When do i start producing milk while pregnant

If you find your breasts leaking during pregnancy, it means your body is getting ready to feed your baby. That liquid is colostrum, the perfect first food for your newborn. As your body's hormones work to regulate milk production, you may find drops of colostrum in your bra, most commonly in the final weeks of pregnancy. Leaking nipples are rarely cause for concern, but if you're bothered by them, simply tuck a couple of nursing pads inside your bra and thank your body for doing its job!

What is colostrum?

Colostrum is a high-protein, antibody-rich liquid that your body produces for your newborn. It's sometimes called "foremilk" because it comes in before mature breast milk. Because it's the perfect first food for your baby, it's sometimes called "liquid gold."


  • Provides ideal newborn nutrition
  • Protects against infections
  • Is easily digested
  • Has a laxative effect that helps clear meconium from an infant's gastrointestinal tract (which in turn reduces the risk of jaundice)
  • Helps establish a healthy gut microbiome

What does colostrum look like?


Colostrum looks like a clear, creamy white, yellow, or even orange liquid (orange is due to beta carotene content). It's often thick, though it can be thin, and it's sometimes a little sticky.

“From Colostrum to Breast Milk - 4241” by Amada 44 is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0

More mature breast milk is more creamy looking and white or bluish-white in color. Mature milk comes in (in greater quantity) around the third or fourth day after giving birth.

When do expecting moms start producing milk?

Pregnant moms start producing small amounts of colostrum as early as three or four months into pregnancy. (You may have noticed your breasts becoming bigger before that, as your milk glands increase in number and size.) Sometime in your second trimester, your milk duct system is fully developed, so that you can make milk for your baby even if he or she arrives early.

Learn more about how your body makes breast milk.

Is it a problem if my breasts leak during pregnancy?

Leaking nipples are not a problem or unusual during pregnancy. Your body is simply getting ready to feed your baby, and your hormones are at work.

Until you give birth, the hormones estrogen and progesterone will keep you from actively producing much milk. But at the same time, the hormone prolactin becomes active, especially during the last trimester. Prolactin helps your body produce milk and is responsible if you leak a little colostrum.

Some women leak a few drops of colostrum as early as the second trimester, but it's more common during the final weeks of pregnancy, if at all. If you do leak, you may notice small yellow or orange dots on the inside of your bra cups.

The leaks can happen at any time, or you may notice your nipples leaking when they're stimulated – during sex, for example, or if they've rubbed against your bra while exercising or walking.

Tell your caregiver if:

  • You're leaking more than a few drops of colostrum at a time, or there's a sudden increase in the amount you're leaking.
  • There is blood in the colostrum
  • The colostrum is thick

None of these are necessarily worrisome, but it's a good idea to check with your doctor because they could be signs of a clogged milk duct.

Is it okay if I don't leak colostrum?

Don't worry if you don't leak any colostrum. That's perfectly normal, too, and your baby will be able to get the colostrum when he or she breastfeeds.

If you're curious, you can probably hand express a little colostrum in your third trimester. While most lactation experts say it's safe to do so, some studies have suggested a possible association with preterm labor and/or mastitis. To be safe, don't express if you have any risk factors for preterm labor. And don't try until you're at least 37 weeks pregnant.

How to cope with breasts leaking during pregnancy

Breast leaks during pregnancy are usually very minor and easy to handle. If they bother you, though, you can tuck nursing pads inside your bra, and avoid nipple stimulation.

Rest assured that if your breasts are leaking during pregnancy, it's a sign that your body is doing exactly what's necessary to get ready for your baby's arrival.

If you plan to breastfeed your baby – and especially if this is your first time breastfeeding – you might enjoy reading our article on getting started breastfeeding. It'll tell you how often to nurse, how to get comfortable, whether you need a special diet, what problems you might encounter, and where to get help.

Learn more:

  • Breastfeeding during pregnancy
  • Third trimester checklist
  • 7 common pregnancy aches and pains
  • Third trimester prenatal visits


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