What is the difference between carbonated water and sparkling water


Drinking water is obviously important, and it should be a simple task. But then you go to the water aisle in the grocery store and there are about 97 different types of water staring back at you. If you’re trying to be a lil’ fancier than usual, you might decide to spring for a nice bottle of bubbly water, but again—so many different types. It can be confusing.

So, time to sort this out once and for all. Another name for bubbly water is carbonated water, and there are four main types: sparkling water, club soda, seltzer, and tonic water. They are each unique, and they each have their own purpose.

Once you get the hang of this, you will never again have to aimlessly browse the water aisle for 10 solid minutes.

Sparkling water is for fancy people

LaCroix, Topo Chico, and S. Pellegrino are three common examples of sparkling water. Sparkling water is also known as sparkling mineral water, because it’s naturally carbonated and contains a variety of minerals from the spring or well from which it’s sourced. That’s why different brands of sparkling water each have their own taste, and LaCroix fans battle with Topo Chico fans like they’re on Game of Thrones.

If your goal is to hydrate, sparkling water is a great choice. Sparkling water hydrates just as well as non-carbonated water, but it tastes fancier, because it’s often flavored (and also more expensive). It has a more delicate taste than other carbonated waters, so it’s best enjoyed alone rather than as a mixer.

Club soda is for cocktails

Club soda’s name is a bit deceptive, because it’s not sweetened and it doesn’t taste at all like soda. Like sparkling water, club soda (also known as “soda water”) is basically just water full of bubbles and minerals.

The main difference between sparkling water and soda is that sparkling water is naturally carbonated and mineral-rich, while club soda is not. Club soda’s bubbles come from an injection of carbon dioxide, and the minerals are added by the manufacturer. Again, the exact minerals depend on the brand, and they affect the flavor, so each brand of club soda has a slightly different taste.

You could drink club soda on its own, but it’s more commonly used as a cocktail mixer, like the vodka soda that somebody somewhere is ordering right now from a bar.

Seltzer is for everything

Seltzer is quite similar to club soda. It’s water that has been injected with CO2 to create carbonation. But there's one key difference between seltzer and both sparkling water and club soda: seltzer does not contain any added minerals, so it has a much plainer and milder taste.

Thanks to its bland flavor profile, seltzer is the perfect canvas for added flavors like citrus. It’s good to sip for hydration or to enjoy the flavor. People often use it to soothe an upset stomach, though that particular benefit is likely just an old wive’s tale. Because seltzer and club soda are similar to each other, seltzer is also a common substitute for club soda in cocktails.

Tonic water is also for cocktails

There’s one last type of carbonated water, and it’s quite a lot different from the others. Tonic water is like club soda—carbonated water with added minerals in it—but it also contains a small amount of quinine, which gives it its signature bitter taste. Unlike other carbonated waters, tonic water is typically sweetened with sugar or high fructose corn syrup to improve its taste. It’s almost exclusively used for cocktails, like gin and tonics.

Whew! So many carbonated waters to choose from. Did all this knowledge make grocery shopping any easier? Hopefully. Good luck out there.


Writer Bio

Kim Wong-Shing is a writer, lipstick junkie, and plant mama in New Orleans. She grew up in Philadelphia and went to Brown University. She's previously written about wellness, beauty, pop culture and other topics for LittleThings, NaturallyCurly, Lifehacker, HelloGiggles, Wear Your Voice Magazine, and other publications.


Finding ways to drive hydration in your workplace can be difficult, but it’s a necessity to keep your customers and guests happy while ensuring your employees maintain peak performance. However, offering regular water might not be enough to promote proper water intake throughout the day. That’s why organizations are quickly considering carbonated beverage options — to support hydration levels and help employees ditch the midday soda.

Read on to learn more about your options for carbonated water and why you might start offering these drinks in your workplace.

Do you know the difference between seltzer and sparkling water? Take our quiz to find out! 

If your organization has been considering offering carbonated water at work, you’re not alone. In fact, the global sparkling water market size is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.6% until 2028, per a report from Grand View Research. Choosing carbonated beverages for your workplace not only puts you in good company, but also gives you plenty of options to choose from. When upgrading your plain water supply for something a bit more exciting, you might consider:

  • Sparkling water
  • Seltzer water
  • Club soda
  • Tonic water
  • Mineral water

But, what’s the difference between these options?

When it comes to choosing the fizzy water that your employees, guests, and consumers will love, you might be wondering what exactly makes these options different. These choices are unique in their own ways, however, the differences are generally inconsequential. Some note the variation based on where the carbonation comes from — whether it’s naturally occurring or added in — but this isn’t always the best way to differentiate them. A few unique characteristics to bear in mind include:

  • Seltzer water: This drinking water option is carbonated with carbon dioxide — meaning the carbonation is added later. You can enjoy it plain or consider flavored seltzer water in a variety of natural flavors.
  • Sparkling water: Sparkling water is unique from seltzer water in that the carbonation can be naturally occurring or from pressurized carbon dioxide. This bubbly beverage is also available plain or in delicious flavors.
  • Tonic water: Tonic water is typically considered the most unique out of the options, as it’s more like soda than water. Keep in mind tonic water is the only carbonated drink of the group that contains calories and is generally sweetened with sugar and quinine.
  • Club soda: This fizzy water option also involves added carbonation. Club soda in particular has a slightly saltier taste from ingredients such as potassium bicarbonate or potassium sulfate.
  • Mineral water: Mineral water is distinct because it can be both sparkling and non-sparkling. This drinking water is usually sourced from springs or wells that contain natural minerals including salts and sulfur compounds — which give the water its natural flavor.

