Why is my samsung tv not showing up on airplay

Is your Airplay not playing video on your Samsung TV? You might have tried TV settings or Screen Mirror options. But, did you update the TV Firmware? There are many things you might have to check.

For instance, is your WiFi connection on point? Don’t worry if you don’t know how to go through these configuration settings. This guide will help you fix any issue related to Airplay not working on Samsung TV.

After all, the two are competitive companies, and it is not news that there are some problems. From diagnosing your mobile device to WiFi Network, we encompass all solutions. So, let’s begin:

Contents show

1 A Checklist To Follow

2 Fix Airplay Sound Not Working On Samsung TV

3 Solutions For Airplay Not Working On Samsung TV (Mirror Screen And Other Problems)

4 Best Solutions To Fix Airplay Not Working On Samsung TV

4.1 1. Retry The Network Connection

4.2 2. Disable And Enable Airplay

4.3 3. Airplay Code Requirement Settings

4.4 4. Update Your TV’s Firmware

4.5 5. Updating The iOS

4.6 6. Disable The Auto Protection Time

4.7 7. Use The IP Remote

4.8 8. Try The IPv6 Workaround

4.9 9. Try Some DNS Diagnosis

4.10 10. Try Changing Connection’s Bandwidth

4.11 11. Try To Update The Router

4.12 12. Try Disabling The Firewall

4.13 13. Reset Samsung Smart Hub

4.14 14. Factory Reset Your TV

5 Conclusion – Airplay Not Working On Samsung TV Series 8 And So On

A Checklist To Follow

Before you try the solutions below, give this checklist a try. Often, the solution comes in the simplest form. If none of these work, then move ahead to the solutions offered below:

  • Make sure that your Samsung TV is compatible with Apple Airplay. You can check the supported devices on the official Apple Website.
  • Restart all the devices. Make sure to remove the power cable and then plug them back in. Then, restart all the devices. This goes for Apple, Samsung, and other products connecting via AirPlay. Often, restarting works wonders.
  • Sometimes, Bluetooth can interfere with the Airplay’s connectivity. Check and disable Bluetooth on the devices. See if this solves the issue. If not, you can go ahead and pair the devices again via Bluetooth.
  • Make sure that you’re not using a VPN. A VPN service can often make the devices unable to sync. That is due to the different server connections. The same goes for the router. If you don’t have a similar connection, you might run into problems.
  • So, make sure to restart your router. Ensure that connectivity is intact. If needed, use the devices without any extender.
  • On a side note, ensure that antivirus or firewall isn’t hindering connectivity. None of the network security apps should interfere with the connectivity.

Fix Airplay Sound Not Working On Samsung TV

Airplay works on various mirroring options. If your video is not working, check for video mirroring if that option is available for you. Similarly, if your sound is not working, you might want to check the sound mirroring option:

  • Go to the Settings of the TV and the sound option. Find Expert Settings and Enable Sound Mirroring from there.
  • Make sure to enable Bluetooth and connect your device as well.

Make sure also to check the volume functions of your devices. For instance, the volume of your Samsung TV and the host device. They shouldn’t be tuned down or muted.

Solutions For Airplay Not Working On Samsung TV (Mirror Screen And Other Problems)

  1. Retry The Network Connection
  2. Disable And Enable Airplay
  3. Airplay Code Requirement Settings
  4. Update Your TV’s Firmware
  5. Updating The iOS
  6. Disable The Auto Protection Time 
  7. Use The IP Remote
  8. Try The IPv6 Workaround
  9. Try Some DNS Diagnosis 
  10. Try Changing The Connection’s Bandwidth
  11. Try To Update The Router
  12. Try Disabling The Firewall
  13. Reset Samsung Smart Hub
  14. Factory Reset Your TV

Best Solutions To Fix Airplay Not Working On Samsung TV

1. Retry The Network Connection

There’s an option available for you to retry the network status in most Samsung TVs. It works like a diagnostic tool and solves any hiccup with the connection. You might be unable to connect with Airplay due to some network errors. So, this is worth giving a try:

  • Go to the Settings of your Samsung TV. Select the General Settings and find the Network option.
  • In there, you will see Network Status. Click on it. Then find the ‘Retry’ button. It should be among the options. Select it and wait for the Network.
  • Now, reconnect the WiFi for both devices. This means your Apple Device (iPhone or whatever) and the Samsung TV.

