What is the difference between carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide

By Marketing on Mar 15 in Blog.

Carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide are often confused or used beside each other. But there is a big difference between carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. With the pandemic of COVID-19 and the prevention of aerosols being spread, ventilation has become a commonly used advice by doctors, governments and health organisations. The measurement of carbon dioxide (CO2) by CO2 meters has become a significant factor in the ventilation advice.

What is Carbon dioxide?

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a smell and colourless gas with a density of about 60% higher than dry air. Carbon dioxide is the gross formula of an inorganic connection between oxygen and carbon. Although carbon dioxide mostly comes in a gas structure, it also has a liquid and a solid form. CO2 can only be liquid if the temperature is below -78 degrees Celsius. Liquid Carbon Dioxide happens when Carbon Dioxide is dissolved in water. Without CO2, life on earth would not be possible.

More information about carbon dioxide? Read our blog on 3 things to know about carbon dioxide

What is Carbon monoxide?

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colourless, odourless, tasteless, flammable gas that is slightly less dense than air. Carbon monoxide is toxic to animals that use haemoglobin as an oxygen carrier (both invertebrate and vertebrate) when encountered in concentrations above 35 ppm. However, it is also produced in normal animal metabolism in low quantities and is thought to have some normal biological functions. In the atmosphere, CO is spatially variable and short-lived, having a role in forming ground-level ozone.

When exposed to too much carbon monoxide, you can have the following symptoms:

  • Headache
  • Lightheadedness
  • Weakness
  • Dizziness
  • Stomach ache
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Shortness of breath
  • Confusion
  • Blurred vision
  • Loss of consciousness

The difference between Carbon dioxide and Carbon monoxide

The difference between carbon dioxide (CO2) and carbon monoxide (CO) is that:

  • Carbon monoxide (co) is a flammable gas. Carbon dioxide is not.
  • Carbon monoxide (co) is a fatal gas for humans and animals.
  • Carbon dioxide (co2) is the gas that humans in- and exhale.
  • Both gasses are odourless, and cant be smelled

What is the difference between carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide

Carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide are oxides of carbon. The difference between carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide in the chemical structure is the number of oxygen atoms. Carbon monoxide has one oxygen atom and carbon dioxide has two oxygen atoms. Carbon dioxide is vital for our survival as it is a component of the carbon cycle. Carbon monoxide on the other hand is hazardous for humans. In this article, we discuss 12 differences between carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide.

  • Carbon oxide is one of the vital components of the carbon cycle.
  • It serves as a greenhouse gas.
  • It has one carbon and two oxygen atoms.
  • It is also referred to as dry ice with the molecular formula CO2.
  • It is obtained from the process of breathing, combustion of organic matter, volcanic eruption, wood, fossil burning.
  • It has a molecular mass of 44g/mol.

Carbon monoxide

  • It has a molecular mass of 28.01g/mol and formula CO
  • It has one carbon at and one oxygen atom which shares a triple covalent bond.
  • It is obtained from the smoke of cigarettes, running cards, charcoal burning, fossil fuels, oils, woods, volcanoes, cookers, water heaters, etc.
  • It is odorless, tasteless.
  • It is a toxic gas high-level exposure gets mixed up with blood-forming carboxyhemoglobin.

Difference between carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide

Difference       Carbon dioxide    Carbon monoxide 
Chemical structure It is a chemical compound consisting of one carbon and two oxygen atoms. It is a chemical compound that consists of one carbon and two oxygen atoms.
Color It is colorless and odorless at room temperature It is colorless and odorless gas
Origin It is present in the atmosphere of the earth It is human-made and it is not naturally present in the atmosphere.
Molecular weight Molecular weight is 44.1 Is much denser than CO. Molecular weight is 28.01
Bond type It is doubly bonded. It is triply bonded.
Solubility in water Soluble in water. Slightly soluble in water
Manufacturing It can be obtained by distillation from the air. Gas is exhaled with normal breathing. Its produced by little oxygen. It is obtained as a byproduct of burning fuels.
Flammability It’s non-flammable It’s flammable
Density 1.977 kg/m3 1.14 kg/m³
Test Carbon dioxide reacts with calcium hydroxide to produce calcium carbonate as a white precipitate. No test as such. You cannot see or smell it.
Uses It is used in the food industry(as propellant and acidity regulator ), oil industry, and chemical industry.
In fire extinguisher, added in oxygen for stimulation of breathing and to stabilize O2/CO2 balance in the blood.
It is used in metal and fabrication.
It is used in fuel gas mixtures with other hydrogen and other gases.
In chemical manufacture in acids, alcohol.
Toxicity It is poisonous at high doses A poison even at low doses

Are there any similarities between carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide?

Both carbon dioxide and carbon monoxides are binary compounds and oxides of carbon.

See Also

  • Monoatomic gas
  • Binary compounds
  • Gas properties and behaviour
  • Changing states of matter
  • Atoms
  • Difference between isotopes and isobars
  • Leptons


What is the difference between carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide

What is the difference between carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide

Which is worse carbon monoxide or carbon dioxide?

Carbon monoxide is a far more dangerous gas. Also referred to as the “Silent Killer,” carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless, tasteless, and non-irritating gas, so the early signs of poisoning are difficult to detect.

Do we breathe out carbon monoxide or carbon dioxide?

When we take a breath, we pull air into our lungs that contains mostly nitrogen and oxygen. When we exhale, we breathe out mostly carbon dioxide.

Do cars emit carbon monoxide or carbon dioxide?

For an internal combustion engine to move a vehicle down the road, it must convert the energy stored in the fuel into mechanical energy to drive the wheels. This process produces carbon dioxide (CO2).