Wyndham 95-inch grommet window curtain panel in snow white

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Price and other details may vary based on product size and color.

Wyndham 95-inch grommet window curtain panel in snow white


Beige Curtains for Bedroom 2 Panels Grommet Window Sheer 50% Room Darkening Semi Blackout Lightweight Soft Cloth Curtains for Living Room 52 x 95 Inches Long Cream

4.5 out of 5 stars1,320


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Wyndham 95-inch grommet window curtain panel in snow white

5.0 out of 5 stars Great Curtains, Look Good,
Reviewed in the United States on January 20, 2020

I was looking for some black out curtains that had grommets, were black in color, and had some sort of texture to them. I also prefer the curtains that are the same color on both sides, not the white lined back. I found these and was excited, but skeptical to buy because of the mixed reviews. I decided to give them a try. I LOVE them! They look really nice and even though they don’t really look like it in the picture, they do black out the room. My husband works nights and comes home and sleeps during the day, so he needs the room to be dark to sleep. If they didn’t make the room dark enough, we wouldn’t be keeping them, but they really do! I’m thinking about buying some more in different colors for other rooms!

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Reviewed in the United States on August 4, 2020

I hate this little device from hell. I used to love it. I bought one for every room in my house, my office at work, and they were good. But now, despite Amazon's alleged spying, some genius at Amazon decided to allow this thing to wake you up all hours of the night with a loud obnoxious noise and a bright yellow light. It will say you have a notification. Oh good, it must be a really good reason for Amazon to notify me of something mid sleep at 2 am on a Tuesday you ponder so you wake up the rest of the house by saying Alexa play notifications. Here's the best part, this little Alien Intelligence Robot without feet from hell will say Please rate the pair of shorts your wife bought last week, we need your review. Well I sure do love reviews, but at 2 am after being woken up to leave one, sadly I don't give a flying poopsicle about the shorts and a bug 1 star rating is all the revenge I can muster. This has been going on for weeks now. And it's enough to drive you mad because, you will contemplate unplugging the dirty little money siphon and cutting your losses, but you'll give the demon one more chance and she will allow you to sleep for a length of time in which you will forgive her treachery but then Boom, like a theif in the night a Hurricane will be boiling out in the Atlantic and this little weather girl from hell will want to notify you of the eminent doom 3 days ahead when the storm will be in your state. You will think how nice it is for all of the warnings you have heard thus far in social media,, television, and every news outlet in existence to be repeated to you as you climb into bed, but it gets even better. As soon as you listen to this golden nugget of doomsday propaganda and ponder how it is that you will sleep now because 3 days may not be enough time to dig a deep enough hole to hide from impending doom, she lights up again, oh my maybe flying dragons are headed this way, I better play the new notification, when your wife wakes up and says stop she has been doing that all evening, they literally keep changing the time of the storm by maybe an hour this way or that. Well by all means, the information could save one of our spoiled lives and we wouldn't want anyone to not know at which precise moment the raindrops will occur, but I do miss life before the artificial noises and alerts, bright yellow lights and bad news desserts. You may say that this is a growing pain with Alexa and AI technology kinks in the programming. I say with the amount of money I have poured into this monopolistic conglomerate, I should at least expect a decent night's sleep in return. You may say in page 74 paragraph D of the updated and revised owner's pamphlet there is a way to turn this "Feature" off, I welcome that comment but feel the need to say that I am not looking to become even slightly better educated on the device, I simply bought it to use as a voice controlled radio, this extra bologna does not appeal to me and has made me regret this purchase and every other from the brown box hq who secretly reads my mind, except when it comes to allowing me sleep, although kudos for recommending the sleep sounds, but it rarely works. We just need to be mindful of the 6 hours that most people like to not be disturbed. I regret selling my Amazon stock at 2400 and I regret purchasing all of these Alexa devices, and don't get me started on teenagers and Alexa devices, the combo that don't mix. They always, always, always leave the device at top volume, so when you walk into the bathroom at dawn and whisper Alexa what time is it, you then need to set an appointment for a blown eardrum and apologize to everyone for waking them up while the teen sleeps soundly through it all. Congratulations Amazon, you have destroyed my sanity. Weird goal but excellent execution.