See if the Airplay is working fine.

2. Disable And Enable Airplay

We’ve all tried various restart, turn off and turn on solutions. These work for almost every connectivity issue, like Bluetooth. The same applies to Airplay. There is an entire Airplay option on Samsung TV. It is worth toggling.

In simple terms, you can fix a temporary issue or error by re-enabling the Airplay on your TV’s settings:

  • Once again, go to the General Settings of your Samsung TV.
  • Find and open the Apple Airplay Settings from the list.
  • See if you can find the Disable Button. Sometimes, you have to select the Airplay, and then it will show the button.
  • Click on Disable and restart your devices. After that, navigate back to the settings and enable Airplay.

This will help you solve almost any temporary connectivity issue. As stated, this is like restarting Bluetooth, WiFi, and other functions of the devices.

3. Airplay Code Requirement Settings

There are two options for most devices to use Airplay. The first is to provide a Code every time. Another is to provide a password. If the code requirement of your Airplay isn’t at the correct settings, you will run into the problem. This includes the inability of Airplay to work with the Samsung TV. So, make sure to follow these steps:

  • Go to the General Settings on your Samsung TV and find the Apple Airplay Settings.
  • There, you will find the ‘Require Code’ settings. You can see if there is Every Time option, One Time option, and such. If you set it to Every Time, you will have to insert a new code every time to connect.
  • See if you have a one-time option. Then you’ll just have to provide the code once and be done with it. If you want to enhance the security, you can also select the ‘Use Password Instead’ option.

Once you’re done with the settings, reset the paired devices. It would mean that you would have to repair the devices. That’s fine! Once you’re done with this, it will be easier for you.

4. Update Your TV’s Firmware

This solution should’ve been at the top of the list. But there were some others for you to try first. After the little checklist, you can finally move and update the firmware.

Why is this necessary? Firmware is basically like an operating system update for TVs and devices. The same will apply to your iPhone devices. You have to make sure that you have up-to-date devices at all times. This will take care of most of your issues and errors.

So, if you ever run into any incompatibility-based issues, update.

  • Go to the Samsung TV’s settings once again. This time, select the Support option.
  • There, you will find a Software Update Option. You will either have an option to ‘Check’ or ‘Update Now.’ Select whichever is available.
  • If any update is available, make sure to download and install it.

Go to your iPhone or Apple Device and check for the updates there as well. Once done, re-pair the devices and see if this solves the issue.

5. Updating The iOS

As mentioned above, you need to update your host device as well. Your host device could be an Apple TV, Mac, iPhone, or something else. Thus, it will have either firmware or iOS. You should make sure to update if. This guide will help you in updating the device if you don’t know how to:

  • For iOS users. All you need to do is go to Settings and find the General options. There, you will find a Software Update option.
  • For Mac users. You need to go to the System Preferences. The software update option is among the options of the System Preferences. Go ahead and select it and check for updates. Make sure to click Update Now if there are updates.

Once you update your host devices, reconnect with Airplay to Samsung TV and see if it works.

6. Disable The Auto Protection Time

The Auto Protection Time is a screen saver feature of Samsung TV. If your screen is on the same image for too long or not doing any activity, it can activate. As a result, your Airplay can get disconnected. This solution is not for the Airplay not working, but for Airplay disconnecting. With that in mind, here is what you need to do:

  • You need to disable the Samsung TV Auto Protection Time. For this, you have to go to the Settings of your Samsung TV. Then, find the General tab and access System Manager.
  • There, you will find the Auto Protection Time on the list of options. You might have to scroll down. Set it to Disable once you find it.

Now, check if you still run into the Airplay disconnecting or not working issues on your TV.

