What if prostate cancer has spread to the bones

Prostate cancer bone metastasis

In the U.S., prostate cancer (PCa) is the third leading cause of cancer death among men. It is estimated that about 1 out of 8 men will be diagnosed with PCa, and nearly one in 40 will die from it. If left untreated, prostate cancer tumors will grow, become more aggressive, and begin to metastasize (spread) to other areas of the body.

When a man is diagnosed with PCa, the doctor determines the extent of the cancer:

  • Localized – the cancer is confined to the prostate gland and capsule (estimated at about 82% of newly diagnosed cases)
  • Regional – the cancer has spread beyond the capsule to nearby tissues, e.g. seminal vesicles, prostate bed, pelvic lymph nodes (estimated at about 10% of newly diagnosed cases)
  • Distant – the cancer has spread to distant lymph nodes, bones or other organs, and systemic treatments are used to control but not cure the disease (estimated at 3% or more of newly diagnosed cases)1

PCa cells have certain molecular factors that give them a “preference” for spreading to bone. This is called prostate cancer bone metastasis, or bone mets. At this stage, treatment has two goals:

  1. Systemic treatments such as chemotherapy, immunotherapy, targeted therapies, etc. are used to control and slow the cancer by reducing the amount of it in the body.
  2. Local treatments are used for symptom management, and to further reduce or “debulk” the amount of cancer by destroying local tumors as they develop.

Treating bone mets

Pain in the lower back, hips, or other location is commonly the first symptom of prostate cancer bone mets. Other symptoms include bone fractures, spinal compression, and elevated blood levels of calcium due to the cancerous tumors breaking down the structure of the bones. While systemic treatment will continue to prevent or slow further cancer spread, medication will be given to strengthen bones. In addition, pain management generally begins with drugs, and fractures are repaired if they occur.

Destroying bone mets with MRgFUS

If pain medication becomes ineffective, the patient’s medical team may recommend an intervention aimed at the bone lesion itself. Traditionally, surgery or radiation therapy were the only available methods to remove or try to destroy the lesion. However, surgery is invasive, and radiation therapy takes several weeks to take effect – if at all – while exposing patients to the effects of ionizing radiation.

Now there is a remarkable new approach to destroying prostate cancer bone mets and relieving the pain they cause. It is called MR-guided Focused Ultrasound (MRgFUS).

MRgFUS is a noninvasive treatment that ablates (destroys) bone lesions by applying intense heat. Following accurate MRI identification of the location and extent of a bone lesion, the high-resolution images are used to plan a precise ablation of the bone mets. MRI imaging guidance allows the targeted delivery of ultrasound (sound waves) to the lesion. The ultrasound “beams” are aimed at the tumor from numerous directions, and each one passes harmlessly through skin and other tissues. Then, when the beams converge, they generate a short blast of lethal heat at the point where they meet. This heat destroys (ablates) the bone mets at that site, and deadens the nerves that send pain messages to the brain. Not only does the MRI scan map out the treatment, it also uses a special technology called thermography to monitor the temperature and boundaries of the focused ultrasound. In this way, the doctor is confident that the lesion is destroyed while sparing adjacent healthy bone.

Within 3-7 days, most patients have significant pain reduction – in many cases, almost none.

Advantages of MRgFUS

Prostate cancer bone mets patients who are candidates for bone surgery or radiation are also candidates for MRgFUS. MRgFUS offers unique advantages:

  • Noninvasive procedure done inside the MRI equipment
  • No surgery, no risk of infection
  • No exposure to radiation
  • Outpatient procedure
  • Return to normal activity in a few days
  • Pain control results in a week or less
  • Competitive, if not better, results when compared with surgery and radiation
  • Significant pain relief that is as durable, if not more so, than radiation

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with prostate cancer bone mets, the Sperling Medical Group offers state-of-the-art MRI to scan for detection and diagnosis. If there are bone mets causing pain, our Center offers the Exablate MRgFUS to relieve pain that does not respond to medication. For more information, contact our Center, or visit our website.


Finding out that cancer has spread is never welcome news, but don't assume it's the worst news. The 5-year survival rate for prostate cancer that has moved into nearby parts of the body is nearly 100%. Here's what you should know about your treatment and what to expect going forward.

