When do your taxes have to be paid

Personal income tax in Singapore is based on a progressive structure. Find out what which income types are taxable and how the income tax applies to you as a resident vs non resident.

Personal income tax rate in Singapore is one of the lowest in the world. In order to determine the Singapore income tax liability of an individual, you need to first determine the tax residency and amount of chargeable income and then apply the progressive resident tax rate to it. Key points of Singapore income tax for individuals include:

  • Singapore follows a progressive resident tax rate starting at 0% and ending at 22% above S$320,000.
  • There is no capital gain or inheritance tax.
  • Individuals are taxed only on the income earned in Singapore. The income earned by individuals while working overseas is not subject to taxation barring a few exceptions.
  • Tax rules differ based on the tax residency of the individual.
  • Tax filing due date for individuals is April 15 of each year. Income tax is assessed based on a preceding year basis.

  • Individuals resident in Singapore are taxed on a progressive resident tax rate as listed below. Filing of personal tax return for tax resident is mandatory if your annual income is S$20,000 or more. Tax residents do not need to pay tax if your annual income is less than S$20,000. However, you may still need to file a tax return if you have been informed by Singapore tax authority to submit your tax return. Note that additional earned income relief is also given to further reduce the tax payable depending on age. 

    Resident Tax Rates

     Chargeable Income Rate (%) Gross Tax Payable ($)

    On the first 20,000

    On the next 10,000





    On the first 30,000

    On the next 10,000





    On the first 40,000

    On the next 40,000





    On the first 80,000

    On the next 40,000





    On the first 120,000

    On the next 40,000





    On the first 160,000

    On the next 40,000





    On the first 200,000

    On the next 40,000





    On the first 240,000

    On the next 40,000





    On the first 280,000

    On the next 40,000





    On the first 320,000

    In excess of 320,000




    Non Resident Tax Rates 

    Type of Income Non-resident individual tax rate / withholding tax rate from YA 2017

    Director's remuneration


    Income derived from activity as a non-resident professional (consultant, trainer, coach, etc.)

    15% of gross income or 22% of net income

    Income derived from activity as a non-resident professional (consultant, trainer, coach, etc.)

    10% concessionary rate (No change)
    Other income e.g. rental income derived from a Singapore property 22%

    SRS withdrawal by a non-citizen SRS member


    Interest, royalty etc.

    Reduced final withholding tax rate (subject to conditions) as follows:
    Interest: 15%
    Royalty: 10%


    22% if reduced final withholding tax rate is not applicable.

    Pension 22%

     Source: IRAS

    Different income tax rules apply in Singapore depending on the tax residency status of the individual.

  • Tax residents pay taxes on their chargeable income as per the resident tax rate table above. The chargeable income (i.e. income subject to taxation) for tax residents is determined as below:


    Total income means

    • gains or profits from carrying on any business, trade, profession or vocation either as a sole proprietor or partner in a partnership
    • gains or profits from any employment
    • dividends, interests, investment income
    • rents, royalties, premiums and other profits arising from properties
    • exclude qualified income earned overseas (more details provided later in the guide).

    Expenses means

    • qualified employment related expenses
    • qualified rental related expenses

    Donations means

    • donations to qualified charitable organisations

    Personal Reliefs means

    • special personal reliefs such as eligible course fees, earned income relief, parent relief, etc.

    Chargeable income is this adjusted income after deductions from the total income (as shown in the picture above).

  • You are considered a non-resident for tax purpose if you are a foreigner who stayed or worked in Singapore for less than 183 days in the tax year. As a non-resident, you will be taxed as below:

    • Your employment income is exempted from tax if you are here on short-term employment for 60 days or less in a year. This exemption does not apply if you are a director of a company, a public entertainer or exercising a profession in Singapore. Professionals include foreign experts, foreign speakers, queen’s counsels, consultants, trainers, coaches etc.
    • If you are in Singapore for 61-182 days in a year, you will be taxed on all income earned in Singapore. You may claim expenses and donations to save tax. However, you are not eligible to claim personal reliefs. Your employment income is taxed at 15% or the progressive resident tax rate (see rate table above), whichever gives rise to a higher tax amount.
    • Director fees and remuneration, consultant fees and all other incomes are taxed at a range of 15% to 22%. 