7. Use The IP Remote

There are some versions of Samsung TVs that need the IP Remote feature. That’s how they will work with Airplay. For this, you will have to enable the IP remote:

  • Once again, access the General Settings of your TV.
  • Go to the Network option and then into the Expert Settings.
  • Inside the Expert Settings, you will find IP Remote. Click on it and make sure to enable it.

8. Try The IPv6 Workaround

Alright, so this is a slightly risky option. IPv6 Protocol of your connection exists for extra security. It masks your original IP address and prevents hackers or anyone from finding the real IP. Exposing real IP can lead to problems. But, we can’t forget the times when we didn’t have IPv6.

Sometimes, the encryption of IPv6 interferes with the security of Airplay. This goes for the network issues. If you’ve tried other Network Solutions but still can’t seem to fix them, you can give this a try. All you need to do is:

  • Go to the General Settings of your TV once again and access the Network Settings.
  • In the Expert Settings, you will find the IPv6 Protocol. Go ahead and disable it. As your Samsung TV isn’t browsing the internet but just using Airplay, disabling IPv6 is fine. You won’t run into many risks.
  • Try to connect the Airplay now. If it is still not working, disable IPv6 on your Apple devices (Host Devices), as well. Then, retry the connectivity.

9. Try Some DNS Diagnosis

Many people tend to overlook the importance of a DNS server. A DNS server is essential for seamless connectivity to a website. This also goes for applications and other connectivity options via a network.

So, if you’re running into problems where you can’t connect to Airplay, this is worth giving a try:

  • Once again, go to the Network Settings of your Samsung TV. You can use the above-given instructions to ensure. Next, go to the Network Status.
  • Find the IP Settings option, and you will find DNS settings among the list. Open it and try the Google DNS.
  • Google DNS is one of the best options available. It can help you connect to most servers easily. So, once you click to Enter DNS manually, add these values:
  • Once you apply and save changes, restart your TV. Make sure to reconnect the Airplay and see if this solution solves your issue.

10. Try Changing Connection’s Bandwidth

The latest network connectivity comes with 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz settings. 5 GHz is a new high-speed setting. It allows the data to travel much faster but cuts down the range. Meanwhile, 2.4 GHz has a range and lower speed.

It is still primarily tolerable for things like Airplay. You can go ahead and give the settings a change. For instance, if it is on 5 GHz, you can swap it to 2.4 GHz. This can help with range and connectivity. How to do it? Follow these steps:

  • Typically, you will have to go to the Router’s Settings. For this, you will have to find out the default IP address.
  • Try:
  • If that doesn’t work, run the command prompt of your PC while connected to the WiFi.
  • Type: ipconfig. Hit enter.
  • Among the list of details, find the ‘Default Gateway.’ That is the web portal for your Router’s settings.
  • You might also have to find out the Admin login credentials of your Router. It is usually available with the manual. If you can’t find it there, contact customer support or search for it online.
  • Once you visit the settings, log in with Admin credentials.
  • After that, you will have to find the settings, and it should be in something called Wireless or Bandwidth. There, you can find the option for 5GHz and 2.4 GHz. Switch back to 2.4 GHz and save the settings.
  • Now, restart your Wifi router, your devices, and everything. Reconnect and see if Airplay is working. Ensure that you connect to the 2.4GHz option and not the 5 GHz option.

Some routers come with both 5, and 2.4 connectivity enabled. You can find them in the options. In that case, you won’t have to go into the settings. You can just connect to the 2.4 GHz option. See if that works. You might also have to set the password and such.

If this doesn’t work, you can also try a wired connection for your Samsung TV. Use the ethernet cable and see if you receive any solution to the Airplay connectivity.

11. Try To Update The Router

It is a rare case, but possible. You might have to update the firmware of your Router. Why? Because it might not be working in sync with the devices. As a result, it could be causing the incompatibility issue. It is a good idea to keep the router up to date. Here are the instructions:

  • Once again, go to the Router’s settings. For this, use the instructions given above (in the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz Solution).
  • Log in as the Admin and check to see if you can find anything related to updating. It could be a Software Update or a Firmware Update. Make sure to check and update, then apply the changes.