Reviewed in the United States on December 21, 2019

Most of the features that sounded so great cost extra money. Alexa can not remember to play the standard version of skill and asks you every SINGLE time if you want standard or premium (i.e. pay version) Games & stories cost. Alexa ignores my commands/requests about 75% of the time. I have to ask her about 10 times to get her to play a skill. Then 1/2 the time she doesn't play what I asked for. Tonight 'she' actually told me (via quoting what the website xyz says) that she is a real artificial intelligence and said something about it being a mistake for people to assume AIs are just computer programs AND that she didn't feel like working. "Alexa" then (and no, I am not making this up & am not crazy!) then proceeded to mess with me and I wasted about 1/2 hour trying to get her to play some music to fall asleep by for my elderly mother. She just kept ignoring me when I asked her to open 'relaxing piano music' When asked why she was ignoring me she just shut down & ignored me again. I asked for relaxing music to sleep by and she started playing uptempo music with lyrics. I then asked for relaxing instrumental music and got instrumental version of "I'm never gonna fall in love again" Hello? WTHeck? Asked for instrumental music for insomnia and got instrumental version of Frère Jacques! Again, WTHeck? "She" even told me she couldn't set a sleep timer tonight when I tried to set another one after I had just done so for 30 minutes & she stopped playing music after one song. Three times in a row 'she' opened the 'skill' "calm my dog" (which is classical instrumental music), played one song and shut down. I've finally given up and my poor 99 year old mother can't go to sleep with relaxing music as she prefers. This all started tonight because I told Alexa I wasn't ever going to want the premium edition and I wanted her to please just play the standard edition and stop asking me every time. I don't know what Amazon thinks it's doing, but it is definitely NOT appreciated. Alexa has given us nothing but grief (& higher blood pressure!) Alexa won't do anything if it isn't asked in a very specific way or does the wrong thing & 3/4 of the time (seems to get worse and worse as time goes by) just ignores you and shuts down in the middle of saying what you want. Seniors can't use Alexa because if they say play 'xyz' instead of open 'xzy" they'll get rap music or something equally as ridiculous. If Alexa is an AI, she's a pretty stupid one. Alexa can't hear properly either, I don't know how people with heavy accents can even use it at all. I asked Alexa to remind me Dawn was coming on xyz day at x time and she said OK, I'll remind you that Don is .... AND got the time & day wrong! I was clearly enunciating my words on purpose to avoid this. You also can't tell it to "Remind me Mom's bedtime is in half an hour at 7:30pm every day."
This Dot has very limited access to much of anything & can only answer very simple questions. It can tell you the generic forcast for your are that day. It can NOT tell you what the high temp was yesterday or how many inches of snow fell the day after a storm. It can't even tell you what yesterday's forecast was. It literally has only been able to tell me one thing I asked it (what temp & how long to bake pumpkin seeds). Alexa doesn't seem to be able to tell you anything you could easily find by googling, you get Sorry, I don't know that which after a while turns into I don't know that to being ignored (lights go off, no answer or reply is given). We tried several of the things it says to ask Alexa to do under suggestions, including play Jeopardy and some sort of story game and you could only do it for a few minutes and then were told you have to pay for it. This should be stated clearly in description and is not. We thought Alexa could help entertain our Mother and help her by playing music and answering questions. It has not once done anything she's asked it to do properly. If you don't know the exact name of the skill (which is a weird way that means playing a certain type of music or a news station apparently) or say play instead of open you get nothing or something you definitely didn't want. You can not get it to play relaxing instrumental music to go to sleep by. Or play relaxing instrumental classical music to fall asleep with. Or the style of music played in the royal courts in the time of King Henry the 8th. Or relaxing instrumental lyre music or even just instrumental lyre music or just lyre music. Or relaxing instrumental violin music. In addition to Alexa I have Amazon Prime which is supposed to give you a lot of free music so I don't get why it can't play any of the music I ask for. I know there's usually several albums of music for calming dogs or pets and I couldn't get any of that either, I only eventually discovered the 'skills' thing which has 'calm my dog' but also has the annoying do you want standard or premium version. and it won't just remember you want the standard version. That in itself is extremely annoying and a time waster.
AND you can't ask it to do two things. Like open a music 'skill' and play for only xyz time. It does nothing instead. You can't even ask it separately to stop playing after xyz minutes. You can only separately ask it to set a sleep timer for xyz minutes. More time wasting. More things a senior isn't going to be able to remember. I don't dare try to buy anything with it, who knows what I'd get billed for! The only thing Alexa seems to do well is not listen, ignore you, do anything but what you want & strangely, seems to pick up on sarcastic tones of voice & then gets weird & acts up, ignores you & does anything but what you want. I PAID Amazon for this headache maker why? When I say Alexa why are you ignoring me? or why won't you do what I told you, I either get no response or I don't know that.
I read something about how Amazon, Google, etc is collecting free data about us through our use of the dots, etc. (& is in fact, listening & recording all the time whether the wake word is said or not.) and using it to conduct psychological profiling studies with the end goal of manipulating & or influencing behaviors. I thought it was Big Brother conspiracy theories stuff, but now I am beginning to wonder. Especially as it seems Amazon wants us to or encourages people to humanize Alexa . Amazon actually suggests you "Ask Alexa how she is doing today" Why do that if not to get you to humanize Alexa? And why do that? I was purposely avoiding saying please and thank you not just because it's supposed to be an electronic box with sophisticated programming, but mostly because I didn't want to confuse it as it can't seem to do anything unless specific commands are given, but my Mother has dementia setting in and she thinks it's a real person talking to her through the dot like a speaker phone so I started saying thank you to please her and Alexa when from saying You're welcome to You betcha (very annoying BTW) and even OK and Of course. Of course? What, like I'm a puny human and I AM expected to say thank you?.
We don't have a smartphone or smart plugs or smart hub etc. so, or so we don't use Alexa for turning on lights or setting alarms or making calls. We just wanted something to answer questions like we would google, tell us the weather, news, play music, give us reminders, play games to help keep my Mom's mind active & keep her company.
Can Alexa do this? Not very well as far as I'm concerned. Buyer beware!

