What to mix with castor oil for hair

September 9, 2022

For Silky, Soft and Fast-Growing Hair

After years of bleach and sun damage, my hair became incredibly dry. I tried every drugstore serum and treatment before I started Earth To You not knowing that they smelt nice but coated my hair in silicone so it felt good to touch – Gave me a sense of healing but as soon I stop using them I found that nothing was actually healing my hair and everything went back to how it was. So, I came up with this recipe.

Inspired by ancient traditions and powered by plants, this is the ultimate hair mask for those who want to nourish with natural. Argan and Castor Oil come together to be the perfect remedy. When combined, the two seed oils work to actually heal the hair from the root to the tip. While Argan targets dryness and delivers a boost of vitamins and nutrients to the hair, Castor is naturally reparative and encourages healthy growth. The result is soft, silky and nourished hair that grows longer and stronger.

This recipe is highly recommended if you have:

  • Bleached hair

  • Extremely dry ends, or dry hair in general

  • Dandruff

  • Or, are suffering from hair loss

You Will Need…….


Good for: Stimulating the scalp and nourishing the hair for healthy, thick, long locks.

Organically grown and cold-pressed in India, Castor is known for its deeply nourishing qualities. First used by Ayurvedic practitioners as a healing and curative remedy, the oil still has its place in any modern medicine cabinet. Rich in naturally occurring vitamins and minerals, Castor Oil penetrates the scalp to promote blood flow therefore increasing growth and thickening hair.


Good for: Repairing damage and rehydrating the hair for silky and soft locks

Grown and harvested by an inspirational co-operative of women near Agadir, Argan rehydrates hair to restore natural shine. Intensely nutritious and packed with antioxidants, the oil was traditionally used as a remedy for hair damaged in the heat of the African sun. Argan has softening and restorative qualities that feed the scalp with Earth’s natural goodness. 

Our single ingredient, unrefined oils are completely organic. From the earth they’re grown in, to the bottles they’re stored in - there is no chemical intervention. Free from harmful and toxic ingredients such as hexane, silicone and sulphates – Earth To You Oils are pure and high quality to retain as much of the plants innate healing properties as possible.


Mix 1 part Castor Oil with 2 parts Argan Oil into a small bowl.⁠ Depending on the length of your hair, start small, pour as needed and mix it well.


There are so many hair care blends that you can try with castor oil. This oil is so versatile, it can be mixed with oils, serums, shampoos, conditioners, and other hair care products. These blends are effective, easy to make, and requires very few ingredients. Couple it with effective hair care tips and you can transform dry and dull hair into soft and shiny tresses.


There are a lot of essential oils that you can mix castor oil with. However, Jojoba Oil and Argan Oil are two of the most suitable choices to complement this blend. Jojoba oil contains vitamins E and C that hair needs to stay strong. Argan oil, on the other hand, is a moisturizing oil that helps strengthen strands so they don’t break easily. Combine them in a simple castor oil recipe and you get a mix that helps promote the growth of nourished and hydrated hair strands.

Our top 2 picks to combine with Castor Oil include:

  • Jojoba Oil
  • Argan Oil


  1. Mix equal parts of castor oil and jojoba or argan oil in a small amber glass bottle.
  2. Take a few drops of the oil and gently massage on scalp and hair.
  3. Do this at night 2-4 times a week.


Coconut oil and castor oil are both carrier oils that you can mix with other essential oils for profound results. After adding the carrier oils, the essential oils become diluted and easier to apply on hair and skin. Both oils contain hair-nourishing ingredients that give you softer and smoother strands. Try this simple castor oil recipe and see the difference after just a few uses.

Add Castor Oil and Coconut Oil in 1:1 ratio in a container. Mix vigorously until they are well combined.  


    After mixing them well, heat the oil mixture for 30 seconds. Do not expose to direct heat. Be careful not to let the mixture boil.

    1. Apply the mixture on the scalp by massaging gently. Comb through the strands to spread it evenly.
    2. Wrap hair with a shower cap and a warm towel for 3 hours. Let the recipe work its magic on your hair.
    3. Rinse thoroughly using lukewarm water. Use castor oil shampoo and conditioner for best results. 


