When do you go to doctor after positive pregnancy test

You’ve just taken a pregnancy test – and it’s positive. You’re pregnant. Congratulations! You’ll have many questions going through your mind right now – and you’re probably wondering how quickly you need to make an appointment to see your doctor.

As soon as you know you’re pregnant, call your doctor and schedule in your first prenatal (or antenatal) appointment.

Most women like to make an appointment fairly soon after they find out they’re pregnant. If this is your first pregnancy, it’s likely you’ll want to see a doctor straight away.

Most doctors recommend that, as soon as you’re ready, booking in to see a GP should be one of the first steps you take when you find out you’re pregnant. You can make an appointment online right now by finding your preferred practice here.

If, like most other women, you have a long list of questions you want answered immediately, don’t hesitate to phone the practice. The staff will be happy to talk through any concerns that you may have about your pregnancy before your appointment.

When to visit the doctor immediately about your pregnancy?

You should call your doctor immediately if you experience any of the following symptoms:

  • Vaginal bleeding
  • Excessive headaches and nausea
  • High fever
  • Itching all over your body
  • Pain during urination
  • Sudden swelling of face, hands or feet
  • Have a chronic health condition

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What will the doctor do at your first appointment?

At your first prenatal GP appointment, your doctor will ask you to take another pregnancy test to confirm your pregnancy and may also request blood tests as well. Your doctor will discuss your prenatal care options and considerations, including whether you will choose public or private healthcare, and which hospital you’d like to have your baby at.

You’ll be given plenty of information and resources as well as pamphlets and leaflets to help you decide on your care options and research your pregnancy health in detail. Your doctor will also discuss your prenatal health management and what you should avoid, including dietary considerations.

If you decide to have your baby as a private patient, your doctor will be able to give you a referral to the obstetrician of your choice. If you don’t have private health insurance or choose to have your baby in the public system, you’ll be informed of your options, which include shared care, midwifery teams and GP care.

How accurate are home pregnancy tests?

Home pregnancy tests (HPTs) can be quite accurate, depending on a few factors. Firstly, the directions must be properly followed and also remember to check the expiration date on the test. Also, testing a urine sample first thing in the morning may improve the accuracy of the test.

What if your family doctor isn’t available?

Some doctors, particularly those who are in high demand or who are only working part-time, can be booked out up to one week in advance. If your family doctor isn’t available immediately and you don’t want to wait, consider making an appointment with another local doctor. He or she will be able to confirm your positive pregnancy test and help to answer any initial questions or concerns that you may have.

Next steps

If you have recently taken a pregnancy test and received a positive result, it’s time to make an appointment with your GP. HealthEngine can help you find and book a convenient appointment with your local family doctor or another family-friendly GP at a practice near you.

  • Search for your family’s doctor and book an appointment
  • Find a GP and book an appointment


  • Pregnancy, Birth & Baby – Australian Government support and information service
  • HealthDirect.gov.au – pregnancy advice
  • Australia.gov.au – Starting a family

This article is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. If in doubt, HealthEngine recommends consulting with a registered health practitioner.

All content and media on the HealthEngine Blog is created and published online for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition. Never disregard the advice of a medical professional, or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this Website. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor, go to the nearest hospital emergency department, or call the emergency services immediately.