What pain reliever can you take with prednisone

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  • Centers for Disease Control: Wash Your Hands

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Diseases and Injuries

How Do I Mix Prednisone With Tylenol?

Written by Roseanne Omalacy

27 July, 2017

Fact Checked

It is important to know which medications can be used together, to avoid serious adverse reactions or even death. According to Drugs.com, prednisone and Tylenol can be taken together as long as the person monitors for adverse effects 1. Because Tylenol works in a completely different way than prednisone, they do not compete with each other once inside the body. Prednisone is a powerful anti-inflammatory, used for conditions such as arthritis, skin diseases and asthma. Tylenol is a pain reliever and fever reducer available over the counter.

Is This an Emergency?

If you are experiencing serious medical symptoms, seek emergency treatment immediately.

Talk to a doctor or pharmacist about your particular condition and how mixing Tylenol and prednisone will affect you. Be sure to tell him all of the supplements you are using, including herbal supplements and over-the-counter treatments. It is always better to be safe when dealing with medications, especially one as powerful as prednisone.

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Search reputable sites such as the Centers for Disease Control and the Federal Drug Administration to find information on these medications 23. Combining medications can be dangerous if you don’t do your research. Some websites will even allow you to search for drug interactions for up to three medications at a time. The Physician's Desk Reference is now available online.

Eat a small meal a half hour before taking Tylenol and prednisone 1. Tylenol, also called acetaminophen, can cause stomach upset in some people when taken on an empty stomach. According to MedicineNet.com, you should always eat something before taking prednisone, because it increases your chance of stomach lining irritation and can even cause ulcers 2.

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Wash your hands before opening any bottle of medication 3. The Centers for Disease Control states that hand washing is the best way to prevent illness and infection, but it is often the most overlooked step 3. Hand washing is especially important when taking prednisone, because prednisone lowers your resistance to bacteria and viruses. Hand washing will prevent the transfer of possible infection from your hand to the medication, which you put in your mouth.

Take the dose of Tylenol as stated on the container and never more than recommended unless advised to do so by a doctor. Take the exact dose of prednisone as prescribed by your physician. Swallow both medications with a full glass of water to prevent choking or digestion issues.

Monitor for adverse effects, because every person’s chemistry is different, and your reaction may be different from the normally reported effects. Prednisone is a powerful corticosteroid with a higher risk of side effects than Tylenol. Fluid retention, stomach upset, excessive thirst and headaches are common side effects of prednisone and should be monitored carefully.

Report any adverse reactions to your doctor immediately. Emergency adverse reactions include: vomiting dark brown liquid, black stools, seizures and bone pain. These symptoms are uncommon, but seek immediate medical treatment if any of these reactions occur.


If taking prednisone with water irritates your throat, it can be taken with milk instead.


Taking more than the recommended amount of Tylenol in a 24 hour time span, can greatly increase your risk of liver damage.

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  • Drugs: Drug Interactions Between Prednisone and Tylenol
  • MedicineNet: Medications and Drugs
  • Centers for Disease Control: Wash Your Hands


  • If taking prednisone with water irritates your throat, it can be taken with milk instead.


  • Taking more than the recommended amount of Tylenol in a 24 hour time span, can greatly increase your risk of liver damage.

Writer Bio

Roseanne Omalacy became a published author and freelance writer in 2006. She is the author of several novels and has been published with Literary Partners Group, Alyson Publishing and "Scarlet Magazine." She is a Pittsburgh health and relationships columnist, holds a bachelor's degree in nursing from Pennsylvania State University and has over 15 years of nursing experience.

Can I take ibuprofen while on prednisone?

Don't take anti-inflammatory painkillers (NSAIDs) like aspirin, ibuprofen or naproxen while you're taking prednisolone, unless they've been prescribed by your doctor. This type of painkiller may increase the risk of side effects on the gut, such as stomach ulceration and bleeding.

What drugs should not be taken with prednisone?

Common medications that may interact with prednisone include:.
antibiotics, such as clarithromycin, erythromycin, rifabutin, rifampin, or troleandomycin..
anticholinesterases, such as neostigmine, or pyridostigmine..
anticoagulants (blood thinners) such as apixaban, dabigatran, fondaparinux, heparin, or warfarin..

Can I take Advil or ibuprofen with prednisone?

by Drugs.com There is a moderate interaction between Ibuprofen and prednisone. It should only used together on the instruction of a Doctor, and needs to be used with caution together especially if you are prone to stomach upset including stomach ulcers and bleeding.

How much Tylenol can you take with prednisone?

“As long as you're not taking any other acetaminophen-containing products and don't have any liver issues or injuries, you can safely take 4000 milligrams per day [in divided doses],” she says.