    Castor oil is one of the best all-natural hair conditioners you will ever use. This conditioning hair mask helps replenish the moisture on your scalp and tresses.

    • 2 tbsp Castor Oil
    • 1 tbsp Glycerin
    • 1 tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar
    • 3 beaten eggs


    1. Mix all of the ingredients in a bowl and massage on dry hair.
    2. Make sure to cover your hair from roots to tips.
    3. Place a plastic wrap or shower cap on your tresses and then wrap a towel over it.
    4. Let the mixture sit for 2 hours.
    5. Rinse thoroughly with water. Use castor oil shampoo and conditioner for best results. 


    You can create this blend with three ingredients or just stick with two. This works to make the hair appear fuller and shinier. It also promotes the growth of stronger tresses.

    • Castor Oil
    • Rosemary Oil and/or Almond Oil


    Mix equal parts castor and rosemary and/or almond oil. Apply on your scalp at night a few times a week for great results. You may also let the mixture sit overnight to help the scalp heal from damage.


    Castor Oil promotes eyelash growth and make them appear longer and fuller. It provides moisture and is an effective alternative to expensive eyelash lengthening treatments. With continued use and proper diet, you get longer, thicker eyelashes and may not need to use mascaras anymore.

    • ½ part Castor Oil
    • ¼ part Vitamin E
    • ¼ part Almond Oil


    1. Mix these natural essential oils in an amber colored glass bottle.
    2. Use a mascara wand or applicator to cover the lashes with this oil blend.
    3. Apply daily see a difference in the length and thickness of your eyelashes.
    4. You may also apply the oil mix at night and leave on overnight.

    You can also try our Castor eyelash serum, to achieve fluttery and thicker lashes without wasting anytime. 


    Honey is a known humectant that attracts and retains moisture. Apply it on your  hair to get naturally soft, shiny tresses because of the added moisture. Combine honey with castor oil and coconut oil to get a moisturizing, all natural hair recipe.

    • Castor Oil
    • Coconut Oil
    • Honey


    Combine equal parts castor oil, coconut oil, and honey. Massage mixture onto hair and cover with plastic. Then wrap your head in a towel and leave on for 1-2 hours. Rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water. Use Shea Butter Shampoo to lock in moisture further. 


    You cannot avoid hair damage no matter how hard you try. The best thing you can do to help minimize damage is to use a hair repair mask. This castor oil recipe helps your scalp and tresses heal from hair damage. It restores natural hair oils and prevents further weakening of your strands.

    • 2 tbsp Castor Oil
    • 2 tbsp Olive Oil
    • 2 tbsp Coconut Oil
    • 2 tbsp Honey
    • 1 Egg
    • 1 tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar


    1. Mix castor oil. olive oil, coconut oil, and honey into a mixture.
    2. Heat the mixture for a minute while stirring gently.
    3. Remove from heat and let cool for a while.
    4. Add the egg and apple cider vinegar. Make sure to create a smooth blend for this hair mask.
    5. Apply on scalp and hair and wrap in shower cap or plastic. Cover with a towel.
    6. Leave the solution on for 45 minutes to 1 hour. Rinse thoroughly.


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    What is the best oil to mix with castor oil?

    There are a lot of essential oils that you can mix castor oil with. However, Jojoba Oil and Argan Oil are two of the most suitable choices to complement this blend.

    How do you mix castor oil for hair growth?

    Take two tablespoons of castor oil and mix it with two tablespoons of onion juice. Blend the two and apply the mix. Massage it and leave it on for about two hours. Rinse it off with lukewarm water and shampoo.

    What is the best way to use castor oil on hair?

    To use castor oil for hair growth, apply a few drops to your scalp and massage it in. You can also apply castor oil to dry hair as a hair mask. Rub the oil into your hair, then cover your head with a shower cap for around two hours. Wash well with shampoo and style as usual.

    What can u mix with castor oil?

    Mix it with other oils Castor oil is a thick and viscous oil, so mixing it with other oils may make it easier for you to apply and spread it throughout the hair evenly. It can be mixed with lighter oils like olive oil, sesame seed (til) oil, sunflower oil or coconut oil.


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