What purpose did the introduction to the declaration of independence serve

Short And Direct Answer:The Introduction Part Tries To Serve The Justification of The 13 North American Colonies’ Colonists’ Rights For Declaring Independence From The Autocratic Rule of Great Britain To Protect Their Natural Rights.

As Thomas Jefferson Drafted In The Historical Document, Those Natural Rights Are Life, Liberty, And The Pursuit of Happiness.

What purpose did the introduction to the declaration of independence serve

If you want to know the United States Declaration of Independence document, then try to understand what its introduction part tries to serve.

So, the question is, what does its introduction part try to serve?

There is one main thing: The justification of declaring complete political independence of the 13 North American colonies from Great Britain. Primarily for the protection of the American people’s natural rights.

But what those natural rights are that they were trying to protect?

They are none other, but as the Declaration of Independence’s introduction described, they are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

That’s it.

[Did You Know? Natural Rights’ Philosophy Is The Harvest of Enlightenment Era. Philosophers John Locke, Thomas Hobbes Were The Most Influential Profounders of This Philosophy]

Description – The Introduction Part of The Declaration of Independence

The Declaration’s introduction part explains some important things regarding the 13 colonies’ independence and human beings’ natural rights.

First, it wants to describe which leading causes pushed the 13 British North American colonies to fight the Revolutionary War and declare independence from their mother country.

Secondly, the introduction also explains that every human being on the planet of earth, born with some unanimous natural rights.

These rights are eternal, which can’t be ignored, destroyed, or taken away from them under any condition.

These rights are god’s gifts to the human race, and all humans are born with them equally.

To protect and develop these unanimous rights, humans form their governments or states.

All these mean that the people of a country are the actual source of its power and they form the government (or states) to protect their rights.

Hence if the government (no matter what is their form)tries to take away or demolish these rights from its people, it becomes the right of the people to dissolve that kind of government from the system and form a new one.

The authority of Great Britain was trying to abolish these natural rights of the American colonists by imposing complex rules and regulations on their heads.

This was why the 13 American colonies had to fight the Revolutionary War against Britain and declare complete political independence.

So, I hope you have got the answer to why and what purpose did the introduction to the Declaration of Independence tries to serve.

What purpose did the introduction to the declaration of independence serve

What Was The Primary Reason That Government Can’t Abolish People’s Natural Rights?

Far before, at the beginning of human history, we humans lived in the state of nature where governments, kings, or states had no existence.

But as time progressed, people’s thinking started becoming complex.

At this point, physically powerful people became tyrants and started dominating weak people for their own benefits.

These tyrants became destructive of other people’s life, liberty, and ways to pursue happiness.

But as we know, we human beings are progressive animals; we always keep finding a way when there seems to be no way.

So, humans also did find out a solution to this problem.

Finally, to get rid out of the tyrannies of the physically powerful tyrants, weak people collectively put their power into the hands of one single authority.

From the authority, these people also took the oath of certainty that they would protect their life, liberty, and happiness from the attack of the tyrants.

With the evolution of human societies, these authorities became kings, governments, and states.

Now, our question is why government or king can’t abolish people’s natural rights under any circumstances?

The answer is obvious –

Because people are the actual source of the government’s or king’s power, they establish them to protect their natural rights.

Therefore it is the government’s or king’s primary duty to protect it, but not abolish or destruct.