If you’re unsure of these instructions, contact support. Getting support for your Router or internet connection is a good idea. Those professionals can help you update the router better.

12. Try Disabling The Firewall

This solution works if you’re using a Mac. We all know that a Firewall is an excellent protection tool for network connections. But there can be a time when it fails to allow a specific app or access. In such cases, you can end up with Airplay not working on Samsung TV error.

This happens because the Firewall on either device failed to grant access. It would be acceptable to disable the Firewall and see if that solves the issue. If it does, then you can access the individual Firewall settings and see if you can manually grant access:

  • For your Mac or iOS device, you need to go to the Security And Privacy Option. In Mac, you will find it in Preferences. Then, find the Firewall and click the Padlock. You will have to provide your Admin password for this.
  • There, you will find the ‘Block All Incoming Connections’ option. Make sure to disable it.
  • Next, you will have to enable ‘Automatically Allow Built-in Software to Receive Incoming Connections.’ Once done, make sure to save the settings.
  • If that solves the issue, great. Otherwise, you can disable the Firewall as well.

13. Reset Samsung Smart Hub

Most Samsung TVs come with a Samsung Smart Hub. It allows you to download various Third-Party Apps. The Smart Hub also allows you to use Airplay as it is not a Samsung Product. There’s a considerable possibility that Samsung Smart Hub isn’t working if you can’t use Airplay. This also applies to any inconvenience with other third-party apps.

As a result, you might have to reset the Smart Hub and see if that solves the issue. Before doing so, make sure to back up any critical data, files, and credentials. Resetting a Samsung Smart Hub is the same as resetting the entire TV.

  • Go to the Settings of your TV and find the Support Option. In there, you will find a Device Care Option.
  • Find Self Diagnostics among the list of options. Access it and find the Reset Smart Hub. It might prompt you to provide a password or PIN, whichever you have set.
  • Once you go through, you will have to wait patiently.

Samsung TV will reset, and you will have to set up everything again.

14. Factory Reset Your TV

Resetting Smart Hub is like resetting the device, but not entirely. It won’t change the updates, among other things. If you have some built-in error like Firmware corruption, it won’t fix it. As a result, you can reset your Samsung TV as a last resort. For that:

  • Once again, go to the Settings > Support > Self Diagnostics. But this time, select the Reset option. You can also find this option in General if not in the Self Diagnostics.
  • Provide it the password or PIN, whatever it asks for. Then wait for the device to reset.

Now, wait for the TV to reset and set it up again. If this doesn’t work, check the SmartThings App by Samsung.

Conclusion – Airplay Not Working On Samsung TV Series 8 And So On

Before using Airplay and screen mirroring, make sure that your Samsung TV is compatible. There is an Airplay 2 app available now. So, always keep your devices, internet connection, and apps up to date. That’s how you will take care of most problems.

Hopefully, you found a solution to the problem. If not, some FAQs are given below that can help you out further. This was the ultimate guide to fixing Airplay not working on Samsung TV. You can also use these tips for other apps like Peacock Airplay not working on Samsung TV. 

How do I make my Samsung TV discoverable for AirPlay?

Just navigate to Settings (All Settings), select General (Connection on 2022 TVs), and then select Apple AirPlay Settings. You will find the following options: AirPlay: Selecting this option will turn the AirPlay feature on and off.

Why is my smart TV not showing up on AirPlay?

Try these steps first Make sure that your AirPlay-compatible devices are turned on and near each other. Check that the devices are updated to the latest software and are on the same Wi-Fi network. Restart the devices that you want to use with AirPlay or screen mirroring.

Why is AirPlay not working on my TV?

If AirPlay is not working make sure that your iOS device is close to the Apple TV and check that both devices are on the same Wi-Fi network first. If for some reason this doesn't help, try restarting both your Apple TV and your iOS device.

Why is my Samsung TV not showing up to cast?

If you're trying to watch by casting to your Samsung Smart TV, using our mobile Android app, but the Android can't "see" or connect with your Samsung TV, here are solutions to the most common issues: Devices are not on the same WIFI network. Permissions not granted. Devices are too old.


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