What is my bmi if i weigh 210

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Calculate your Body Mass Index (BMI)
Body Mass Index, or BMI, is a measurement of body fat based on height and weight.  

It can be calculated using pounds and inches:  BMI = (weight in pounds x 703) / (height in inches x height in inches).

Or you can use the calculator below:

BMI Classification Health Risk
Under 18.5 Underweight Minimal
18.5 - 24.9 Normal Weight Minimal
25 - 29.9 Overweight Increased
30 - 34.9 Obese High
35 - 39.9 Severely Obese Very High
40 and over Morbidly Obese Extremely High

If you have a BMI of 40 or greater, or a BMI of 35-39.9 and also have an obesity related medical condition such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or sleep apnea, you may be a candidate for weight loss surgery.

BMI is a quick measure to determine if somebody is at a healthy weight. However, it can be controversial because it doesn't take overall health into account. For example, an athletic person could be considered overweight using the BMI metric. Type your numbers into the calculator above to calculate your BMI. Note that BMI is calculated the same for both males and females.


Obese BMI

At 5'1" and 210 Pounds your BMI is 39.67

BMI Scale

to reach an
overweight bmi classification.

Overweight BMI

158.8 lbs

to reach a
normal bmi classification.

Normal BMI

132.3 lbs

BMI Grading Table2 for Height 5'1"

Weight Weight Class
Below 97.9 lbs Underweight
97.9 lbs - 132.3 lbs Normal Weight
132.3 lbs - 158.8 lbs Overweight
158.8 lbs and Above Obese

If you were seeking a normal BMI weight of 132.3lbs, and you lost two pounds a week4, then you could reach a normal BMI in

39 Weeks

Or to be considered overweight, a goal weight of 158.8 lbs could be reached in

26 Weeks

Obese BMI Silhouette

The ideal weight range using the BMI for a male or female with a height of 5'1" is


97.9 lbs


132.3 lbs

How to Calculate BMI3 for 5'1" and 210 lbs

(5 x 12) + 1 = 61
(210 / (61 x 61)) x 703
= 39.674818597151
5 = foot | 1 = inch | 210 = weight lbs

  • 5 foot 1 = 61 inches
  • 5 foot 1 = 154.94cm
  • 210 pounds = 15 stone 0 pounds
  • 210 pounds = 95.25 kg
  • 210 pounds = 95254.4 grams

What is the BMI for a 5'1" and 210 lbs female? 39.67 BMI, Obese.
What is the BMI for a 5'1" and 210 lbs male? 39.67 BMI, Obese.
What is the ideal weight for a 5'1" female? Between: 97.9lbs and 132.3lbs
What is the ideal weight for a 5'1" male? Between: 97.9lbs and 132.3lbs
If I am 5ft 1in and weigh 210 lbs, is that a good weight for my height? Under the BMI classification, 210 lbs is classed as being Obese.

This Page is Calculated for the Following Height and Weight

Height: 5' 1, 5 foot 1, 5'1", 5 ft 1 in, 5 feet 1 inches.
Weight: 210 Pounds, 210 lbs.

Is this Healthy?1

BMI values have different meanings for different body shapes. A major limitation of the BMI is that the BMI value does not indicate the location or distribution of body fat, two factors which are important in heart health and diabetes. If you are at all concerned with your weight or health, consult a doctor or health professional.

Convert page to kg/cm


Obese BMI

At 5'2" and 210 Pounds your BMI is 38.41

BMI Scale

to reach an
overweight bmi classification.

Overweight BMI

164 lbs

to reach a
normal bmi classification.

Normal BMI

136.7 lbs

BMI Grading Table2 for Height 5'2"

Weight Weight Class
Below 101.1 lbs Underweight
101.1 lbs - 136.7 lbs Normal Weight
136.7 lbs - 164 lbs Overweight
164 lbs and Above Obese

If you were seeking a normal BMI weight of 136.7lbs, and you lost two pounds a week4, then you could reach a normal BMI in

37 Weeks

Or to be considered overweight, a goal weight of 164 lbs could be reached in

23 Weeks

Obese BMI Silhouette

The ideal weight range using the BMI for a male or female with a height of 5'2" is


101.1 lbs


136.7 lbs

How to Calculate BMI3 for 5'2" and 210 lbs

(5 x 12) + 2 = 62
(210 / (62 x 62)) x 703
= 38.405306971904
5 = foot | 2 = inch | 210 = weight lbs

  • 5 foot 2 = 62 inches
  • 5 foot 2 = 157.48cm
  • 210 pounds = 15 stone 0 pounds
  • 210 pounds = 95.25 kg
  • 210 pounds = 95254.4 grams

What is the BMI for a 5'2" and 210 lbs female? 38.41 BMI, Obese.
What is the BMI for a 5'2" and 210 lbs male? 38.41 BMI, Obese.
What is the ideal weight for a 5'2" female? Between: 101.1lbs and 136.7lbs
What is the ideal weight for a 5'2" male? Between: 101.1lbs and 136.7lbs
If I am 5ft 2in and weigh 210 lbs, is that a good weight for my height? Under the BMI classification, 210 lbs is classed as being Obese.

This Page is Calculated for the Following Height and Weight

Height: 5' 2, 5 foot 2, 5'2", 5 ft 2 in, 5 feet 2 inches.
Weight: 210 Pounds, 210 lbs.

Is this Healthy?1

BMI values have different meanings for different body shapes. A major limitation of the BMI is that the BMI value does not indicate the location or distribution of body fat, two factors which are important in heart health and diabetes. If you are at all concerned with your weight or health, consult a doctor or health professional.

Convert page to kg/cm

What is my BMI if I weigh 210 and 5 7?

BMI: 32.89 BMI is a quick measure to determine if somebody is at a healthy weight.

What is the BMI of a 210 pound person who is 5 feet 5 inches tall?

BMI: 34.95 Type your numbers into the calculator above to calculate your BMI.

How do I convert my BMI?

Formula: weight (lb) / [height (in)]2 x 703 When using English measurements, ounces (oz) and fractions must be changed to decimal values. Then, calculate BMI by dividing weight in pounds (lb) by height in inches (in) squared and multiplying by a conversion factor of 703.

What is my BMI if I weight 220?

Body Weight (pounds).


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