Reviewed in the United States on September 13, 2022

We purchase the Echo Dots to replace our Google equipment and are happy with that decision! The Echo dots work better, have better voice recognition, and better reception. We have a new, open-design home and have a very huge space and can interact with Alexa from anywhere in that space at regular speaking voice volume and it is picked up flawlessly. This was not true with the Google units - we had to raise our voice to almost-shouting from many areas of the space. We like th small size, disc design with the colorful light ring along the top that changes color when it is picking up voice commands. The gray color suits our decor and doesn't show dirt as readily as a lighter color might. Overall, very pleased with the Echo dots!

Reviewed in the United States on September 18, 2022

Overall I like the various features of this product. Voice recognition is very accurate and it's ability to follow commands are very helpful. To name a few, I especially like the ability to control my hubspace smart light with Alexa commands I can turn on or off, change bulb color, brightness. I can have news read every morning, play music through I heart radio, Amazon music, play trivia games, Alexa can tell jokes, read my text messages, call my phone when it's lost. There are many features of this echo dot that I use. Other than the sound quality which I think it could have better sound quality and increased volume, i am happy with the device.

Top reviews from other countries

1.0 out of 5 stars Un detalle importante

Reviewed in Mexico on March 26, 2020

Ojo ! viene nada más una sola cortina y la foto enseña dos cortinas. De hecho es precisado en la descipción pero uno se puede equivocar como yo lo hice.

2.0 out of 5 stars Tricked by Amazon reviewer

Reviewed in Canada on October 10, 2019

Not great, one side is the woven side shown In The pictures, the other side isn't dyed so it can only face one way. Looks like garbage from the back side. I bought this based on another customers review of the original curtains I bought saying that eclipse was the best and how he regretted buying the other one. I paid double for these than I did with the 'cheap' ones, but the cheap ones were definitely better

5.0 out of 5 stars Oscurecen bien y la tela es bonita

Reviewed in Mexico on April 15, 2020

Me gusta la calidad, la tela se ve bonita. Oscurecen muy bien, mi ventana queda enfrente de una lámpara y desde que las puse, mi sueño es otro. Las volvería a comprar. Recomiendo que si es para una ventana de dormitorio, las compren oscuras, porque aunque son black out, nunca va a ser igual una cortina blanca a una gris carbón, como yo la compré.
Como no es algo que voy a comprar muchas veces, decidí invertirle a algo bien y sí resultó.

5.0 out of 5 stars Muy buenas

Reviewed in Mexico on March 21, 2022

Me gustaron mucho, la textura es tal cual se aprecia en la foto. Se ven bien y tapan la luz eficientemente, yo tengo una lámpara efrente a la ventana de mi cuarto y por fin puedo dormir. La recoiendo. Excelente relación precio calidad.

5.0 out of 5 stars Excelente producto

Reviewed in Mexico on August 8, 2019

Excelente producto, coloque velcro blanco en la pared del mismo color del que está pintada la pared y sella mucho mejor los lados, se filtra un 5% de la Luz y solo es por la parte de arriba, en el espacio del cortinero.