 30+ fps ever. So I wanted to get myself another console so I can give my brother my PS4 which is in great condition and not slow even after all the years of me owning it. So I decided that my 2 options were to get a used ps4 pro or a Xbox series s for both for about $350 CAD. Kinda need some advice about the 2 options.

The series S is a next gen console, therefor it has better specs at everything compared to the PS4 pro.

The downside of the series S is that it's digital only, so you can't buy cheap physical games on sale.

Other than that just ask yourself which exclusives you like better.

Xbox has Halo, Gears, Bethesda.

PS has Horizon, Spiderman, Ghost of Tsushima.

And of course both have more exclusives than what I just mentioned.

If you're just going to play games that are on both consoles, for example COD. The series S will have better performance.

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Xbox series s vs ps4 pro reddit

Hi guys im looking to buy my first console ever and i just wanted to know if you could help me make my choice. Reasons i want a PS4: -Many exclusives. -easier way to charge the controller. -1 tb storage. Reasons i would like an Xbox series s: -Forza horizon 🏎️ because on PlayStation i can't find a good racing game where i can explore the map entirely. -microsoft rewards so i don't have to buy games with real money. -gamepass. Thanks to everyone. GUYS I BOUGHT IT TODAY WITH A BATTERY CHARGER AND CHARGEABLE BATTERIES. THANKS TO YOU ALL THE CONSOLE IS AMAZING , I ALREADY LOVE IT.

Is Xbox Series S powerful than PS4 Pro?

Though the PS4 Pro has the advantage of larger storage size, the Xbox Series S has it in speed. As the Xbox Series S utilises an SSD, the boot-up time of the console, read/write speeds and game loading times are all faster than you would get with the HDD found in the PS4 Pro.

Is the Series S less powerful?

The Series X is designed for games with resolutions of up to 4K (and it theoretically supports 8K resolutions for video content), while the Xbox Series S has less-powerful graphics hardware that game developers appear to be targeting for 1080p and sometimes 1440p visuals.

Is Xbox Series S more powerful than PS4 Pro reddit?

On the one hand, the series s is part of the 'current gen' and is more powerful than the ps4 pro.

Is PS4 as good as Xbox One S?

Ultimately, the PS4 is the overall winner, all down to its larger selection of exclusive games. However, you can't go wrong with an Xbox One S, especially when combined with the the frankly absurd bargain that Xbox Game Pass offers.