Workers compensation insurance for veterinarians

The CVMA group workers’ compensation program offers tailored risk management services. Coverage enhancements include post-exposure rabies prophylaxis medical treatment and coverage automatically extends to volunteers, interns, and externs.

VISC provides workers’ compensation coverage and tailored risk management services through Preferred Employers Insurance Company. Benefits include but are not limited to:

  • Volunteers covered automatically
  • Post-exposure rabies prophylaxis medical treatment
  • Dedicated claims staff

Contact VISC at 888.762.3143 for more information or to obtain a quote today.

Lost Wages and Medical Care

If you employ even just one person in your veterinary office, workers compensation is a legal necessity. The requirement for holding this type of insurance is to protect you from very serious expenses associated with accidents in the workplace. Your business insurance is there to provide the medical expenses your injured worker needs as well as their lost wages when they cannot return to work.

Workers compensation insurance for veterinarians

Workers compensation insurance for veterinarians

Workers compensation insurance for veterinarians

Auto Insurance

Workers compensation insurance for veterinarians

Workers compensation insurance for veterinarians

Business Travel Protection

If you ever need to send an employee out of state for work, you need to be sure they will be covered. If you have a typical workers compensation policy for your veterinary office, you may only get coverage for medical expenses and lost wages if an accident occurs within the state. If travel is a possibility you may want to purchase optional coverage.

Employer’s Liability

The workers compensation that you have for your veterinary office is a no-fault type of business insurance. This means that your hurt employee does not need to prove you were responsible to receive compensation. But, if they do believe it can be proven, they may choose to sue you in the hopes of getting more money. Your workers comp policy includes employer’s liability to protect you from legal fees and damages associated with the suit brought against you.

Employer’s Liability In Monopolistic States

In monopolistic states, business owners are required by law to purchase their workers compensation policies from a state fund. Any payments made to employees come from this fund. If you have your business in one of these states, you need to be sure that you are covered for employer’s liability. It may not be included in a typical policy for your veterinary office workers compensation. If it is not, you may consider purchasing it as additional coverage.

Although it may be tough to believe that one of your employers would sue you, it is a definite possibility. The expense of facing down a law suit can be tremendous and for this reason having coverage for employer’s liability within your veterinary office workers compensation is very important. You could be faced with attorney fees, investigative costs, charges from the court, and damages to your employee if they are successful.

Third-Party Suits

Another instance that is possible with respect to law suits and an accident involving an employee is that you could be sued by a third party. In the event that your employee feels they can prove that someone besides you or your business was liable for their injury, they could sue this third party. The third party may in turn sue you or your office if they think the blame is yours. The legal fees associated with this scenario could be steep. It is important, therefore, to have employer’s liability within your veterinary office workers compensation insurance.

Workers compensation insurance for veterinarians

You’re passionate about helping the pets who come to your veterinary practice – and we’re passionate about protecting you while you do it. Our veterinary insurance coverage is made to help you take better care of the animals you see, giving you peace of mind to know you’re covered as you serve your patients.

Workers compensation insurance for veterinarians

Why Is Veterinary Insurance Coverage So Important?

You know firsthand that running a veterinary practice comes with a lot of risks, that’s why having the right business insurance is so important. Our vet insurance is made to help small businesses recover from the everyday issues they may face, like property damage or losing critical files. But we’re also here for the unique risks you face while running a veterinary practice.

What Basic Insurance Do Veterinarians Need?

Veterinarian insurance helps protect your practice from the unique risks you face. If you’re wondering what you need, many small businesses start with a Business Owner’s Policy (BOP). It combines three essential coverages to help protect you from claims that may come from normal operations:

  • General liability insurance helps protect you from claims that your business caused bodily injury or property damage.
  • Commercial property insurance helps protect your practice’s physical location and equipment, like medical carts, exam tables and surgical tools.
  • Business income insurance can help replace your practice’s lost income if you can’t open because of a covered property damage, like a fire.

Most people view their pets as family. Chances are, you do too. But your passion for helping the animals you take care of can’t always prevent the worst from happening. That’s why having veterinary insurance is so important. With the right kinds of coverages, you can have peace of mind as you see your patients, knowing your veterinary practice is protected.

There are more than 2,000 cases of veterinary malpractice filed in U.S. courts every year.1

Workers compensation insurance for veterinarians

System Hacking

“One of our receptionists opened a weird email and within minutes, our whole system was down. Hackers got into our customers’ personal information, including their addresses and some credit card details.”