  • Filing your tax return is a yearly obligation for every eligible taxpayer. All completed forms must be submitted to Singapore tax authority by the 15th of April.

    You do not need to pay tax if your annual income (applicable for tax residents only) is less than S$22,000. However, you may still need to file returns if you have been informed by tax authority to submit your tax form. Even if you do not have any income in previous years, you still need to declare zero income in your tax form and submit by 15 April (paper) or 18 April (e-filing). It is compulsory for you to file tax returns if your annual income is S$22,000 or more.

    You can choose to file your returns online or by mail. IRAS will send you the appropriate paper tax form, upon request, the online form will be available from 1 March every year.

    • For tax resident individuals – Form B1
    • For self-employed – Form B
    • For non-resident individuals – Form M

    You will be subject to penalties for late filing or not filing. IRAS might also take legal actions against the individual for non-filing of tax return or non-payment of the tax.

    After you have filed your returns, you will receive your Notice of Assessment or tax bill in May to September. The tax bill will indicate the amount of tax you have to pay. If you disagree with your tax amount, you need to inform the Singapore tax authority within 30 days from the date of your tax bill and state your reasons for objection.

    You need to pay the full amount of tax within 30 days of receiving your Notice of Assessment. This is regardless of whether you have informed tax authority about your objection. If your tax remains outstanding after 30 days, penalties will be imposed.

  • Generally, overseas income received in Singapore on or after 1 Jan 2004 is not taxable. This includes overseas income paid into a Singapore bank account. You do not need to declare overseas income that is not taxable.

    There are certain circumstances, however, in which overseas income is taxable:

    • It is received in Singapore through partnerships in Singapore.
    • Your overseas employment is incidental to your Singapore employment. That is, as part of your work here, you need to travel overseas.
    • You are employed outside of Singapore on behalf of the Singapore Government.

    You need to declare the qualified taxable overseas income under ’employment income’ and ‘other income’ (whichever applicable) in your tax form.

  • All gains and profits derived by you in respect of your employment are taxable, unless they are specifically exempt from income tax or are covered by an existing administrative concession. The gains or profits include all benefits, whether in money or otherwise, paid or granted to you in respect of employment. Examples of taxable benefits received from your employer:

    • Car provided by employer
    • Reimbursements of medical and dental treatments for dependants other than yourself, your spouse and children
    • Overtime payments
    • Per diem allowances (daily allowance given to employees on overseas trips, out of Singapore, for business purposes), provided the amount is in excess of acceptable rates
    • Fixed monthly allowance for transport or if mileage on private cars are reimbursed
    • Fixed monthly meal allowance

    Note however that some of the non-cash benefits (e.g. accommodations) are taxed using special formulas resulting into a lower taxation on these benefits-in-kind. Thus, a properly structured compensation package (i.e. salary plus benefits in kind) for the executives can help reduce their individual tax liability in Singapore. Further details on this are outside the scope of this guide.

  • Capital gains may refer to “investment income” that arises in relation to real assets, such as property, financial assets, such as shares or bonds, and intangible assets such as goodwill. Singapore does not impose any capital gains tax.

    Inheritance tax is a tax that you have to pay when you die which comes out of the financial estate that you leave behind. In Singapore, it is commonly referred to as Estate Duty. Estate Duty in Singapore has been abolished with effect from 2008.

Require assistance with your personal taxes?

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How long do you have to pay taxes?

File by April 18, 2022 for most taxpayers Taxpayers may also request a six-month extension to file by October 17, 2022, to avoid penalties and interest for failing to file on time. Though automatic tax-filing extensions are available to anyone who wants one, these extensions don't change the payment deadline.

When I will have to pay tax?

Any Indian citizen aged below 60 years is liable to pay income tax if their income exceeds 2.5 lakhs. If the individual is above 60 years of age and earns more than Rs. 3 lakhs, they will have to pay taxes to the government of India.

How do I know I need to pay taxes?

Not everyone is required to file or pay taxes. Depending on your age, filing status, and dependents, for the 2022 tax year, the gross income threshold for filing taxes is between $12,550 and $28,500. If you have self-employment income, you're required to report your income and file taxes if you make $400 or more.

What month is to pay taxes?

When to file. If you're a calendar year filer and your tax year ends on December 31, the due date for filing your federal individual income tax return is generally April 15 of each year.


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