How Beverage Options Impact Your Workplace Culture

Not only is the market for sparkling water growing, but it’s also an increasing interest for workers. In fact, millennials, specifically, are extremely interested in carbonated water options at work, per statistics from Social. This is typically associated with the growing trend of leading a healthier lifestyle among all age groups. As people around the world gradually shift to healthier, more innovative drinks, sparkling water will continue to be a top contender.

A key benefit of carbonated water is that it’s typically healthier than other drink options, especially when compared to soda. Soda is associated with several health impacts including tooth decay, diabetes, an increased risk of heart disease, and more, according to a report from Healthline. A sparkling water machine can help your employees avoid the afternoon soft drink, with high amounts of added sugar, for a carbonated beverage that’s significantly healthier and tastes just as good.

Delicious fizzy water can even provide your organization with a host of benefits along the way. These advantages include:

  • Increased hydration: One of the most essential benefits of bubbly water is the opportunity to improve hydration throughout your workplace. A step up from plain water, carbonated options can quickly bring your workplace hydration to the next level — which results in excess advantages as well.
  • Weight management: Carbonated beverages are generally associated with weight loss because they drive hydration while simultaneously keeping people away from drinks with added sugar or artificial sweeteners. As water intake increases, weight loss can follow.
  • Improved digestion: Sparkling water has also been found to relieve indigestion and constipation, per a report from Healthline. This is an effective way to help your employees feel their best.
  • Greater productivity: As a result of greater water intake at work, your organization is likely to see higher levels of productivity in your workforce. Employees that hydrate properly are generally more productive and engaged throughout the workday.
  • Higher satisfaction: Hydrated employees and customers are happy employees and customers. Proper hydration, and the benefits it provides, can significantly boost morale at your place of work.

Finding The Carbonated Beverage Option That’s Right for Your Business

Considering the growing interest in carbonated beverage options and the benefits they can provide for your workplace, sparkling water might be just what your business needs. However, there are a variety of machines in different sizes with unique offerings to consider when procuring your carbonated water machine.

When it comes to finding the machine that’s right for your business or industry, there are a few questions to ask yourself that might make the decision a bit easier:

  • Will your workplace prefer plain sparkling water or flavored options?
  • How many daily users do you expect?
  • How much space do you have available for a machine?
  • Does your space lend itself better to a countertop or freestanding model?

Obtain Your Sparkling Water Machine With Quench

If your business currently offers tap water or bottled water options, it might be time for an upgrade. When you’re ready to elevate your drinking water supply with carbonated beverages your employees, guests, and consumers will love, you can find the machine that’s just right for your business with Quench®. Explore our sparkling and specialty products, which include a selection of space-saving countertop and under-counter systems.

Choosing a machine with Quench comes with all-inclusive service to ensure your system is working properly year-round. This means your sparkling water machine will be serviced every other year, and a service technician will replace your CO2 cylinder bi-annually — you can even replace the cylinder yourself! While most machines require you to secure your own CO2, you can schedule a technician to switch out the tanks to guarantee the regulator is working. Click here to learn more about CO2 changes and sparkling water dispenser installations.

With our carbonated water dispensers, your organization has access to a variety of sizes and offerings — including flavored options with our Bevi 2.0 or Bevi Countertop machines. If you’re ready to bring great taste and delicious flavor to your drinking water supply, try our product finder to determine the machine that’s the right fit for your business or get a free quote to get started.

Take Our Sparkling Water Quiz!

Is carbonated water the same as sparkling water?

Carbonated water is water that has been infused with carbon dioxide gas under pressure. This produces a bubbly drink that's also known as sparkling water, club soda, soda water, seltzer water, and fizzy water.

Which is better carbonated water or sparkling water?

For people watching their weight, hydration is key. Sparkling water provides true hydration, and it's a much better option than drinking regular soda or even diet soda, which doesn't provide adequate hydration.

Is sparkling water a carbonated drink?

Sparkling water is from springs and is naturally carbonated. It includes minerals, such as sodium, magnesium, and calcium. Seltzer water is just plain water infused with CO2. Club soda is like seltzer water but has added minerals, such as potassium sulfate and sodium bicarbonate, among others.

Is carbonated water healthy?

No evidence suggests that carbonated or sparkling water is bad for you. It's not that harmful to dental health, and it seems to have no effect on bone health. Interestingly, a carbonated drink may even enhance digestion by improving swallowing ability and reducing constipation.


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