Data breach helps cover the cost of things like complying with notification requirements to affected individuals, and credit monitoring if sensitive customer information is lost or stolen.

Workers compensation insurance for veterinarians

Cat Injury

“One of my vet techs was bringing a cat into the back kennel area when it jumped out of her arms, reinjuring its paw.”

Animal bailee coverage helps protect your business when an animal in your care is accidentally injured or lost. It can pay expenses like veterinary bills or reward costs to help you search for and recover a lost or stolen pet.

No matter how careful you try to be, accidents still happen – especially when you’re working with animals. With veterinarian insurance, you and your team will be covered if an accident occurs. We’re proud to be an insurance company dedicated to small businesses and are here to help you give the best care possible to the animals you love by helping protect the employees you rely on.

As of 2016, those in veterinary service professions were the second most likely to be injured while working.2

Workers compensation insurance for veterinarians

Customer Lawsuit

“We kept a dog overnight in our kennel. The next morning when our manager arrived to do the round of feedings, she found the dog not breathing. He was 15 years old and had a lot of health issues, but his owners claimed we did something to cause his death.”

If you’re sued for damages resulting from the professional services you provide, pet groomers’ professional liability insurance helps cover the cost of your defense.

Workers compensation insurance for veterinarians

Injured Worker

“A typical Monday of back-to-back appointments and my assistant was rushing to an emergency when she slid on a wet spot, landing on her back. She could barely walk and ended up needing physical therapy.”

Workers’ compensation insurance gives your employees benefits to help them recover from work-related bodily injuries or illnesses. This insurance can help pay treatment costs and replace some of their lost income.

You want to offer the best care to the animals you serve, which means getting the equipment you need to take care of them. It takes hard work – and a lot of money – to become a veterinarian. Insurance may not be top of mind, but it’s made to help protect the business you’ve worked so hard to build. Our vet insurance will cover accidents and protect your property if a disaster strikes.

The cost of starting a small animal clinic (including most standard equipment) is approximately $1,000,000.3

Workers compensation insurance for veterinarians

Property Damage

“Two dogs got into a fight in our waiting area. Luckily neither of them were seriously injured, but they broke a table and got blood splattered on one of the walls.”

Animal damage to buildings coverage helps with repair costs that are needed as a result of issues that animals in your care have caused.

Workers compensation insurance for veterinarians

Clogged Sink

“Clients often pay us to give their dogs a bath after an appointment. We try to get as much hair out of the drains as possible, but recently, we had an issue with one of the pipes and had to have it replaced.”

Backup of Sewers and Drains can help when an abundance of animal hair and fur at your workplace results in property damage by causing clogged drains.

Veterinary Insurance That You’ll Value

Whether you’re giving emergency care or doing a routine exam, you need insurance coverage you can trust. From dog or cat treatments to equine and reptile medicine, we’re an insurance company that knows the needs of veterinarians. Backed by more than 200 years of experience, we work with veterinary practices throughout the country to offer the coverages they need for the unique challenges they face.

The Hartford shall not be liable for any damages in connection with the use of any information provided on this page. Please consult with your insurance agent/broker or insurance company to determine specific coverage needs as this information is intended to be educational in nature.

The information contained on this page should not be construed as specific legal, HR, financial, or insurance advice and is not a guarantee of coverage. In the event of a loss or claim, coverage determinations will be subject to the policy language, and any potential claim payment will be determined following a claim investigation.

Certain coverages vary by state and may not be available to all businesses. All Hartford coverages and services described on this page may be offered by one or more of the property and casualty insurance company subsidiaries of The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. listed in the Legal Notice.

The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc., (NYSE: HIG) operates through its subsidiaries under the brand name, The Hartford, and is headquartered in Hartford, CT. For additional details, please read The Hartford’s Legal Notice.

* Customer reviews are collected and tabulated by The Hartford and not representative of all customers.

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What types of insurance should a veterinarian have?

What Basic Insurance Do Veterinarians Need?.
General liability insurance helps protect you from claims that your business caused bodily injury or property damage..
Commercial property insurance helps protect your practice's physical location and equipment, like medical carts, exam tables and surgical tools..

Does VA require workers compensation insurance?

A: Virginia law requires Virginia workers' compensation coverage for work performed or subcontracted in Virginia, even if it is temporary work. Virginia does not have reciprocity with any other state.

How Much Does VA workers comp pay?

2020 Rates: Effective July 1, 2020, the maximum compensation rate will be $1,137. Effective July 1, 2020, the minimum compensation rate will be $284.25. Effective October 1, 2020, the cost of living (COLA) rate will be 2.3%.