Womens mental health inpatient treatment centers near me

Womens mental health inpatient treatment centers near me
It’s common to feel down for a while after you’ve had a bad day. And people of all ages feel grief and sadness when they experience loss or difficulty. Other individuals live with a crippling sadness that doesn’t fade away at the end of the day and affects every aspect of their lives. If that sounds like you, know that depression is not just sadness. It’s a mental illness that can be treated.

Maybe you’ve tried to treat your depression through lifestyle changes. This is common but may not work. Some people with depression self-medicate through alcohol or drugs. Others just hope it goes away. But if depression is not treated, it can linger and become worse. It can affect your personal and professional lives and relationships. Looking into inpatient depression treatment centers is a must.

What Is Depression?

Depression is a mood disorder. It causes a constant feeling of unhappiness and loss of interest. The disorder affects how you feel, think and behave. It can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems and may often keep you from completing daily tasks. It can make you feel like life isn’t worth living.

It’s common for friends and loved ones to try and cheer you up if you seem sad. With depression, you cannot simply snap out of it. Feeling better may require long-term treatment.

What to Expect at Our Inpatient Depression Treatment Programs

We treat depression and a wide range of mental health issues that may accompany the disorder. Our treatment plans are personalized and focus on treatment options that may include:

  • Individual therapy
  • Group therapy
  • Dual diagnosis treatment
  • Psychiatric medication, if needed
  • Alternative approaches
  • An aftercare plan

Individual Therapy

Individual therapy programs are often the first form of treatment recommended for clients with depression, and much of your work in residential treatment centers for depression will take place in individual therapy. Our counselors are trained in approaches that help address the emotional pain and dysfunctional thinking that fuel depression. Your counselor will help you identify the issues that could be prompting your depression, and you’ll learn ways to work through them. Individual therapy can use the following techniques:

  • Helping you understand behaviors, emotions, and ideas that contribute to your depressed state
  • Helping you identify the life problems or events that contribute to your depression
  • Helping you understand which aspects of the problem you may be able to solve or improve
  • Helping you regain a sense of control and pleasure in life
  • Assisting you in learning coping techniques and problem-solving skills

Group Therapy

In addition to individual behavioral therapy, you’ll meet regularly in small groups. Group therapy program participants share experiences and learn from others with the same struggles. This can help you gain a new understanding of your problems and often helps people cope. You’ll learn better social and personal skills in group therapy. And a lifelong benefit is the honest connections you’ll make with your peers in depression recovery.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment

The relationship between depression and substance abuse is a common one. Depression leads some to drink or abuse drugs as a method of lifting their mood or avoiding their feelings. Maybe you’ve used substances to self-medicate your symptoms of depression or to escape from feelings of guilt or misery.

There is one big problem with mixing substances with depression: They only escalate feelings of sadness or lethargy. Alcohol does this quickly because it’s a depressant. It is possible for someone without depression to develop the disorder through drug and alcohol use.

Staff at our rehab centers are trained in treating co-occurring disorders. Dual diagnosis treatment includes proven therapies. Some therapies may include:

  • Individual therapy for depression
  • Individual therapy for substance abuse
  • Group therapy for both co-occurring disorders
  • Family therapy treatment program
  • Alternative therapies like art, music and animal-assisted
  • You’ll also meet with our psychiatric team to determine if medication is an effective complement to your treatment

Medications for Depression

Sometimes clients benefit from medications. Antidepressants are used to treat depression by improving the way your brain controls your mood or stress. Not every medication works the same for every person. Our professional staff will monitor your depression symptoms and any medications you’re prescribed. They will change the medication or dosage until they find the best fit for you.

Alternative Approaches

Promises Behavioral Health inpatient depression therapy includes both traditional and alternative approaches. You may participate in several alternative therapies depending on your treatment plan and what feels comfortable to you. Alternative treatments may include:

  • Mindfulness training
  • Yoga therapy program
  • Trauma therapies like eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR)
  • SMART Recovery®
  • Refuge Recovery
  • Equine therapy
  • Music and art therapy
  • Fitness
  • Acupuncture

Comfortable Residential Treatment Centers for Depression

Our goal is to help you heal, and that’s not easy in a hospital setting. So our treatment facilities are welcoming dwellings with comfortable furnishings, soothing décor, and spaces to relax and focus on yourself. We strive to help you feel at home because we want you to focus your energy on getting better.

Some of our facilities are equipped with:

  • Fitness centers
  • A swimming pool
  • Sports courts
  • Music and art studios
  • Massage therapy
  • Other recreation
  • Aftercare Planning

Staff at every Promises Behavioral Health inpatient depression treatment center will work with you to plan for life after you leave treatment. We’ll connect you with resources in your community.

Depending on your situation and co-occurring issues, these may include:

  • Transitioning into an outpatient substance abuse rehab program
  • Individual therapy program
  • Support groups, like Alcoholics Anonymous®
  • Appointments with a psychiatrist for medication management
  • Couples or family therapy
  • Promises alumni events

Family Therapy

Couple and family counseling can be helpful, so your loved ones can better understand the challenges you face in addiction and so they can get the support they need to maintain them as an encouraging force in your life.

Why Inpatient Depression Treatment Centers?

Inpatient depression therapy helps thousands of people living with severe depression. While outpatient care can be an effective treatment, it is suggested that inpatient care is the most effective, especially for depression that co-occurs with other disorders. Residential depression treatment provides round-the-clock care and supervision. A depression treatment center offers space away from life’s stressors, so you can focus on getting better.

Turn Your Life Around Today

If you are or a loved one is in need of help with your depression, Promises Behavioral Health has a facility that’s right for you. Call us today at 844.875.5609 for a free, confidential consultation. Our caring recovery advisors will help you determine what treatment program is best for you.

What is a rehabilitation Centre for in mental health?

Mental health rehabilitation services provide specialist care to people with complex needs that cannot be met by other mental health services. They provide treatment and support for between 10% and 20% of people with a severe mental illness, both in hospital and in the community.

What does the Samhsa do?

What does SAMHSA do? SAMHSA provides leadership, supports programs and services, and devotes resources to helping the United States act on the knowledge that behavioral health is essential to health, prevention works, treatment is effective, and people recover.

What does Samhsa national helpline do?

SAMHSA's National Helpline This Helpline provides 24-hour free and confidential treatment referral and information about mental and/or substance use disorders, prevention, and recovery in English and Spanish.

Is Samhsa anonymous?

SAMHSA provides a confidential and anonymous source of information for persons seeking treatment facilities in the United States or U.S. Territories for substance use/addiction and/or mental health problems.