What else can i do in spanish

what else can I do?

translations what else can I do?

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  • ¡qué voy a hacer!

    What else can I do?

    ¿Y qué voy a hacer?

But what else can I do?

Pero, ¿qué más puedo hacer?

I'm going to report it to the police, what else can I do?

Tendré que ir a la policía, ¿no?

"Or she would say, ""What else can I do with the life I've got?"""

O que dijera: «¿Qué otra cosa puedo hacer con la vida que llevo?»

The way you treat her what else can I do?

De la manera que la tratas, ¿Qué más puedo hacer?

What else can I do...?

L ¿ Qué más puede hacer...?

I expected any of a hundred people to see through this farce, but what else can I do?”

Esperaba que mil personas distintas ya hubieran descubierto la farsa, pero ¿qué puedo hacer?

I'll take it back. What else can I do?

Si no quiere que la reemplace, ¿qué puedo hacer?

What else can I do?

¿Qué otra cosa puedo hacer!

Well, what else can I do but bide at home now?

Bueno, ¿qué otra cosa puedo hacer sino quedarme en casa ahora?

What else can I do?

¿Qué otra cosa puedo hacer?

What else can I do?

¿Qué más quiere que haga?

What else can I do after all this time?

¿Qué más puedo hacer después de todo este tiempo?

I give Chantal a big hug, because really, what else can I do?

Qué diablos, le doy a Chantal un abrazo, porque, al fin y al cabo, ¿qué otra cosa puedo hacer?

Yes, ma'am, what else can I do?

Sí, señora, ¿qué otra cosa podría hacer?

What else can I do, when my interrogator violates imperial policy?

¿Qué otra cosa puedo hacer cuando mi interrogador viola la política imperial?

Well, what else can I do?

I just made something unexpected

Acabo de hacer algo inesperado

Something sharp, something new

Algo punzante, algo nuevo

It′s not symmetrical or perfect

It′s not symmetrical or perfect

But it's beautiful, and it′s mine

But it's beautiful, and it′s mine

Bring it in, bring it in (good talk)

Tráelo, tráelo (buena charla)

Bring it in, bring it in (what else can I do?)

Tráelo, tráelo (¿qué más puedo hacer?)

(Let's walk) bring it in, bring it in

(Vamos a caminar) tráelo, tráelo

(Free hugs) bring it in, bring it in

(Abrazos gratis) tráelo, tráelo

I grow rows and rows of roses

Hago crecer hileras y hileras de rosas

Flor de mayo en el camino

I make perfect, practiced poses

Hago poses perfectamente practicadas

So much hides behind my smile

Mucho más escondido detrás de mi sonrisa

What could I do if I just grew what I was feeling in the moment?

¿Qué podría hacer si solo hiciera crecer lo que estaba sintiendo en el momento?

(Do you know where you're going? Whoa)

(¿Sabes hacia donde vas? Woah)

What could I do if I just knew it didn′t need to be perfect?

What could I do if I just knew it didn′t need to be perfect?

It just needed to be, and they let me be

Solo necesitaba ser, y ellos me dejaron ser

A hurricane of jacarandas

Strangling figs (big), hanging vines (this is fine)

Hileras enrredadizas, vainas colgantes

Palma de cera fills the air as I climb, and I push through

Palma de cera llena el aire mientras subo, y me abro paso

Palma de cera fills the air as I climb, and I push through— Diane Guerrero feat. Stephanie Beatriz

Can I deliver us a river of sundew?

¿Puedo entregarnos un río de rocío de sol?

Careful, it′s carnivorous, a little just won't do

Careful, it′s carnivorous, a little just won't do

I wanna feel the shiver of something new

Quiero sentir el escalofrío de algo nuevo

I′m so sick of pretty, I want something true, don't you?

I′m so sick of pretty, I want something true, don't you?

You just seem like your life′s been a dream (whoa)

You just seem like your life′s been a dream (whoa)

Since the moment you opened your eyes (how far do these roots go down?)

Desde el momento en que abriste los ojos (¿Hasta dónde llegarán estás raíces?

All I know are the blossoms you grow (whoa)

Todo lo que conozco son las flores que haces crecer

But it's awesome to see how you rise

Pero es asombroso ver como te levantas

Qué tan lejos me puedo levantar

Through the roof, to the skies, let′s go

Through the roof, to the skies, let′s go

A hurricane of jacarandas (woo)

Un huracan de jacarandas (woo)

Strangling figs (go), hanging vines (grow)

Hileras enrredadizas (vamos), vainas colgantes (crezcan)

Palma de cera fills the air as I climb, and I push through

Palma de cera llena el aire mientras subo, y me abro paso

What can you do when you are deeply, madly, truly in the moment?

¿Qué puedes hacer cuando estás profunda, loca y verdaderamente en el momento?

(Seize the moment, keep goin')

(Aprovecha el momento, sigue adelante)

What can you do when you know who you wanna be is imperfect?

¿Qué puedes hacer cuando sabes que quién quieres ser no es perfecta?

But I'll still be okay (hey, everybody clear the way, woo)

Pero estaré bien (et, todo el mundo abra paso)

I′m coming through with tabebuia (she′s coming through with that booyah)

I′m coming through with tabebuia (she′s coming through with that booyah)

Making waves (making waves), changing minds (you've changed mine)

Impactando (impactando), abriendo mentes (abriendo mentes)

The way is clearer ′cause you're here, and well, I owe this all to you

The way is clearer ′cause you're here, and well, I owe this all to you

What else can I do? (Show ′em what you can do)

What else can I do? (Show ′em what you can do)

What else can I do? (There's nothing you can′t do)

What else can I do? (There's nothing you can′t do)

Is there a Spanish dub of Encanto?

A Spanish-language version of the film, featuring an entirely Colombian cast, is playing in approximately 30 countries throughout Latin America and Spain. Much of the dub was recorded and produced in Colombia and features voice actors who are all new to Disney.

Is there a Spanish version of Encanto on Disney plus?

Considering where it's set, a Spanish-speaking country, it makes sense to release this movie, not just in English, but in Spanish as well. That's why it's so exciting that Encanto will be released in Spanish across the U.S. when it hits theaters on November 24, 2021.

Where can I watch Encanto en Espanol?

You can watch "Encanto" on Disney Plus starting December 24.

How do you spell the word Encanto?

charm [noun] (a) pleasant quality or attraction..
enchantment [noun] charm; attraction..
allure [noun] the quality of being exciting and attractive..
glamour [noun] the often false or superficial beauty or charm which attracts..