Containing Cancer

When this type of cancer spreads (your doctor may say it has metastasized), it tends to first show up in the tissues or lymph nodes that are closest to the prostate gland. If it's caught and treated at this point, which is known as "regional" stage, your odds of recovery are very good. If it travels further, the cancer usually ends up in your bones. At that point, the chances of survival drop to 29%.

Your doctor will talk to you about your best treatment options.

You may have already had surgery or radiation. Those treatments are sometimes used to target prostate cancer when it's still only in the prostate. When your cancer spreads, your doctor will most likely suggest hormone therapy. That usually means taking medication to lower the amount of androgen hormones (testosterone and DHT) in your body or prevent them from affecting cancer cells. 

A related but rarely used option is surgical castration. The doctor removes your testicles, where most of these hormones are made. If you don’t like the idea of losing them, the doctor can fit you with silicone sacs to insert into your scrotum. They’ll preserve the look and feel.

If hormone therapy doesn't work, you might move on to vaccine therapy. The prostate cancer vaccine is designed to kick-start your immune system so it attacks cancer cells. Or your doctor might suggest chemotherapy. It might be a medication you take by mouth, or something your doctor injects into a vein. 

If prostate cancer has spread to your bones, you'll likely need medication to ease your pain, lower the risk of fractures, and keep your body’s calcium levels steady. It can be dangerous if they go too high or too low. Your doctor might prescribe a drug to help keep your bones strong. You might take corticosteroids to control pain, probably along with a pain reliever. Which pain medicine you get could range from ibuprofen to morphine, depending on how bad your pain is.

Your oncologist might also send you forradiation therapy in an effort to lessen bone pain and kill off cancer cells in your bones.  Or they could inject you with a drug that gives off radiation. These medications are called radiopharmaceuticals.

Signs of Trouble

You might think you’d know it if your cancer has spread, but that's not always true. Most men with advanced prostate cancer don't have any symptoms.

This is why your follow-up doctor visits are important. You’re most likely to find out the cancer has spread if your doctor tests your blood and finds high levels of prostate-specific antigen, or PSA. They might also find it with a digital rectal exam or on an X-ray or other test. If you do have symptoms, they often include trouble peeing or blood in your urine. You might also feel very tired, short of breath, or lose weight without trying. 

You’re more likely to feel pain if the cancer has gone into your bones. Where it hurts will depend on which bones it affects. For instance, you might feel hip or back pain if cancer has spread into your pelvic bones.

Living With Cancer

No matter which treatments you decide to pursue, advanced prostate cancer is bound to take a toll on your day-to-day life. Loss of bladder control (incontinence), fatigue, and erectile dysfunction often go hand-in-hand with treatment. Men who have hormonal therapy may have hot flashes (similar to what many women have during menopause) or gain weight. Cancer that has spread to your bones can also be painful. 

Be sure to tell you doctor about any pain or side effects. There are a wide array of medications and procedures that can help you feel better.

Self-care is also important: Take naps to fight fatigue and try to do some light exercise, like walking, to keep your energy levels up. Being active can also help combat weight gain, especially if you add some strength training to your routine. Check with your doctor first to make sure it's safe for you to exercise. They may suggest you work with a physical therapist. 

How long can you live when prostate cancer spreads to bones?

35 percent have a 1-year survival rate. 12 percent have a 3-year survival rate. 6 percent have a 5-year survival rate.

Can you treat prostate cancer that has spread to the bones?

Men with prostate cancer that has spread to the bones may consider treatment that infuses a radioactive substance into a vein. Strontium-89 (Metastron), samarium-153 (Quadramet) and radium-223 (Xofigo) are medications that target fast-growing cancer cells in the bones, and may help relieve bone pain. Radiation therapy.

How long can you live when cancer spreads to bones?

Most patients with metastatic bone disease survive for 6-48 months. In general, patients with breast and prostate carcinoma live longer than those with lung carcinoma. Patients with renal cell or thyroid carcinoma have a variable life expectancy.

What happens when prostate cancer metastasis to the bones?

Patients with advanced prostate cancer often develop bone metastases, leading to bone pain, skeletal fracture, and increased mortality. Bone provides a hospitable microenvironment to tumor cells.