What is your spirit pokemon test

Pokemon - there are tons of quizzes out there about which Pokemon you are. But this one, it doesn't have only starters and Pikachu. No, this one WILL tell you your absolutely TRUE Pokemon. Are you ready to be Poke'-Analyzed?

Which Pokemon are you? You will figure out TRULY with this quiz! Which of the thousands of Pokemon are you? You will soon know, when you take this quiz! So take it!

Created by: sorentheowl

  1. You have some really boring math homework that you have to do. What do you do?
    • Just do it.
    • Skip over the stupid questions that are too hard or guess.
    • Don't do it.
    • Get some help.
    • I'm brain dead when it comes to math... But nothing else, I am GREAT at everything else.
    • Cry.
  2. If you went to detention, what would you do or what would it be for?
    • For throwing a pie at some dork's face and cussing at him.
    • I'd escape while nobody's watching.
    • For trying to ditch at gym.
    • I would just stay there.
    • For not doing my homework.
    • Cry.
  3. Which pair of words best describes you?
    • Emotional and bipolar XP
    • Creative and calm :)
    • Control freak and hyper o.O
    • Strong and alone B)
    • Stubborn and pessimistic D8
    • Sensitive and crybaby :,(
  4. What element do you feel is more powerful?
    • Fire that burns in my soul!
    • Earth, it's cool.
    • Air is nice.
    • Water is cool.
    • THUNDER!
    • Nothing, they all could hurt me.
  5. Which, out of these, would you rather have?
    • Comics!
    • Freedom.
    • No more crybabies.
    • Alone time.
    • Friends.
    • A teething ring.
  6. What would you say if a friend asked you if their outfit made them look fat and it did?
    • No, it makes you look huge. Go put on something else before I vomit.
    • Of course not, you look great!
    • Yes.
    • Eh...sort of, but not enough to notice.
    • YES you look terrible... But I know what would make you look better! *Throws pie at face*
    • No, you look fine.
  7. Which store would you most likely go to and for what?
    • Publix, for groceries.
    • The comic store, for comics.
    • The prank store, for pranking people.
    • The camping shop, for adventuring items.
    • The video game store... I think you know why.
    • Nowhere, for nothing.
  8. What is your favorite animal?
    • Pig
    • Ape
    • Lion or other big cat
    • Wolf or other wild dog
    • Lizard
    • Pikachu
  9. What are your favorite types of colors?
    • Fiery colors (red, yellow, orange)
    • Icy colors (pale blue, white, silver)
    • Earthy colors (brown, gold, green)
    • Electric colors (static blue, yellow, gold)
    • Grassy colors (green, camo, brown)
    • Pale colors (white, pink, baby blue)
  10. How was this quiz? No effect on results.
    • Awesome!
    • Great!
    • Good.
    • OK
    • Bad

Next ยป Questions in vertical order


A friend has recently told you they no longer want to keep your friendship. You have been friends for years.What do you do?

Accept their feelings, then make them some cookies.

Accept their feelings, then moan to your other friends about how rotten he/she is.

Plot your revenge immediately.

Understand, then vow to make it up to them somehow.

Do whatever you must to save the friendship. You WILL NOT let this go. Friendship is very dear to you.

Devise a smart comeback of some sort, and move on.

End the friendship there with no regrets.

Make a new friend the next day.

Brainstorm things you can do to get he/she back.

Begin to chat casually about the fun times you two had.

Think about what a good friend he/she was.


You win the lottery! What do you do with the money?

Find ways to trick people to get even more!

Use it to bribe the government.

Buy an expensive house to live in.

Set it aside for my career/dream.

Give it to my family and friends.

Buy books to fill a grand library.

Keep it all to myself, don't tell anyone about it.

Spend it on an awesome trip/vacation.

Spend little bits on small things.

Use it to host the party of the year.

Pay people to hang out with me.

Shopping spree! Buy lots of shiny things.


What is your favorite color?


You are walking along a dark alleyway. Suddenly, you are jumped by a shady guy! You have one hundred dollars in your bag, a small knife, some rope, a pack of chewing gum, and a bag of groceries.What do you do?

Offer to cook a meal for him. He looks hungry and sad!

Surrender, then at the last moment get away with your stuff AND his.

Take out the small knife and inflict... damage.

Run to the police. Demand they do an investigation immediately to find who the shady guy is.

Run away, then vow to find whoever he was and make him suffer later.

Give him the money and leave with style.

Swing the bag of groceries at him like a boss!

Politely plead him not to harm you, then offer the gum.

Bind him with the rope and leave him there. He deserves it.

Stare at him until he gets creeped out and begs you to leave him alone.

Devise a foolproof, sufficient plan to rid of him quickly.

Give him a good punch in the face. The proceed with a couple kicks, and a smack for good measure.

Think about all possible options, than promptly become immobilized by fear.

Strike up a friendly conversation.

Try to persuade him to let you join him on his thieving adventures.


What is your favorite hobby out of the given?

Looking after young children.

Writing poetry. Usually the sad kind.

Perfecting a sport/video game/craft.

Spending time with those I love.

Contemplating the existence of life on other planets.

Hanging with my friends, going places.

Talking with a stranger/teacher/friend/family/my cat.

Trying to make new friends.

Being thankful for all I have.


You are at a party.Where do you go, what do you do?

Leave immediately, before he/she finds me.

Fooling people with my magic tricks.

Arguing over someone's terrible music taste.

Playing a game with friends.

Observing everyone from a distance.

Isolate myself on the porch.

Attempting to drown in the punch bowl.

I've already left for another place.

Wandering around absentmindedly.

I wouldn't be at a party... I have no friends.

Rocking an amazing outfit.


Pick an item.

A glittering pink diamond.


What words do you 'connect' with?

Sneaky, witty, charming, shine.

Rage, champion, storm, pain.

New, feeling, thoughts, sense.

Revenge, poison, sorrow, sweet.

Noble, rising, contemplate, world.

Vivid, cold, justice, righteous.

Free, sky, soar, horizon.

Rest, calm, fluffy, possibilities.

Conversations, exchanging, bubbles, greetings.

Dreaming, create, ideas, life.

Bright, sun, crystals, glitter.