What to eat before morning workout for weight loss

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Best foods to eat before working out at the gym!

Any good diet or weight loss expert will tell you that the key to losing weight faster is a mix of good dietary practices and enough exercise and workout. All it takes to lose weight faster is make small changes in your diet and lifestyle. However, for you to see results, you will have to make consistent efforts day in and day out. There are certain foods that you can eat before and after you work out, that will help you burn fat faster. These foods enhance the effect of the work out and exercise and support fat burn and muscle development by giving the body all the essential nutrients at the right time.

Eating right before hitting the gym is extremely important as your body uses several nutrients while you’re sweating it out to the best of your abilities. These foods are capable of improving your stamina and endurance, and prevent any muscle damage during the work out. One should ideally eat about 15 to 30 minutes before heading to the gym, so that there’s enough time for the food to be digested and for the nutrients to be metabolized and utilized by the body, during exercise. ALSO READ: Foods to Eat After Gym: 6 best and yummy post-workout foods

You pre-workout foods must be mostly comprised of foods that are rich in carbohydrates as your body converts stored up glycogen, to give you energy for working out, during exercise. Hence, if you are feeling drained or are frequently left with little energy to be able to work out, it’s probably because your diet is low on carbohydrates. When you have enough carbs to bank on during work out, you will be able to exercise harder and needless to say, it will lead better fat burn. These foods also make it easier for you to recover faster, post-workout. ALSO READ: Best Foods to build Stamina: Top 10 foods to eat for improving stamina and endurance

These are the top five foods to eat before working out, to help burn fat faster:

1. Banana

Bananas are one of the best pre-workout foods ever. The super fruit is full of easily-digestible carbohydrates that serves as fuel for the body, and potassium which is great for maintaining muscle and nerve function. The body doesn’t store potassium for very long, so a medium, sized banana is ideal before work out, as it keeps the nutrient levels of the body at optimum levels. Bananas are especially important for people who work out in the morning, as it works as a high-power pre-workout food. ALSO READ: Best foods for Flat Abs: Top 5 foods to eat for super sexy abs in no time!

2. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is rich in fiber, which means the food will release carbohydrates in the bloodstream slowly over the course of the next hour. However, they’re light enough to not cause bloating or gas, which is obviously bad when you’re trying to give your all during a workout. The steady stream of carbs keeps the energy levels high all throughout the workout. Oats are also a rich source of Vitamin B, which helps convert carbohydrates into energy. So you can go ahead and help yourself to a filling bowl of oats, about half an hour before the workout, and give it all you have in the gym. ALSO READ: Tricks to Eat Healthy in 2017: Top 5 easy and practical ways to eat healthier in new year

3. Yogurt with fruits

Fruits are high in carbohydrates and the yogurt is packed with proteins. The mix is great as a pre-workout snack, as proteins take time in breaking down and converting to energy. The carbohydrates from fruits like apples, is metabolized at a much faster rate and hence, serves as fuel for the body during exercise. The proteins are then utilized for preventing muscle damage after the work out. ALSO READ: Best Food Pairings for Weight Loss: Top 5 super food pairs to loose weight faster

4. Whole Grain crackers or toast

Whole grains are packed with fiber and carbohydrates. A piece of whole grain toast is enough to keep you going throughout your high power workout. You can add a little honey to the toast or probably a hard-boiled egg for the much-needed protein in the mix. If you’re opting for whole grain bread sandwich during lunchtime and then hitting the gym, your energy requirements will be higher. At this time, you can add some lean meats to the sandwich, to enhance the protein supplying properties of the meal. ALSO READ:  Vegetarian Diet to get Aamir Khan’s Dangal Body: Top 10 protein-rich vegetarian foods to help athletes bulk up

5. Nuts and Dried Fruits

Protein bars with dried fruits are the perfect pre-workout snacks. Dried fruits are packed with more fiber and carbohydrates than fruits. Carbs in dried fruits are easily broken down and converted to energy. You can also grab a handful of nuts like peanuts, pistachios, almonds and cashew nuts for the much needed energy boost, before heading to the gym. In that case, you won’t even need to wait as much as in the case of other foods, as nuts are easily digestible.

What should I eat before workout in the morning for weight loss?

An energy bar..
A banana, an apple or other fresh fruit..
A fruit smoothie..
A whole-grain bagel or crackers..
A low-fat granola bar..
A peanut butter sandwich..
Sports drink or diluted juice..

Is morning workout good for weight loss?

Morning is considered to be the best time for workout, especially when physical activity is done in the morning on an empty stomach. In the morning, the biological profile of the body speeds up metabolism which is a good sign for losing weight.

What should I eat before working out to lose belly fat?

Foods that may help you fuel up before a workout include:.
Whole grain toast with unsweetened peanut or almond butter..
Oatmeal with nuts..
Orange juice (unsweetened, 200 mL).
Berry smoothie..
Low-fat yogurt with diced fruits or granola..

Should I workout before or after breakfast to lose weight?

It depends. For low-intensity exercise where your main goal is to burn fat, consider working out before you eat breakfast. This is called a “fasted workout”. For high-intensity exercise where your main goal is to improve performance or gain muscle, consider eating breakfast before working out.


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